
Remedy Explains Why Quantum Break is Exclusive to Xbox One

Remedy CEO has explained why the game isn't possible without Microsoft's help.

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shivvy243959d ago

its kinda like Sony and Quantic Dream

3959d ago
gaffyh3959d ago

I'm sure it's pretty clear that MS are funding the game which is why it is exclusive, don't see why a story is needed tbh.

FantasyStar3959d ago

It's news to me. Now I can expect a PC version of this game to be released when the contract expires. Same deal with Alan Wake.

psyxon3959d ago

because not every one knows that? think?

Cueil3959d ago

the pc version of Alan Wake was put on hold because Remedy wasn't big enough to develop for both platforms at the same time

mewhy323959d ago

Well obviously they couldn't. They don't have the deep pockets needed for such a project. It has nothing to do with the xbone's inferior hardware. It if were on PS4 i'm sure that it would run at 60-70fps.

No_Limit3959d ago

"It if were on PS4 i'm sure that it would run at 60-70fps."

So how is Killzone and Drive Club not at 60fps?

Syntax-Error3959d ago

Because Sony fanboys(majority of N4G) always find a way to bash everything MS. Just because Titanfall was exclusive they said WE DONT WANT IT ANYWAY. IT SUCKS. These are the same a-holes that would go purchase it if developer decided to make a timed release. The hypocrisy is alive and well on here. Should I mention the reversed responses about pay to play online now since Sony followed suit?

DragonKnight3959d ago

There are 2 reasons. Reason one is the tv aspect. Which should be obvious.

Reason 2: http://icpurple.org/wp-cont...

Syntax-Error3959d ago

@ mewhy32 "It has nothing to do with the xbone's inferior hardware. It if were on PS4 i'm sure that it would run at 60-70fps."

Inferior hardware? Is that why Titanfall is running at 60FPS and KillZone: Shadowfall is not? I didn't know you already got your XBOX ONE? Can I come over and play it since the rest of world doesn't have one

DragonKnight3959d ago

@Syntax-Error: Do you understand that, in framerate, it's never just "we'll run it at 60FPS no matter what?"

They could have CHOSEN to have it run at 30FPS, or they could have chosen to focus the game's performance on something else.

I love how people think that framerate is so black and white and either it runs at, say, 60FPS or else it CAN'T run at 60FPS.

BallsEye3959d ago

However i bet you'd say every ps4 exclusive is an exclusive because xbox one do not possess such great power! Just that! It's not about money at all...

minimur123959d ago

Remedy explains:


memots3959d ago

Maybe they like the water cooler feature. ;)

3959d ago
MWong3959d ago

LOL @ minimur

You hit the nail on the head. I read that article and they didn't say anything, but our "goals" align. Whatever their goals are the game sounds like it will be awesome.

The_Con-Sept3958d ago

@Syntax error: if I want to play a game with mechs in it I'd pick up Starhawk. Oh yeah I already have.

If I wanted the best mech war game I'd go get mech warrior 2... OH YEAH! I have that as well...

If I wanted to play a new gen Xbox I'd get a PS4. :P.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3958d ago
-Superman-3959d ago ShowReplies(2)
ABizzel13959d ago

Congrats to them for being upfront about it. MS paid for it, and funded the project so it can be exclusive. There's nothing wrong with that so why do these developers dodge that answer like it's HERPES (although it makes more sense to me for MS to be building their own studios instead).

guitarded773959d ago

Yeah, Remedy has been upfront about answering questions. I have nothing against independent studios making exclusives for either. It's a great way to showcase talent and have exclusives on any system. It just pisses me off when you have a TitanFall situation, where a major multi-plat 3rd party pub takes money to not bring a game to all systems (even if it is temporary).

Braid3959d ago

Actually there's nothing to be upfront about it. Remedy have always been a "Games for Windows" focused studio, so their next project was expected to be a Microsoft exclusive again. It's not worth writing an article about, to be honest. I wouldn't even be surprised if they use Quantum Break to advertise DirectX 11.2 (or a later version) in the future.

_FantasmA_3959d ago

Titanfall? Don't no gamers have time fo dat! (token black chick Shaniqua voice)

guitarded773958d ago

@ Braid

I wasn't talking about this one instance. I'm talking about Remedy in general. They just did a video a bit ago talking about Alan Wake, and why they haven't made another one yet, and other things. I'm saying Remedy has been upfront and open more than most studios when it comes to information, and I respect them for that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3958d ago
WeAreLegion3959d ago

Superman's right though. Quantic Dream isn't contractually obligated to make games for Sony. I wish they were, but they aren't. Remedy is making these games for Microsoft because Microsoft is paying for the games.

fermcr3959d ago

Seriously !!!

How naive can you be ?

AngelicIceDiamond3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

@Legion Remedy is contracted to MS, so of course MS will pay anything they need that's what a publisher does.

Last I checked Remedy didn't want to return to the Alan Wake series right away. They decided they wanted to work on this new Ip.

They came to MS with the Quantum Break pitch.

Similar to how MS Wrote a huge fat check to 343 to develop Halo 4.

MS is taking care of its devs by supplying them everything they need to make the game work.

I'm all for it.

