
Have you Seen this Crocodile?

"The year was 1997. The Playstation was experiencing a tremendously successful infancy, with games such as Resident Evil, Crash Bandicoot, and Final Fantasy VII exploring the 3D frontier with groundbreaking flare.

One year later, Spyro the Dragon would launch another nostalgic series led by a charming mascot. But somewhere between Spyro and Crash, one guileless crocodile was hopping around, collecting crystals, and rescuing furry critters. His name was Croc and his legacy was a short but potent one."

- Maxwell Coviello

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jlukee3965d ago

Croc was without a doubt one of my favourite childhood characters. I always remember the boat race!

MWH3965d ago

I liked croc and its music.

Killzoner993965d ago

They need to bring Croc back for the PS4. He is a Playstation icon and I think he is perfect to dethrone a certain fat plumber.

DrChickenII3964d ago

Honestly this game needs to be done again, even a HD version would be nice. Vita too!

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Former Argonaut CEO Wants To Bring Back Croc

TechRaptor writes, "Former Argonaut Software CEO Jez San says he'd like to bring back the Croc IP one day. The IP managed to spawn six games, with two main series installments alongside a Game Boy Color game and three mobile-only releases. It's lain dormant since the year 2001."

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Daeloki1425d ago

Croc was one of my very first PS1 games. I for some reason very specifically remember being confused about what language he was talking, and my dad being like "I dunno, Greece or something?". Also I remember being extremely frustrated about the controls for some reason.

BlackIceJoe1425d ago

I haven't heard of this game in at least two decades and I think now is the best time to bring him back. With the Platformer revival we are seeing in games, I'm always welcome to see more return. Hopefully this will happen soon.

nowitzki20041425d ago

I totally forgot about it til this article.

BlackIceJoe1424d ago

That tells you just how old we are and if I'm not mistaken Fox brought the game out back in the day too.

Relientk771425d ago

Do it. Bring Croc back on PS5.


5 Forgotten Video Game Mascots

Oscar Navarro:
"Throughout the course of video game history, we have seen many characters rise the ranks to become iconic mascots. We sometimes forget, however, that with those that have risen come those that have been lost to time. Many have tried to reach the heights of Mario and Sonic, but could never win the hearts of gamers quite in the same way. Today, we thought it would be interesting to discuss five mascots that sadly have fallen out of the limelight. Before we go any further, keep in mind that forgotten doesn’t inherently mean disliked. Surely some of you out there will hold some of these characters close to your hearts. Forgotten simply means that these mascots never really received the praise that their more famous competitors have. With that said, here are five forgotten video game mascots."

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PsOne Classics: Where’s my new Croc game?

As part of Pause Resume Q3 we’ve decided to look back on old PlayStation Classics that we feel need to be brought back. Alex Sodhi tells us why he want's a new Croc.

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FallenAngel19842518d ago

Argonaut Games is no more. Croc died with its developer

JackTheLiz2517d ago

The original Argonauts is gone, but like a bad horror sequel it's been reanimated from the dead. Along with Bubsy.

darthv722517d ago

I remember this game on Saturn. Really fun.