
Corsual LiveGuide: Age of Wulin 'Being Bad'

Corsual's EXP writes: "There are many ways for the evil of heart to enjoy Age of Wulin; as is traditional in sandbox MMORPGs with open world PvP, world events have two opposite and equal sides, and it's in understanding these sides that evil players can begin their reign of carnage.

Chiefly, there are 3 evil acts available to an AoW player: Kidnapping, Banditry and Murder. Kidnapping, which can be completed once per hour, involves hunting down offline players and selling them to NPCs. Banditry requires players to attack escorts, causing the escorting player to fail their mission but offering experience rewards for the bandits. Finally, murder, sees players attacking other players illegally across the world, and constables (good-aligned players) hunting them down to put them in prison. Murderers that exceed 9000 kill points will be publicly executed.

See it all in action in today's Corsual LiveGuide:"


The 3 most expensive cosmetic items in games ever

Most of us usually don’t like to spend our money on expensive in-game items, especially if they are only cosmetic. But sometimes we can afford to splurge a little, although likely not as much as the people who bought the items on this list.

A quick warning: there have been many more expensive in-game items sold (like Planet Calypso in Entropia), but since they had actual use and provided players with an added experience, we won’t be counting them today.

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1400d ago

5 Great F2P MMO Games on PC

Narayan at IGCritic writes "While at a glance it may seem as though all video games worth playing cost more than just the moths fluttering about the inside of your wallet, you just have to look a little harder to find those amazing free to play games."

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Age of Wulin Is Getting A New Expansion

Age of Wulin's new expansion, called "Chapter 7: Awakening", features 5th Internal Skills, new challenging activities and more.

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