NeverEnding19893959d ago

" Quantic Dream isn't contractually obligated to make games for Sony"

Yup, they are. The have a 3 game contract with SONY. SONY is a business just as Microsoft is.

pixelsword3959d ago

Maybe QD likes Sony more; it's just like the controller thing with Microsoft with that one company.

Death3959d ago

343 Industries is a Microsoft Studio. It was named after Guilty Spark from the Halo franchise.

Gaming_Guru3959d ago

At: NeverEnd1989

There are companies independing making exclusives titles like Insomniac Games which are now making an exclusive game for the XBOX ONE. Business doesn't necessarily mean in-house developers. Epic Games would be another company that's independent that make games for PC, Sony, and Microsoft. So it is possible senario for a developer to choose to make a game for a platform exclusively.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3959d ago
jc485733959d ago

more like bayonetta 2 on the Wiiu to be honest.

donman13959d ago

The only explanation needed here is that Microsoft wrote them a big check. The End.

Cueil3959d ago

Maybe, but it's just as likely that Microsoft is completely funding this game... it's way to massive for them to just write a check. This game is going to be a showcase game.

Syntax-Error3959d ago

Your comment is exactly what makes this site atrocious. You are clearly a troll and looking for attention. The game was funded by MS and that's why it's an exclusive. MS also funded Alan Wake. Did anyone ask why Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls is a PS3 exclusive? Sony paid for those, so why are we having this bullsh*t discussion when MS pays for a game?

donman13959d ago

So to those that replied to my comment and called me a troll... doesn't funding mean financial support or dare I say it... writing a check. So what exactly are you complaining about??

So to you Syntax-Error... your point is???

LogicStomper3959d ago

"So to those that replied to my comment and called me a troll... doesn't funding mean financial support or dare I say it... writing a check. So what exactly are you complaining about?? "

Well from reading your comment, I also got the same idea of what Syntax-Error had. When you say

"The only explanation needed here is that Microsoft wrote them a big check."

It has a negative connotation to it, like it was a bribe to sway their intentions. So what you did is technically 'spin' the idea to align it with your views.

Here's the two ways this can be said with different connotations:

- Microsoft wrote them a big check to win them.

- Microsoft willingly funded them for their support.

So basically what me and Syntax-Error read was you attempting to spin it into a negative thing.

Bigpappy3959d ago

M$ did not simply write a check. They provided development help, technical and manpower. It is a bigger project than Remedy could handle on their own.

moparful993958d ago

But I think what donman is getting at is this is a common practice and most of us now how this works, so why do we need an article about it? This isn't news, just business as usual..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3958d ago
XisThatKid3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

"@ mewhy32 "It has nothing to do with the xbone's inferior hardware. It if were on PS4 i'm sure that it would run at 60-70fps."

Inferior hardware? Is that why Titanfall is running at 60FPS and KillZone: Shadowfall is not? I didn't know you already got your XBOX ONE? Can I come over and play it since the rest of world doesn't have one"

To be fair alot of these "Sony fanboys" most speak of are indeed Xbox converts.

assdan3959d ago

MS is definitely just funding it. But Alan wake was overrated. I don't think this will be any different. If I'm wrong, I'm sure it will make it to PC in a few months anyways.

3959d ago
3958d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3958d ago
iamnsuperman3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

"There’s no way on God’s green Earth that we would take on a venture like this on our own. We might have the appetite but there’s no way we could."

Fair enough. Games are expensive to make. Going alone is almost impossible unless you make it small. I am surprised Microsoft hasn't bought them yet

IlluminatusV3959d ago

I think it is better for Remedy to secure their creative freedom and vision and for MS too, because I think they have learned a lot by buying studios and needed to close them in the aftermath. I think it is not important that a studio is owned by MS or Sony, it is important that MS or SONY are giving full support to get the best possibe exclusive game out of it. In this case in seems that MS is exactly doing this with Remedy.

iamnsuperman3959d ago

"I think it is better for Remedy to secure their creative freedom and vision and for MS too"

I think they can still have that but even if they are owned. It is just how they are managed. It seems Sony does that when it comes to a lot of its studios. I agree being free though does mean they can shop around but from Microsoft's point of view keeping a good studio only working on their console is good for business and the only real way to do that is buy buying them.

Gamer19823959d ago

Its because they released Alan Wake as an exclusive to Xbox 360 and it almost destroyed them as a company and now they need to make this exclusive to get back in the black. It's as simple as that really. Unless you release an exclusive shooter on the xbox platform tis not gonna sell in massive numbers and make you the profit you need. Not to mention Alan Wake took wayyyy too long.

SuperLupe3959d ago Show
givemeshelter3959d ago

Some of the biggest games released on the PS3 WERE FPS Games so your point is pointless....

nukeitall3959d ago ShowReplies(3)
CYCLEGAMER3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

This game/tv series seems like it is going to be expensive. I will be shocked if this only cost $60.

opinska3959d ago

Shut up it's 60$ at launch

CYCLEGAMER3959d ago Show
Ashunderfire863959d ago

Because all Next Gen games are $60 bucks. Both companies clearly said that man! They are not increasing the prices like Sega and Nintendo did back in the day. N64 for example, had games that cost $70 to $80 dollars, before the standard price was $50 dollars. Heck even Mission Impossible( horrible game on N64) cost $80 dollars( ign gave 6.0)!!! The first 3D racing game on Sega Gensis cost $100 dollars!!! Total ripe off man. People crying about the prices should know that it was worst in the past than now.


