
The Elder Scrolls Online Set for Simultaneous Next-Gen Launch

Bethesda Softworks recently announced that the highly anticipated The Elder Scrolls Online is in development for both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as well as Windows PC and Mac formats, and that the videogame would launch next year. Following this unveiling comes the confirmation that the publisher intends to launch all four editions of the videogame simultaneously Spring 2014.

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ATi_Elite3978d ago

TESO is gonna SUCK.

instead of making the game live up to Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim standards these guys are just pumping out some MMO clone with TES tag on it.

The PC is flooded with MMO's and looks like Next Gen Consoles will be Flooded with MMO's like this gen was Flooded with FPS.

webeblazing3978d ago

that not going to work because console gamers said they dont like mmos throughout this gen and made fun of them

ATi_Elite3978d ago

Yeh but MMO's make way too much money on the PC so Pubs are gonna JAM MMO's down consolers throats whether they like them or not.

Anyways MMO's have evolved so much that the good ones are like Great SP games that just so happen to have thousands of Live gamers running around too allowing for instant Co-Op or MP action on the fly.

Guild Wars 2 is a good example. great SP action and real time combat that allows for MP and Co-op on the fly.

Plus you got FPS/MMO's like Planetside 2 and Firefall

webeblazing3978d ago

you say evolve and use mmos that have been doing what they always did. its now way to cover up how console gamers have been down playing everything this gen and now suddenly its amazing its new. imma point out all the hypocrisy every chance i get to keep it from happen next gen

Vip3r3978d ago

I dunno, I like how MMOs will be on the next gen consoles.

Should beat the flood of FPS games like you said.

Summons753978d ago

clearly haven't watched anything about this have you? It's traditional Elder Scrolls formula except there will be other players running around and it's completely open world. The only thing they changed is putting a cooldown timer on spells only for balance purposes but it's still the same combat Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim had with the same 1st or 3rd person option.

Not saying it's guaranteed to be great but it certainly has potential to be something special and probably mostly draw in Elder Scrolls fans who didn't troll Skyrim or have played since the first games.

Mainsqueeze3977d ago

No cool down timers as far as i know. Abilities just use up stamina or mana like traditional ES.

Anthotis3978d ago

It will be interesting to see which platform Bethsoft gives the most bugs to.

Hopefully it won't be the Xbone, as they have had a hard enough time as it is.

M-M3978d ago

Probably all of them lol.

Utalkin2me3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

I'll take a jar of ants please with a PS4 pre order.

Mainsqueeze3977d ago

not being made by Bethesda Game studios.

webeblazing3978d ago

is it going to be monthly or like guild wars 2. huh o well imma wait for wildstar dont really care for this seem just most of the mmos on the market now.

MrTrololo3978d ago

There too many MMO game already. Better yet if developer tend to make more single player games instead of making so much multiplayer games many didn't care

Chicago85063977d ago

Personally, m looking forward to the game.
If it sucks it sucks, if its good then m good :)
Bethesda is 1 of my favorite developers so I'll give this a try.

Game on.

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