
Miyamoto Hints We May See Super Mario Galaxy 3 In The Future

"There’s a possibility that in the future we may look to explore what else we can do with the Galaxy series."

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Abash3983d ago

I would rather we get a Super Mario Universe, as in something brand new with 3D Mario taking advantage of the Wii U's gamepad features

Rusty5153983d ago

Same here. I don't want another sequel to galaxy. I want something new.

_QQ_3983d ago

Doubt you have a wiiu considering all your trolling. so stop talking about wanting somthing new as if you have played galaxy.

Rusty5153983d ago

@lopez: LOL. I've played BOTH of the Galaxy's and I own a Wii. You're right though. I don't own a Wii U. And I won't buy one until smash bros comes out. Just because I criticize Nintendo doesn't mean I'll never buy the console. I'm just not a fan of a lot of the choices they're making right now. (Potentially making Galaxy 3 is one of them.)

jc485733983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

you know, I kinda want them to do some kind of Star Wars parody using Nintendo characters. This is something I've always wished from a Star Fox game where it tries to be Mass Effect in some respect.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3983d ago
BullyMangler3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

hoLy bread!!

this new glaxy game comment by Shigeru just made my chest feel amazing hoh!
because these Mario galaxy games, put to shame the gameplay in naughty dog, ubisoft, and Rockstar Games EA etc etc< fact = video game kings Nintendo < factoid . uuuu Huuuu

(: THEN the music and graFix in galaxies is yehhhsss

and and .. .

but of course this does not mean that kiDtendo < lol faiL < this mention of Mario G 3 does not mean Nintendo is only thinking of one day making this new galaxy title, they for sure got some sketches of it at least < fact (:

just imagine all those KING games they've been chatting about and working on for YEARS. (:

this Nintendo's land kiddies < factOrama

BullyMangler3983d ago

and thats what will obviously happen .. .

Angeljuice3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )


Angeljuice3983d ago

Well it has 'Mario' in the title, so I expect them to release Super Mario Galaxy 3, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, 16,17,18............

thomasmiller3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

TOTALLY, TOTALLY AGREE WITH THE ABOVE STATEMENT!! I love the first two galaxy games. but see no reason for a 3rd one, I mean what else could they do?? that's why I am glad they made super mario 3d world for wii u... it's something fresh, and I wish mario's next adventure would be something he has never done before, like that first person demo a fan made, or maybe something like wind waker... I think the toon shading would definitely give mario, a fresh look and feel and fit mario very well.. but if it's another galaxy game, i will enjoy it, but i would prefer something a little more different as well.

thomasmiller3982d ago

the abash comment is the one I am referring to.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
Mr_Nuts3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

No thanks...lets move on

First game was fantastic...like amazing fantastic but for me the sequel just felt more of the same. Now thats not a good thing but for being more of the same I didn't understand it in some places getting better reviews then the first one.

Nintendo have a new console now and it's tradition to create a new Mario game that will be the spiritual successor to Super Mario 64 (N64), Super Mario Sunshine (Gamecube) and Super Mario Galaxy (Wii).

We want to see a new setting Nintendo, not another sequel.

For me thats the best thing about the 3D Mario games for each console...the setting. Where will he go, what new gameplay will be added, what new characters will we meet etc.

I wouldn't mind seeing an open world Mario game though, it's really the only logical step they can take. I mean where else do you go after you set your game in space. Your not really going to top that are you so an open world game where we can just take Mario all over the Mushroom Kingdom or even the land would be amazing. From the Kingdom, to cities, deserts, snowy mountains, jungles, oceans, bowers castle. Lets not forget the land/air/sea vehicles you could probably drive.

Mr_Nuts3983d ago

...disagrees for wanting something new

Just wow

vazurahan3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

Well, I'm not against an open world game set on Mushroom Kingdom and Mario but it's going to need it's own kind of gameplay.

Just like you said, something new, something unique. But not adding Open World + Platforming.

Because if it is still a platform game. Then it just basically ends up as

[Super Mario Galaxy] + [Very Big Hub World where you have to waste time to travel just to arrive to the platforming mission]

So yes, I'm pro Open World game set on Mario Universe but needs to have unique gameplay that fits an Open World game and not the same with Galaxy or 3D Land.

TongkatAli3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

You cannot beat us


Nuff said.

vazurahan3983d ago

Well, I'm against open world Mario platform game, basically, I'm against open world platform games in general. I don't think it would work.

This could work on a Mario RPG, but not on platform games in general.

