
BlazBlue Still Fighting On As Chrono Phantasma Approaches | GameInformer

GameInformer: "Looking back on it, BlazBlue could have been a risky venture for publisher Aksys Games. Was there a market for a new fighting game that was so entrenched in story that it played out like an anime episode?

The answer is yes. Since Aksys first published BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger on consoles, the company has gone on to release follow-ups with Continuum Shift. Two updated versions Continuum Shift II and Continuum Shift Extend also brought the franchise to handheld devices. Now Aksys is bringing us the third entry in the BlazBlue arc, entitled Chrono Phantasma for the PlayStation 3. We were able to sit down with producer Toshimichi Mori to find out more about Chrono Phantasma."

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Snookies123990d ago

Same here my man, same here... Gonna rock Haku once again. I'm lucky enough to have a friend who is AMAZING at the game help me practice all the time. So that's definitely paid off. Blazblue is so technical, it's a bit overwhelming at times. Even after all the experience I've gained since Calamity Trigger.

I just love the fact that no matter how good you are, you can always get better. Either by changing up your timing, or devising new combos. I'd certainly say it's my favorite fighting game to date. (This coming from someone who owns just about every fighter this generation has offered.)

DivineAssault 3989d ago (Edited 3989d ago )

Ya.. Its difficult to master.. Those instant kills can be pulled off at times (mostly on noobs) but i rush ppl most of the time all the way through & dont usually do them.. I must say that i love Guilty Gear just as much though.. I just wish it was widescreen & HD like this is

Inception3989d ago

I will play my waifu Noel >:D And try some new characters. They looks interesting.

Hicken3989d ago

Get in line: the only reason I even pre-ordered the first BlazBlue is because of Noel. You can have her after we divorce.

It'll never happen, by the way.

Anyway, I'm super looking forward to Chrono Phantasma. This series singlehandedly kindled my love for fighting games. I own every version except the DS one.

Speaking of, I need to get P4G back, as that game is also awesome.

Also, anybody got word on the exclusive fighter they were said to be working on?

Inception3988d ago

Heyyy, that's my line Hicken! Find another girl like Makoto, Tsubaki, Litchi, or Platinum :P

I think Arcsys will unveiled their exclusive fighter in next year. They still busy with GG Xrd and Xblaze though.

Hicken3988d ago

I can't pick anybody else. I just.. can't. I love Noel so much I modeled my main character in DC Universe after her, name and all.

kenshiro1003989d ago

Nu and Mu for me. I'll have to wait until he comes to the states. If I had money, I would definitely import, like I imported Extend.

Apoca1ypse3989d ago

Why does this taking forever? I have been waiting since November actually even before that in August when the announced they where making a new one. *sniff* sometimes I just want to cry.

nick3093989d ago (Edited 3989d ago )

It didnt even release in japan yet. (PS3 Ver)

Apoca1ypse3989d ago

I know I hoped you could understand that I keep up with the news. Although the console version is not out there are arcade versions out since November. The only problem is you can't play Terumi or Kagura yet. Those two out of tge six bew characters are console only. You can find videos of high level of gameplay which is why I so friggen pumped but you'll be hard pressed to find a hd video unfortunately.

NukeDaHippies3989d ago

Till i played blazblue i didn't think much of fighters. Now cusa it i'v played guilty gear and the persona/shin megami tensei series + arena, all thanks to blazblue.

In short i love this game and can't wait till chrono phantasma. Makoto ftw.


The 11 Most Hilariously Bad Video Game Titles Of All Time

Don't judge a book by its cover, but what about the title? Here are 11 game titles so bad they inexplicably failed to raise alarm bells before release.

Kados2114d ago

Chrono means "relating to time", Chronometer is "an instrument for keeping time". The proper translation for Chrono Phantasma would just be "Time Phantom".

bouzebbal2114d ago

you forgot nino kuni. you will know why if you were french speaking.:D

AK912114d ago

Pokemon XD still gets me

SSmoke2114d ago

I was hoping to see "Bad Dudes" on this list

franwex2114d ago

S.C.A.T. for NES seriously makes me laugh to this day!


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BlazBlue's slow death and fighting game oversaturation

The current sad state of the BlazBlue franchise is an example of what happens when the fighting game market is oversaturated and fanbases are fractured.

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Whirlwind_Fanfare_083007d ago

I don't like multiple versions of games because that means if you want to play with new fighters, same way with racing games, you gotta drop money on a new game instead of updating the one they released already. Thankfully that won't be the case with SF V and Guilty Gear Xrd since they are just going to be updates for them rather than making it on another disc then releasing it again, including Mortal Kombat XL and Killer Instinct. Now this part i disagree with is fighting games being oversaturated!
it's called choices. Apparently this person never heard of it! fighting games can come in many different ways! they can 2d side scroll like SF, KOF, BlazBlue, Guilty Gear with characters that has cool abilities, 3D fighting games like DOA, Virtua Fighter and TEKKEN with realistic moves so no i wouldn't call this being oversaturated, it's a choice for ppl to make to what cater to their taste of brawlers they like.

kevinsheeks3005d ago

Quick question though doesn't each game further the story? could they implement new stories as dlc possibly?

Skate-AK3005d ago

Guilty Gear did get that arcade update but they are kind of doing the same thing as BlazBlue. They do have the same developers after all.

Vhampir3005d ago

Blazblue is probably my favorite fighting game, and knocked 3rd strike down a peg. When Continuum shift started releasing like it was Street Figther 2, I took a step back. I bought chrono phantasma on vita and it's online was even dead in a week.

Now it's just pointless to buy the vanilla versions of any of them. Bought CPE during the black friday sale for PS4. I'll probably wait for a sale before picking up central fiction EXTEND.

Wyld-Woo3005d ago

As a teenager growing up in the 90s, only fighting games offered us competitive gaming in the arcades and on the couch with our friends. Then the games industry changed and we all had way more games to choose from to get our competitive itch. For me the choice of fighting games is just right at the mo. However, I do believe releasing more than two versions of the same game in one generation is very damaging to that games community. I like the street fighter model going forward but Capcom still has much too learn, if they intend to release other games like this.

What's strange is I've just purchased this game. Never played a game from the series before but I've played a few arc systems games over the years. I bought the game for the single player action due to the content. Cost me the same as a couple of drinks in a pub from a second-hand shop.

I'm blown away by how strange but very cool this game is...

KaoSouL3005d ago (Edited 3005d ago )

I've played over 800+ hours of Blazblue (and counting), through 6 1/2 years, from the X360 to the PS4, with only $148.97 invested. Add in the fact Arksys also makes Guilty Gear and P4 Arena, they've easily entertained me in excess of 1,500 hours for less than $300.

Compared to $60 games I've only played through once.... Dragon Age Inquisition (120 hrs), The Last of US (14 hrs), Bloodborne (41hrs)... I literally have a $3,000 pile of next gen games that collectively haven't even provide 500hrs of entertainment.

Blazblue is the better value.