Trust me....if anyone hopes that you are right it's me, if they can price this game @ $60 like any average game I will be truly amazed and it will help solidify and justify (for my girlfriend) buying this game. But with all of the EA charging $80 per game rumors, double Helix being a little vague in their pricing for Killer Instinct, and this game being more than just a game but a full blown tv show that comes with the game. I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED if they charged more than $60 for this game.

That's all I'm saying!

jimmywolf3958d ago (Edited 3958d ago )

took less then 2 seconds too check amazon


pre order price $59.96

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3958d ago
GameSpawn3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

There is something you should fear from Microsoft buying Remedy though based on Microsoft's past - Microsoft would only keep the employees they deem as having the best talent and absorb them into Microsoft Game Studios and the lay off they rest and close the studio.

Seriously look at what Microsoft has done in the past and how many total studios and subsidies are under Microsoft Game Studios in comparison to Sony's Game Studios. There is a fundamental difference to what Microsoft and Sony do when they buy a studio.

Sony acquires studios when they see worthwhile talent within the teams at that studio, but keeps those teams together so the talent can continue to work for them. This is a tactical long-term business strategy (albeit risky) where the studio can benefit you in the long run by creating hit after hit after hit, but if a poor choice is made you drain more money, time, and resources into a company that "bares no fruit".

Microsoft on the other hand only acquires talented studios to grab the people who they think are responsible for bringing the talent to the table and then they "cut the fat" so they don't have to pay the "extraneous" employees. This is a shortsighted business strategy that is good for a company in the short run, but may not be good for them in the long run as they may not be able to turn out as many hits as they could with a larger studio or the quality could suffer through bad choices of who to keep.

Here is the problem with Microsoft's buying strategy - talent doesn't ever reside with one single person. Talent comes from the chemistry of interaction between a team of people. It's a combination of a multitude of talents from people across the board, big and small, that add up to create games that truly grab people's attention and break molds and traditions and genres.

hazardman3959d ago

Funny because after reading the article, dude made it seem like they have a great relationship with MS.

Ashunderfire863959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

Now that has change for Microsoft, because they spend millions to get new companies to make exclusives for Xbox One. They actually are listening to their fans now. That's why they reverse their draconian policy, and restructing the company. There are very great ideas from both Sony and Microsoft in the future. These ideas are from the PS4 Dualshock 4/ camera, and Xbox One controller/ Kinect 2 also. Imagine a scary game using the Kinect 2 heart rate feature. Imagine PS4 Dualshock 4 blue light/ camera feature use for a RTS style game, much like smart glass but better. Heck I can see this feature used in Littlebigplanet 3! I digress .

Man I feel I should be a game designer already, I'm just farting out ideas out my ass lol! Well I 'm actually studying game design that's a fresh start. But yeah Microsoft is taking out the wrongs and changing Xbox One for the better. I am still getting the PS4 first cause I already preorder it, but I will get Xbox one in spring when Quantum Break and Titanfall comes out. As for the Wii U , I will get when Mario Smash Bros 4 comes out.

Kran3959d ago

Its probably because Remedy don't want to be bought and I hope they NEVER go down that route.

Being bought out is worse than being independent because you solely rely on the person who bought you and risk being closed down more than when you are independent just so the publisher can make a few cuts.

Anon19743959d ago

It's not like Microsoft is the only company that does this. Sony uses their "Pub Fund" to fund games all the time. Developers hit them up with their projects and as long as Sony likes them and the dev stays exclusive to Sony's platforms, Sony will fund the development and offer support. It works out for both parties involved. The support Microsoft is offering to Remedy is similar and it's understandable that if Microsoft is financing and lending resources they may require you to be exclusive as a result. That's more than fair. This makes the difference between a game being made and a game never getting off the ground.

strickers3959d ago

You need to look up pub fund. That is not how it works. Sony does incubation projects at Sony Santa Monica that are 3 game deals, Sony owns the IP and after the 3 games devs set up alone.
Pub fund is s help for devs that buys Sony 6 months exclusivity but afterwards there are normally no caveats and devs keep IP.

Anon19743959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

I was at a game developer conference in 2011 and sat through a panel with Sony, bank people, government people and devs who discussed how the Pub Fund worked and, at least at that time, while you're correct you own the IP, exclusivity was part of the deal. No time frame was discussed so if it's only 6 months exclusivity, it either wasn't at that time or they never thought to mention it.

