
Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War II screenshots dawn

Screenshots of Relic's upcoming game, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II, have emerged on the game's website.

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Charlie26885912d ago

ZOMG!! The quality is INSANE...the game could EASILY be a 3rd person shooter with that graphic quality O.o

they are setting the bar VERY high for other RTS in the future O.O

Skerj5912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

Starcraft II what? Ok just kidding, but I like Dawn of War better, it's damn hard for me to play another RTS after experiencing the combat animations of the first. DoWII is going to kick ass and take like 43 names, and guess what? It's not even going to remember those names because they mean nothing to it. NOTHING!!

God that second screenshot is so the truth they scaled everything up, Titans are going to be so dope. I can't wait to see the Tyranids, yes they will be in. The graphics engine upgrade is why they were never in the first, Relic said the old engine wouldn't do them justice.

LinuxGuru5912d ago

I agree, a new graphics engine is needed to show the shiny, bloody, gooey textures of the tyranids...

I'm still in shock at the beauty of this new engine...

This makes me appreciate my painted Warhammer miniatures, dude...Playing the PC game reinvigorates my interest in the tabletop version, you know?

In fact, I think I'll assemble some Necrons I bought recently, and then head over to my local Games Workshop!

Skerj5911d ago

Hah yeah man, DoW actually made me want to get into the miniature scene but I didn't feel like spending "40k" to get started. I've long been a fan of the series and the lore, and I always pick up the codex books when I get a chance and the odd unit or titan but I never took the plunge of actually PLAYING. That might change soon, I know some people who are hardcore into it and it looked pretty fun.

LinuxGuru5912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

*stares in amazement*

Holy crap....and I thought the CURRENT Warhammer 40k game looked good....

This makes the actual painted Warhammer miniatures look boring...

Just LOOK at that TEXTURE work, people!!

I'm in shock!

*jaw hits floor*

I must add, that the beautiful textures / texture depth and colors of the tabletop version of Warhammer is what makes it so appealing to play....now the PC version is finally matching that...it's good to see!

LinuxGuru5912d ago (Edited 5912d ago )

Citadel Miniatures must be smiling proudly to see its wonderful series of tabletop miniatures getting such love from the PC community. I hope they make truckloads of money from this, because they are one of the few remaining pioneers of the dying tabletop adventure game genre.

May Warhammer never die!


Happy 25th anniversary, Warhammer!

JeepGamer5911d ago (Edited 5911d ago )

Space Marines... ATTACK!

mijkil5911d ago

Totally Awesome stuff!

WH40k obviously blows the starcraft universe away, but i also happen to prefer the gameplay of DOW to starcraft as well!


History of Real-Time Strategy: The Downfall (2004 - 2010)

VGChatz's Taneli Palola: "There's no question that during these years the overall popularity of the genre took a significant hit, as most games within it specialized even further by adding new elements from other types of games into their gameplay loops and consequently became increasingly niche as the years wore on.

However, this doesn't in any way mean that the period was devoid of great games. Quite the contrary, in fact. Arguably some of the greatest RTS titles ever made came out around this time, and much of this was because many developers were increasingly familiar and comfortable with adding new twists and gameplay elements to the familiar formula. As such, even when the genre's popularity dwindled, many studios were still creating excellent and groundbreaking titles almost every year, just for a smaller audience than in years past."

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Snakeeater251858d ago

those were fun years red alert star craft command and conquer well when westwood studio made good games before EA brought them like bioware...

Vegamyster1858d ago

Aside from C&C 4, the other C&C's from EA were all good/great. The genre nose dived once Moba's rose in popularity, even Petroglyph Games (ex-Westwood employees) haven't had a hit since Star Wars: Empire at War (2006), all there games got abandoned after launch.


Ultimate Apocalypse: How a Mod Revitalised a Forgotten Classic - GamerTime UK

"This week when I was scrolling through my Steam library for a game to play I was stumped, until I found a mod which brought fresh air to an old classic. The game was the legendary Dawn of War series by Relic. The Dawn of War expansions; Winter Assault, Dark Crusade and Soulstorm along with other stand-alone titles like Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, give the universe the justice it rightly deserved."

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