
Magic: Duels of The Planewalkers 2014 Review | Laser Lemming

Laser Lemming writes "If you already own Magic 2013, unless you really like the idea of being able to make your own decks and are happy with the level of play that is already available in last years iteration of the series, you might be better off skipping 2014. If you were looking to get into the real game but it appears overwhelming or conversely are a seasoned player I would certainly recommenced giving Magic 2014 a go."

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10 Fixes for Magic 2014 Crashes, Errors Won't Launch, File Missing, Black Screen, Connection Issues

Crash Wiki presents a handy troubleshooting guide to help you sort out any game-breaking issues in Magic 2014 such as black screen crashes, errors, and more

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Comparing digital card games: Hearthstone vs. Magic 2014 vs. SolForge

GamesBeat compares and contrasts three of the most popular digital card games, Hearthstone, SolForge, and Magic 2014.

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darkronin2293691d ago

Think I'll stick with Hearthstone for now. Magic and SolForge sound a bit more intimidating.

ColManischewitz3691d ago

Started SolForge a few days ago, and while I need to learn more about it, I like the mana curve of Hearthstone -- seems more tactical to me -- than what SolForge does so far.

JeffGrubb3691d ago

Which one is the most likely to get me laid?

Sadie21003691d ago

I don't like the mana curve of Hearthstone -- I feel like it limits what I can play. Some rounds, I have no choice as to what card I can lay down, so that doesn't seem as strategic to me.

I love the card-leveling aspect of SolForge. Best part of the game.


Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft vs. Magic the Gathering

Steven Strom (Prima Games): Magic the Gathering is the undisputed juggernaut of trading card games. For the past few years, it even developed a successful, yearly video game platform in the form of Duels of the Planeswalkers.

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