At any rate, I think it's a good thing and I'm certainly not going to complain that these types of programs are helping see games made. I don't know why I would receive a disagree above. Apparently, some are opposed to seeing games financed for some reason.

loulou3959d ago

well said darkride bubs up.

i know you are hardcore sony as well

Anon19743959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

I wouldn't say hardcore Sony. I preferred the Xbox last gen over the PS2, preferred the PS3 over my 360 this gen mostly due to hardware problems I experienced. I'm pretty critical all around, I just seemed to have found more to be critical about with Microsoft these past few years. And there was so much misinformation spread out there by the media and fans regarding the PS3 it was unbelievable. I still can't get over the sheer volume of "PS3/Blu-Ray doomed, 360 selling gangbusters" articles we've seen over the years when the PS3 was selling better at a higher price the entire time. Just makes me shake my head. I'm also not shy in throwing around praise where I think it's warranted. I had no problem with the fact that Microsoft did exactly what they needed to do at E3 this year. It's just a shame the whole thing was overshadowed by the DRM nonsense they were looking to force on everyone. I've also always been a huge fan of Gears/Halo/Fable and loved the risks taken with Alan Wake. People that bash me for being "pro-Sony" all the time are usually ignoring all the times I've come down on Sony for boneheaded moves, or choose to ignore the hundreds of pro-Microsoft posts I've made over the years.

I'm certainly not going to fault Microsoft for funding game developers and helping them improve the game experience for their players.

On a side note, gotta say it's nice to have more than one bubble for a change. Didn't seem to matter how many "well said's" I received over the years, prior to this bubble reset I was perpetually stuck at one after my 8 were stripped from me pretty much overnight.

Bigpappy3959d ago

Way to go darkride. No spin no slant. Sounds like you are informed on these matters and actually make the most sense on how these deals are made, and why this is great for developers gamers and the companies who fund the development.

I know who you are. It doesn't matter what system you prefer. When I agree I will just agree. I like sensible conversation and don't give a rat's bagoomba about a stupid 'console war'. The kids can have their fun with that. I just read the junk and smile.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3959d ago
Death3959d ago

Microsoft's philosophy on game development changed after the aquisition of Rare. Today they prefer to be a partner to third parties as opposed to buying them like Sony does. It's probably based on risk management. Owning the studios makes you responsible for their success, especially to share holders. By being a publishing partner, the risk is shared by the publisher and developer. I wouldn't say either company is right or wrong, but financially Microsoft's strategy is much more profitable.

SuperLupe3959d ago

Was thinking the same thing. Owning all those studios just makes you all the more vulnerable if ever you console underperforms.

moparful993958d ago

"but financially Microsoft's strategy is much more profitable."

Feel free to prove me wrong but how can you be so certain about that? When you own a studio you keep most of the profits and pay a royalty to the developer.. Considering a lot of Sony's exclusives sell well I would think Sony does better off of owning studios than they do partnering..

Death3958d ago (Edited 3958d ago )

If the software sales exceed their development and marketing costs, then yes owning the studio is more profitable. If software sales underperform you retain all the loss as a first party developer/publisher. Not all games make money. Developers stay in business because their publishers are the ones that provide them the operating income. When the software releases the publisher recovers their investment and any additional revenue after that becomes profit. They offset the losses from some games with profit from others. Publishers gain the bulk of profit since they carry the most risk.

For every Gran Turismo,Uncharted, or Last of Us, they also have a MAG or Little Deviants. You also have to take into account the money it costs to buy studios. It may take quite some time to recover that investment and in cases like Rare it may not be justified.

The third thing to take into account is how having more first party offerings effects third party relationships. If a third party is competing for shelf space with the platforms first party releases it can create a burden to the third party that isn't appreciated. This is one of the reasons we see Microsoft advertise heavily for their third party partners. It's a completely different mindset since they focus less on first party games and invest some of their marketing money on partners. They aren't throwing money around like most people think, it's just a different strategy they use.

moparful993958d ago

Ok that's a big "what if" scenario.. Sony has been in this business for 3 generations now and quite a few of their studios like Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, and Polyphony have had some mega hits.. For example Gran Turismo 5 alone has sold 11 million units.. Like I stated before most Sony first party exclusives sell well above profitable levels.

There is no proof that having more first party titles discourages third party development.. In fact the PS3 has proven the contrary. Look at all of the robust 3rd party support the PS3 enjoys as well as the thriving first party environment..

Death3958d ago

Using the Sony model you can look through their financial statements and see how the division does. With the large investment in first party studios they aren't making much of a profit if any. They have actually lost quite a bit since the brand was first conceived. Nintendo on the other hand creates platforms that are more first party dependant. They make alot of money, but the trade off is less third party support. Sony's strategy rests between Microsoft and Nintendo.

Here are the results for Sony's 2012 http://www.sony.net/SonyInf...
Sony's Consumer Product and Services which houses Playstation lost 229.8 billion yen for the year. Last year they had a profit of 10.8 billion yen. That is a 2.3 billion loss in U.S. currency this year and 107 million profit last year. CPD lost money in 2010 and 2009 also, but Playstation was in Networked Products at the time. They lost in 2010, 2009. and 2008.
Page 91.

When you compare the financials from Ninentdo and Microsoft vs. Sony's, their business models are much more efficient and make a profit. You decide if Sony's studios are worth the investment. Both the Xbox360 and PS3 installed bases are pretty close.

moparful993957d ago

@Death If you took the time to investigate the report a little deeper you would have seen that most of that loss was attributed to the combination of the almost 19% reduction in LCD sales and the prices dropping in addition to the flooding in Thailand that hurt them. There was also mention of the price reduction of the PS3, consolidation of their fragmented divisions, and Sony officially stopping support of the PS2 that impacted those numbers as well.. Has absolutely nothing to do with how many first party studios they have to support..

