
Saturday Crapshoot: Dexter

PC Gamer - Who could possibly complain about a video game inspired by Dexter Morgan, the Bay Harbor Butcher? (remembers Series 6) Oh. Right. Dexter. Well, he doesn’t get a vote, and Harry’s Code doesn’t stretch to video game developers, so here we are – the interactive debut of everyone’s favourite TV


5 Terrible TV Show to Video Game Adaptations

GP writer Marcus Estrada discusses 5 terrible video game adaptions of TV shows and what made them so bad.

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TheLiztress4289d ago

I normally avoid the TV show adaptation games made. Haven't had the best of luck with any of them. :(

Sad part is that I think Dexter would have potential.

TheLiztress4289d ago

It was alright. But I thought it could have been better.

ElitaStorm4288d ago

xena warrior princess was the one of the best psone games

loved the last boss battle

Lord_Sloth4288d ago

Nah. It paled in comparison to the real Lucy Lawless. Mee-f******-owwwwww!!!

iamnsuperman4289d ago

Any CSI game. They are always badly done

4289d ago Replies(1)
strangelove4289d ago (Edited 4289d ago )

Is the guy in the CSI game actually just a really fast growing baby? Just look at him. Nothing adds up.

BitbyDeath4289d ago

I wish they'd make more Buffy games, those were awesome

SuicidalTendencies4288d ago (Edited 4288d ago )

The people disagreeing with you are F'n idiots who probably never even played the first game. At the time it was one of the best beat'em ups I played in a long time. Fun game and I wasn't even a fan of the show.

problemchild844288d ago

I wish there was a way to bubble you up for "awesome screen name" but I at least agreed with your comment.

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Video Game & TV Shows Mashups

A curious gallery of games that could be very good tv shows, or vice versa ... The magic of photoshop did the rest.

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Godmars2904445d ago

With the Jak and Dexter game wouldn't it just be making it to the boss fight, only to find the boss not there with Jak being clueless while the player gets a cutscene of Dexter doing his thing?


What if Dexter was a Major Videogame?

How do you craft a videogame based on a television show about a serial killer who kills other serial killers? Wrixel.com ponders what a Dexter game would look and play like on major game consoles and PC.

fluffydelusions4615d ago (Edited 4615d ago )

Wasn't there a Dexter game on iOS? Dexter is cool but my new favorite show is Breaking Bad :)

Bull5hifT4614d ago (Edited 4614d ago )

I like Breaking Bad, and that , The Walking Dead, and Generation Kill, Band of Brothers, and Dexters Labratory, i used to really like Cartoon cartoon Fridays.. Sad i also watched The Powerpuff Girls, i liked Invader Zim, Chappelles Show , and the Old Ren & Stimpy.... Even Married With Children was sometimes Relatable ...... Aqua Team Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Southpark, Tosh.O , Beavis and Butthead, X-Play

Hellsvacancy4615d ago

Breaking Bad and Game Of Thrones

A Dexter game would be cool but would probably be crap, ALL movie/tv games are rubbish, Prison Break anyone?

MintBerryCrunch4614d ago

don't forget The Walking Dead

4613d ago
TrendyGamers4615d ago

There is a Dexter game already but it isn't very good. A major Dexter game would probably work well, could be a sort of splinter cell rip off where you stalk all of your victims.

jony_dols4614d ago

Manhunt 1 & 2 is pretty much Dexter on steroids...

zeal0us4615d ago

-News outlets would be all over it.
-ESRB would probably give it an unfair A rating
-Some to most retailers would not sell the game being that it would probably have an A rating.

SockMaster4615d ago

It would probably be terrible, i really love dexter and after seeing the Lost game's reception, it would probably be terrible, unless..Rocksteady are Dexter fans! ;)

On a side note, America has some fantastic TV I love dexter (probably my favourite TV show) and i heard from many freinds/family that breaking bad is fantastic, should check it out on the interwebs :3

LarVanian4615d ago

Bryan Cranston was the best thing about Malcolm in the Middle. He is an absolutely gifted and underrated actor that has proved himself in both comedy and drama. I really wish he would get more roles in movies.

LarVanian4615d ago

A Dexter game would probably be boring. All you would do is stalk Dexter's soon to be victims, before abducting and killing them. Unless the game allowed you to play as characters such as Debra, Quinn and Batista in which car chases and gun-fights would be justified, I think the game would be pretty dull.
That said, Dexter is a great show, and last Sunday's episode gave me nightmares.

Pikajew4615d ago

It would be cool to see a Chuck videogame

Canary4614d ago

Or a Dexter's Lab game.

A game based on the HBO series would be all kinds of awful.

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