Having an open world platform game is just basically having a very large hub world. Imagine having SMGalaxy 1's Comet Observatory but so damn bigger.

Having to go to the next mission in SMG1 is tiresome. You have to enter these different rooms for different missions but in the end, you'll just end up on a linear mission which is what platform games are made of.

SMG2 fixed this by instead of having to go to different rooms, you just have a convenient world map to choose the next mission.

Now imagine making a platform game open world. So instead of just having to select your mission, you have to travel to specific places or meet people but in the end still going to be sent to a linear mission.

Platform games live and die by their level design, requiring travel to just move from one mission to another will just waste time when all that matters is just the missions themselves.

BullyMangler3983d ago

you : Now thats not a good thing but for being more of the same I didn't understand it in some places getting better reviews then the first one.

me: thats because its more of the same GAME-CHANING goodness (:

there is not one SAME level in mario galaxy 1 or 2 that gets used over and over and over agian < fact

dude why would i want to control mario in some city< thats what G.T.A. is for, a jungLe = dokey kong, deserts = mario has been to deserts many times, mario galaxy sunshine and mario galaxy 2 and even galaxy 1 has oceans, and there is new gameplay in bowsers castle < and air traveling/soaring and space soaring blastsings and yoshi is his vehicLe . .

Mr_Nuts3983d ago

Can't....handle....grammer .....

Sorry but your whole comment seems like a mess

BullyMangler3983d ago

(mr. nuts)

you: Can't....handle....grammer .....

Sorry but your whole comment seems like a mess

me: what didn't you understand?

instead of giving me thanks for straightening you out u get upset and nitpick at my grammar? lol grammar test this is not .. . (;

Qrphe3983d ago

I really hope not, I'd rather see something new. 3D World is disappointing enough.

TripC503983d ago

The Wii had Mario Galaxy and Galaxy 2 the Wii U you will have 3D World and Galaxy 3.

The Wii U can be doomed and all that junk, as long as it has some awesome games its alright in my book.

3983d ago Replies(1)
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Interview: Shigeru Miyamoto Opens Up About Super Nintendo World and Nintendo's Future

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mkis007467d ago

At least the onecin hollywood is kond of a let down...too small, 1 ride, and 1 restaurant...lots of cool moving things, but once you see it thats it...kids could have fun if the lines dont ruin it.

467d ago

That Time Mario Cheated on Peach With Daisy

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NotanotherReboot1174d ago

Does this mean Mario's gonna be cancelled next??

Jeriphro1174d ago

Cancelled? Nah. He's not technically a rapist. Just a cheater. haha

1174d ago
whitbyfox1173d ago

Google “Folks out there might think im crazy but i got to rescue daisy…”


That Time Miyamoto Wanted Goldeneye on N64 to End With Handshakes

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CrimsonWing691181d ago

well, I have a feeling we'll be coming back to those days with how everyone is offended by something...

EazyC1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

Outwardly...it has more to do with validation than offence.

I think back to the 90s when DOOM was offending the religious middle class... parents were genuinely offended by the violent material...idiotic mentality of course, but I genuinely believe their core sensibilities/morals felt attacked. Much like Marilyn Manson's music did.

I don't really buy that today. We're so exposed to every pit of the human experience that I don't actually believe that raving lunatics on Twitter actually feel that offended by ANYTHING they claim. It's just trendy/herd mentality.

The resulting effect is the same of course...your favourite show/host/artist is suddenly 'cancelled' because some screeching 17 year old vegans on the internet couldn't apparently tolerate that they used an old-fashioned term or some other trivial nonsense... but the disingenuousness of it all is really irritating me at the min.

Strange991180d ago

I’m a little offended that you had feelings in regards to this article. I’d like to schedule a zoom call with you to discuss this matter further. We can iron it out with a virtual handshake. If this works for you, have your therapist and lawyer call mine.

CrimsonWing691180d ago

You, sir get a thumbs up. Best comment, lol.

Shiken1181d ago

Meanwhile Ganondorf throws up blood, and Link then goes to impale him in the throat as Ganon.

Jeriphro1181d ago

Meanwhile, Eternal Darkness was a GameCube exclusive that came out 5 years after Goldeneye 007, and it contained horror, blood, and psychological terror, among other things. haha. Nintendo can be really weird about how they want to filter things.

TricksterArrow1180d ago

I miss Eternal Darkness dearly. ):

iplay1up21180d ago

Eternal Darkness needs a sequel and a full fledged remake!