Ohh and by the way that PDF you linked to if you scroll down to page 90 where they break down revenue by division the consumer products and devices posted profit every single year.. You keep trying to spin this stuff to support your argument.. Sony does very well off of their first party centric philosophy..

Death3957d ago


Operating income is how much a company makes after operating costs are subtracted from revenue. Before the restructure Playstation was part of the Networked Products and Services Division. According to Sony, NPS lost money in 2008,2009, and 2010. A loss is shown in parentheses.

Nothing to spin here brother. This is Sony's financial statement. You can view them all at Sony.com. According to Sony, the division housing the Playstation isn't profitable.

How much of a leap is it to figure out where the problem is?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3957d ago
WitWolfy3958d ago

Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3957d ago
Wizziokid3959d ago

Well it's good to see MS giving them the support they need but I would bet Sony would also do that.

Either way it's always a positive for the industry when the likes of Sony, Nintendo and MS invest strongly in people like Remedy & Quantic Dream etc.

SuperLupe3959d ago

One of the most intruiging games shown at E3, that trailer showing the time feeeze effect got me hyped.

People mostly talking about DR3, Forza 5 and Titan Fall but this is a Xone seller in my eyes.

And with a great studio like Remedy behind it Im not worried that they'll manage to pull it off. Too bad its not available at launch. That said its probably a good thing, funny to say but there would be TOO many good games directly at launch.

Foxgod3959d ago

A lot of people are indeed talking about D3, F5 and KI, but thats because those are launch games.

To me Quantum outbreak is also the most interesting game so far, but itl be out sometimes in 2014.
I focus on the launch games right now.

devwan3959d ago

"To me Quantum outbreak is also the most interesting game so far, but itl be out sometimes in 2014.
I focus on the launch games right now."

Cool story bro, at least it'll give you soem time to learn the game's name.

Foxgod3959d ago

I am busy at work, thats why i made that mistake.

AllroundGamer3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

Foxgod yeah you must have a busy work when you troll every day/all day long on N4G... let me guess, MS hired you? :D

R6ex3959d ago

Same here. Quantum Break is THE game for me on the XB1.

IlluminatusV3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

A fair statement from Remedy. It is my most anticipated exclusive game of the XBox One so far. I loved Alan Wake but didn't play any of the Max Payne game so I am curios to see more of the game.

hazardman3959d ago

Oh man, Max Payne series is crazy good time. Over the top story and action especially first two. Max Payne 3 felt more hollywood than anything and was made by Rockstar! Try em if you ever get a chance.

Show all comments (166)

Now that Remedy owns Control, it’s time to reclaim Quantum Break

Alan Wake 2 studio Remedy Entertainment has reclaimed the rights to Control, and now sci-fi hit Quantum Break deserves the same treatment.

Read Full Story >>
Petebloodyonion80d ago

Totally agree with that especially when Quantum Break has several references to Alan Wake and Alan Wake make allusions to QB.
I do believe that MS and Remedy can work things out and MS has usually been nice to devs and publishers regarding IP.

Obscure_Observer80d ago

They can't "reclaim" what was never theirs.

Petebloodyonion80d ago

I’m sure we can settle for purchase from MS the IP.

Lightning7780d ago

MS is not doin anything with it. Plus they're doing a multiverse of their own so Remedy needs the IP.

If MS wants to have exclusive let it be timed for 6 months then go to other platforms. MS seems to be, let's say, generous with some if their games as of late.

Or have QB2 be multiplat from the jump, put it on GP. Keeping QB2 as an exclusive is kinda weird these days.

Obscure_Observer79d ago (Edited 79d ago )


"I’m sure we can settle for purchase from MS the IP."

Good luck


"MS is not doin anything with it."

Japan Studio is dead nd Sony isn´t doing anything with Bloodborne either! Yet I can 100% guarantee that there´s a far bigger demand for a sequel, remake or even a remaster for that game from both PS5 and PC gamers.

That been said, why don´t you ask Sony tol sell the IP to Fromsoftware now that according to rumors, they bought Elden Ring from Bandai?

ZwVw80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

Reclaim? That would mean that they actually owned the ip at one point, which they never did (MS always has). Apples & oranges. Remedy always owned the Control ip (just not the publishing), as they have with Alan Wake.

About as likely as them getting the Max Payne rights from Rockstar.

mastershredder80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

Sending you game to a publisher does not mean they get "rights to own it " unless that was part of the contract (monetary/ strategic reasons). 505 was the publisher they worked with to publish and distribute it, it dos not mean that 505 flat out "owned" anything, clearly they did have a special arrangement that made them open to limit their publishing rights. and so here we are and big whoop

Jingsing80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

Yeah get Quantum Break PS5, only if you put it on disc with all the associated movie material.

isarai80d ago

I mean they got the Alan Wake IP back from MS, so I feel like they could get QB back as well

Show all comments (11)

Remedy Takes Full Control of Control Franchise From 505 Games

Remedy Entertainment has announced that they've purchased the full rights to the Control franchise from 505 Games.

isarai81d ago

Oh nice, I wonder if they'll try to do the same with Max Payne 🤔

-Foxtrot81d ago

I hope so, Rockstar ain't doing shit with it sadly.

