
ESRB tidbits: Elefunk gets a release window and two PSone titles get re-rated

Greg Miller, IGN, writes: "If you thought the Entertainment Software Rating Board was just around to keep little Timmy from getting his hands on the bloodiest games, you're wrong -- it's really here to give us clues as to what titles are coming to the PSN.

The latest ratings from the ESRB include an E for the PSN puzzler Elefunk along with re-ratings of Pandemonium (a 2D platformer rated E) and Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (M). Does the fact that these three titles -- one brand new and two PSone classics, respectively -- mean that they'll be popping up on the PlayStation Store sooner rather than later?"

Sangria5875d ago

The first of Legacy Of Kain series...
*praying for a Soul Reaver on PSstore*

bOOmStiCK5875d ago

Right there with ya! Soul Reaver was amazing!

Mcrmarcher5875d ago

Sweet love LOK series good memories, Hopefully they make a new one id love that.

Seraphim5875d ago

Probably not going to happen. Crystal Dynamics is now in charge of the Tomb Raider series. Even if a new title in the LoK series emerged I'd be skeptical that a new team would deliver... I would like to see Crystal Dynamics make one last LoK though. Even if was just Defiance revamped and tweaked for next gen consoles I'd be happy. Despite all the bugs Defiance was a solid game and I'd love to see it done w/ next gen visuals.

Still have my copy of LoK Blood Omen but would gladly buy it off PSN to play on my PSP. Blood Omen was easily one of my top 5 faves on the PS, and a great game that would probably still stand the tests of time... Funny thing is I was just thinking this past week about how cool it would be to see Blood Omen offered via PSN. Let's hope it's coming. ;)

Fallen_Angel5875d ago

Dont think LoK ever had a rating before could just be that they are just now giving it one. Also this game was banned. So unless that ban has been left and it might of for all I know. Then I dont think it will come to the psn

Seraphim5875d ago

Rated "M" for Mature. Most, if not all PS games were rated as the ratings system was in place before the PS released...

And I don't recall this game ever being banned. At least not in the US. I could certainly be wrong, but I don't recall ever hearing about it...

Fallen_Angel5873d ago

It was only banned in a few select states in the us. I tried buying I copy I believe when I was in Colorado and was told that they didnt carry the game was it was banned in that state. He also told me it was banned in afew other states. I checked around at other just to be sure but no one carried it. I got a copy of it a couple months later in texas I think.

Dark General5875d ago

Woot i definitely want to play the original Blood Omen, i beat BO2 but i never beat Soul Reaver (pretty difficult since there isn't much direction of where you need to go but still has a great storyline and gameplay). I hope they put up the original Soul Reaver for download as well. I'd definitely buy both... That is, as soon as they release those PSN cards.


Inside PSN - Weekly Recap (April 11 - 15, 2011 - PSU.com)

PSU.com writes:

"Welcome to our weekly recap pertaining to all things Inside PlayStation Network. Every MON-FRI, PSU shines the spotlight on a piece of content plucked from the digital delights of Sony’s online service, be it a chunk of DLC, PSOne Classic or regular PSN release. In case you missed out on any of this week’s entries, here’s your chance to catch up and see what titles we dissected under the microscope."

Eric29294768d ago

Everyday Shooter is one of my all-time PSN favorites.


Top 5 Underappreciated PSN Games

Infinite Bits:
Over the last two and a half years, the number of PSN games has grown exponentially to the point where it can be easy to overlook fantastic titles, leaving quirky or indie titles sadly crying in the corner, alone and unappreciated. So, being PSN junkies who have bought practically every game that has come out on it (even, sadly, Cash Guns Chaos), we decided to whip up a list of the top five underappreciated PSN games. These are gems that everybody should experience!

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jBat175500d ago

but there's just too many great psn titles.. in fact, psn has a better library compared to the competition.. just not enough psOne titles but with FFVII out, the tides are turning

jfx3165500d ago

Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer is insanely hard. I bought it first day (with Luminies Supernova) and I still haven't gotten off the second level. The list seems pretty good. So many good games on PSN. Shame people are still going into the 'PS3 has no games' chorus.

NDoerrFans5500d ago

I don't know how recently you played Soldner-X, but they've patched it with a "Beginner" mode to make it nice and easy to run through. It's still a fair challenge, but I never lost a continue. This way you can enjoy the music and get a feel for those brutal later levels!

eZJrg6ur5500d ago

Yeah the new patch is really nice. It's still a pretty darn hard game, but saves you money on broken controllers.

Bnet3435500d ago

I don't buy PSN games that don't have a demo unless I know what I am buying. For example I bought Lumines SuperNOVA and that didn't release a demo, but I knew what I was getting into.

Defectiv3_Detectiv35500d ago

What about EVERYDAY SHOOTER? Still waiting for the trophies on that one...

I also thought wipeout HD was almost as good as a retail game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5500d ago
spectyre5500d ago

A recent PSN game that is getting no love is Rag Doll Kung Fu. The single player is a little meh... but playing with friends is a total blast.

Freak of Nature5500d ago

YUP,I like it's style...

Another game that deserves more credit and I feel is a great addition to the entire line-up is......"LEMMINGS"!

callahan095500d ago

Decent list. I didn't care for the Elefunk demo much, and I bought Soldner-X and didn't think it lived up to some of the classic Treasure shmups, or the classic Gradius or R-Type games, etc., but it was decent enough. I whole-heartedly agree with The Last Guy, though. That game is brilliant fun and totally underappreciated. And I never played Gripshift, the but the accompanying dizzying screenshot provided with this article alone makes me interested in trying it out!

eZJrg6ur5500d ago

Yeah, the demo for Elefunk was worthless because you need to learn so much to properly enjoy it. It's a HUGE knock against the game, but its great fun if you can overcome the difficulty curve.

GripShift is quite worth playing IMO, as long as you know what you're going in for. It's not a racing game really and driving controls are loose, but if you look at it as an action puzzle game its great fun!

PirateThom5500d ago

Elefunk isn't bad in multiplayer with the "removing struts" mode, whatever it's called and my kid brother gets a kick out of it.

I got Soldner-X free and it's a lot of fun in multiplayer as well.

The Last Guy, I also got free from Sony for completeing a survey, but I didn't like the demo, so haven't really played it.

DragonWarrior_45500d ago

SSDHD pwns geometry wars. I dont know why people haven't been raving about that game? Elefunk is awesome, pixel junk monsters is the bomb, Quest for Booty, Siren, and Burnout are all AAA titles too.

eZJrg6ur5500d ago

Yeah, I love all those games you mentioned. I figured they were already well respected and popular though so I focused on some of the lesser known titles. I loooove Burnout PSN though -- so great.

SlyGuy5500d ago

Siren was the best survival horror I played in YEARS!

As for Tower Defense games: Endless fun!

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PALGN: PSN Review Round-up

Welcome to PALGN's PlayStation Network Review Round-Up. At the start of every month, this article will be dedicated to reviewing the titles that have been released during the past month on the PlayStation Network and give our verdict as to whether they are worth a download or not. We're a little bit behind, so this particular round-up will feature a couple of months worth of releases for your pleasure.

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