I loved the gameplay in Max Payne 3, it was fantastic but it just didn't feel like Max Payne at its core, it felt like they were doing a new IP or experimenting with one and reshaped it into Max Payne

The Noire, the atmosphere, the dark grittiness, the graphic novel cutscenes, Mona Saxx were all missing.

I'm hoping if they ever get the rights back they do their own version of Max Payne 3, off the secret ending from MP2 where Mona survives.

Max was finally starting to heal thanks to Mona in MP2 and in MP3 they just put his character back to square one, all that development gone.

isarai80d ago

Kinda what I'm thinking too, like as much as I'd love for R* to give it their unmatched magic touch, they're not doing anything with it.

I loved MP3, only gripe was that the story had very little to do with Max personally but it was still great. The Mona ending would be amazing and honestly not entirely out of the realm since MP is kinda considered part of the control universe, though I would like that to stay out of MP as much as possible and be it's own thing.

The fact that we haven't gotten a MP3 remaster is crazy imo

JL293080d ago

Why would you need a Max Payne 3 remaster? You must be on console.

isarai80d ago

I'm on both, still want a remaster

GamerRN80d ago

I think Control was a great game that deserves a sequel

Machina80d ago

A sequel is in the works - they announced it a couple of years ago.


Remedy Entertainment Plc: Remedy announces sales information for Alan Wake 2 - Remedy Investors

Alan Wake 2 was released in October 2023 to worldwide critical acclaim, earning a Metacritic score of 89 at launch. Today, Remedy Entertainment Plc (“Remedy”) announces that Alan Wake 2 has sold 1 million units by the end of December 2023, and 1.3 million units as of the beginning of February 2024. Alan Wake 2 is Remedy’s fastest selling game so far.

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Nyxus93d ago

"By comparison, Alan Wake 2 sold over 50% more copies and over three times more digital copies in its first two months than Control did in its first four months."

Yes, because it's digital only...

Cacabunga93d ago

What do u you mean?? Sold more cause it’s digital only? Facepalm

I will never get this game as long as it is digital only.. boycott

MADGameR93d ago

Amen to that! Won't touch this game unless they announce the physical version. Boycott digital all the way. Do you guys even know whats gonna happen when all games are forced digital release only? You will lose your freedom of owning games. And, lets say they set up super strict policies where you can't cuss online on your favorite platform or you get a perma ban. Guess what? All those THOUSANDS of $$$$s you spent on those digital games? LOST forever! Now you have to buy them AGAIN! So you digital only guys better think long and hard. Because once digital is mainstream and physical is fazed out, there will be no going back. They will push these draconian policies.

isarai93d ago

He's not saying it sold more overall because it's digital only, he's saying it Sold more DIGITAL COPIES because it's DIGITAL ONLY. When you restrict 2 options down to one, of course it will artificially inflate the one option

shinoff218393d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Same. Fk that.

Isarai that's what I've been trying to say. On ps 60 percent digital and 40 percent physical. That physical number would be way way higher if physical existed for even half the games on psn. There's only one option for a sh ton of games so it artificially inflates the digital percentage

LucasRuinedChildhood93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

The "over 50% more copies part" is still a comparison of the overall sales.

This would mean that Control sold around maybe 850,000 copies in the same timeframe.

toxic-inferno93d ago

It's still not as impressive as I'd have expected. A sequel to a popular games getting only 50% more sales than a debut title in an unknown franchise. Yes, they're set in a connected universe, but that wasn't well publicised during Control's release, was it?

-Foxtrot93d ago

Really trying to push this “we did the right thing with it being digital only” narrative aren’t they

boing193d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Sad truth is, physical sales are now just a little fraction of purchases. We are talking single digits here. More often than not, the investment into pressing discs, confection and logistics is not worth it anymore.

Nyxus93d ago

@ boing: we learned from Sony's latest financial results that digital sales accounted for 66% of total game sales. 34% is hardly a 'little fraction'.

darthv7293d ago

@Nyxus... that's just Sony though. Tell me what it is when you factor in PC, Switch and Xbox sales. It drops the overall percentage down closer to that single digit mark. When even the mighty PS can't keep physical sales above the half way mark... you know you got trouble.

Nyxus93d ago

@ darth: Actually Switch physical percentage is higher if I'm not mistaken. But the point is, there's still a market for physical games, that's why a lot of smaller publishers have emerged in the last years.

Crows9093d ago (Edited 93d ago )


You don't have trouble when you account and factor in the enormous increase of overall sales across the board due to higher populations of gamers.

There's no denying that digital has increased but so has number of gamers and most of which have been exposed to an all digital world from the beginning. There's still a strong physical base which is probably still about the same with a bit of a decrease than it was years ago in terms of physical sales.

For instance. If a game sells 1 million physical and 1 million digital in 2018. And then the sequel sells 1 million physical and 2 million digital in 2020...then game sales have gone up and the percentage will k longer be 50/50....however the same base of physical is pretty much still present. It didn't move much if at all...simply more gamers in the world now.

shinoff218393d ago (Edited 93d ago )


I'll be honest your just not telling the truth. Maybe that's true on xbox. But on ps and switch that's just not true. That's a misconception that way to many people run with. Sony is 60 digital and 40 percent physical. Physical would also be higherbif so many games would actually have a physical release. You are trying to pass off bs information

Pc adding in to the equation is another way to make artificial numbers also since they don't do any physical releases. Why do so many of you spread this

darthv7292d ago

@crows... things are not growing like you think. there has been some decline compared to previous gens. Even Sony knows this which is why they had to adjust their forecast. And to use your example of a games release and sequel...
Spider-man 1 is over 16m across PS4/PC, SM2 is only around 10m on PS5 and Miles is around 8m on PS4/5.
GoW [2018] is around 23m on PS4/PC whereas Ragnarok is 15m on PS4/5
Horizon ZD is around 20-21m on PS4/PC/PS5 and Horizon FW is only at 10m for PS4/5

those are some really big games which should have had their sequels eclipse the previous if there was actual growth. Now it may be attributed to Sony holding onto the PS4 crowd longer than they intended but they likely felt they didnt want to lose that sizable player base.

And this is why Sony is looking to try and supplement their decline with increasing PC sales. The PC market out numbers all console combined in regards to potential customers. In the console space, you figure there is a ceiling of about 180m customers. PC has double, if not triple that amount of potential customers. MS knew this from the beginning... it took only recently for Sony to figure that out and Nintendo is likely to follow suit at some point too.

THEzRude92d ago

I cannot even remember the last time i went to store and bought a physical game.
Maybe when i was a kid. Nowdays all my games are digital. Your boycott matters nothinf and nobody cares.
Only fraction of overall game sales nowdays are physical anyway. So yeah.

-Foxtrot92d ago


Can’t wait until you bitch in 5 years time when digital becomes the norm and companies start taking the absolute p*** with content you’ve bought

It’s like lubing yourself up while bending over for them expecting to be f***** in the ass then justifying it

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 92d ago
badz14993d ago

Gonna take awhile to make the money back at that pace, Remedy! Why not admit that you were wrong and release it on BD, like...right now?!

LucasRuinedChildhood93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

It's likely the publisher's decision (Epic), not theirs. It is strange though.

I wonder what percentage of people who prefers discs still bought it and how many sales were lost.

Storm2393d ago

I, for one, won't buy it until it is physical. I know a lot of people are in the same boat.

darthv7293d ago

Even if they did now, the number of physical units sold wont even make up for the cost of production, packaging and distribution. this is Alan Wake we are talking about... not Spider-man.

Nyxus93d ago

I'm sure Epic can afford it...

LucasRuinedChildhood93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

I don't think that's actually true. THQ Nordic volunteered to distribute it on disc. https://gamerant.com/thq-no...

And Alan Wake Remastered is on disc.

Might be because digital sales are more profitable.

shinoff218393d ago

Pre order like larian did with baldurs gate 3, you don't spend your own money the pre-orders pay for themselves, and they make some cash on top of it. It's fairly simple.

Neonridr93d ago

this game deserves so much more. One of my favorite games of 2023. While I would have loved a physical release, I'm not going to willingly not play an amazing game because of some weird pride.

darthv7293d ago

Exactly. some just wont even give it the time of day BECAUSE its digital only. That is just stupid thinking. No way would i deny myself the opportunity to enjoy something just because its not physically on a disc/cart.

Nyxus93d ago

Good for you. I think buying digital is stupid.

spicelicka93d ago

I think it's more a matter of waiting for it to come to physical format or for the digital price to drop more, eventually they'll buy it. It's also stupid for the publisher to not take that into consideration, I hope they realize that.

shinoff218392d ago

Why not. There's so manybgames out there I'd rather play anyway. They just missed a sale. That's on them don't pin it on me. Consumer guilt trip. Fk that.

isarai93d ago

If it were some other throwaway game I really wouldn't care. However from the getgo this game falls into the "something special" category for me. And those games I want to keep, collect and preserve to easily revisit in the future and possibly gift or sell if I want. Any game that is something special I do this, has nothing to do with pride, has everything to do with preserving what deserves to be preserved. And I'm definitely not gonna buy it twice because I caved and bought digital before hearing word on a physical release

Neonridr93d ago

I play games to be entertained. The mere fact that I didn't have to load a disc into my system to achieve that means very little to me at the end of the day.

To each their own, but people actively missing out on a legit GOTY contender because they can't buy it physically is something I could never relate to personally.

darthv7293d ago

there are plenty of game i will double dip for, but I usually always by digital to begin with. i did it with the first Alan Wake, got it digital on 360 for real cheap then i bought the CE as I liked the book packaging. Later i got the remastered edition on PS+ because i liked the original and then finally bought the physical when i saw the chance. Its still sealed as no reason to open it if I already have it digitally. Plus sealed games tend to hold or increase in value over time.

Why not double (or triple) dip if you really like something?

isarai92d ago

Because I'm responsible with my income?

darthv7292d ago

"Because I'm responsible with my income?"

If you have to question yourself... maybe you aren't.

shinoff218392d ago

@darth I double dip all the time. Same as you had Alan wake 360, I got the ps plus free one that month, and then I bought the physical on Amazon. I also never opened the physical. I've got no issue with digital games if my preference isn't fked over. I tend to also have issue with people o well physical is only a fraction of sales. Bs where? Xbox and pc, physical still sells a sh ton on the other to sonfraction that sh. I've stated before if more games were also released physically that are digital only those percentages would jump to probably more 50 50. Hell there's about 10 or more of us here clamoring for it. Most of us would put our money where our mouth is. I try to atleast once a week

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 92d ago
got_dam91d ago

Most physical games these days are nothing more than a glorified launcher that will be just as useless as a digital game if download servers are shut down. AW2 was Aldo priced like a digital only game should be. When so many games are going for $70, AW2 was $50. I bought and do not regret it.

Neonridr89d ago

it's true, the disc acts as a key to verify a game and that's it. The entire contents of the game is stored locally nowadays.

KwietStorm_BLM93d ago

Shame that their fastest seller is just reaching 1 million. They're such a creative studio, and they have really matured since Max Payne. Alan Wake II was the best game last year and more people need to play it.

shinoff218392d ago

Then release it both ways. There's plenty of avenues for them to achieve this from a limited run games to the larian way. They make more money also

KwietStorm_BLM92d ago

waaah waah and it's still their fastest selling game. A physical release doesn't even have anything to do with what I said. And something like 89% of total game sales are digital. Physical games don't even exist on PC and haven't for decades. The only people crying about not buying anything digital are a small percentage of console gamers with a wall of games in their cave.

CantThinkOfAUsername92d ago (Edited 92d ago )

$60 for a fairly linear 20-hour game isn't gonna cut it going forward.

jznrpg93d ago

Want my money? release a physical copy already. I’m can be stubborn and this is one of those things I’m stubborn about. No physical copy no buy for me at least until it’s in the bargain bin. I’d pay full price right now for it on disc.

JEECE93d ago

Okay, but everyone taking this attitude NEEDS to actually buy the game if/when they do a physical run of it. If you sit here and chirp chirp chirp about wanting a disc, and then they eventually release one and everyone who asked for it says "meh, mid, I'll wait for sale," they are going to take that as evidence that they were right to not bother initially.

Tacoboto93d ago

There's another hypocrite around here grandstanding about how much Alan Wake 2 needs a physical edition.

Yet they own Baldur's Gate 3.

These people are only saying this for upvotes.

toxic-inferno93d ago



Just a reminder that it's a person's own choice what they spend their money on. If a person chooses not to buy a game in a particular format because they'd prefer to wait in the hope it will be released in a separate, more desirable format, then that is their own choice.

Have a good day!

JEECE93d ago (Edited 93d ago )


Sure, it's every person's choice what they want to spend their money on. No one challenges that. But if you make a big stand about how you won't buy a game unless you can buy it on a disc, and encourage other people to take the same stand, but then turn around and buy other games digitally that aren't available on disc, you are a hypocrite.

Have a good day!

Nyxus93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Baldur's Gate 3 does have a physical version: https://box.baldursgate3.ga...

Not out yet though. But it would be nice if Remedy could do something similar.

JEECE93d ago (Edited 93d ago )


You may want to look at the release date for that physical version...

Nice edit lol.

jznrpg93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

I will buy it day one if they make it. I can’t speak for others. @Tacoboto I don’t own BG3 yet I’m waiting on my physical copy still. It should be here within a month or so. The only digital games I have is from PS plus.

Tacoboto93d ago

@jzn, I'm glad that you're consistent; unfortunately you have people like toxic that drag down the cause by saying one thing, doing the complete opposite, and trying to play victim when called out on it.

Nyxus93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

@ Jeece: Not sure why you're so focused on this one person. Don't know who it is either, but it's just one person anyway. Doesn't really mean much.

DOMination-93d ago

Reminds me of the endless people begging for Apple to release a small iPhone. Then when they finally made an iPhone mini nobody bought it and they discontinued it after only two generations.

The mainstream don't care anymore about physical and production of them is REALLY expensive not to mention terrible for the environment. If devs want to be digital only then they shouldn't cater to the handful moaning about it on news forums because as someone above mentioned, they will probably lose money.

If you want Remedy to survive, support them regardless of their distribution model.

shinoff218392d ago (Edited 92d ago )

Simple solution do what larians doing. You have to buy full price off their site.

Also maybe some have disposable income. Bought digitally after the physical release news. Bought physical release and bought digital after as not to open the physical release. You don't know. Instead of asking you went into attack to fight against options. Nice.


Then those same devs shouldn't complain about low sales when they don't release both ways. Physical releases can pay for themselves, larian isn't losing money on those pre orders. In fact the providers are paying for themselves, there's smaller publishers that would kill to publish Alan wake 2 when all their doing is small indies. The is said tonhave offered. That is on remedy then. Don't get mad at me cause I don't want to buy digital. Both options can and should exist. Again this is on remedy, the want is there.

I've bought digital games knowing I'd buy the physical also quite a few times. Cosmic star, oddworld, and numerous others.

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