
Precursor Games Founding Member Arrested By Niagara Police On Child Pornography Charges

Former Silicon Knights director of content and Precursor Games founding member Ken McCulloch has been arrested by police on charges related to child pornography, according to a media release from the Niagara Regional Police Service.

zeal0us3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

First they couldn't get their game kickstarted because majority of folks didn't like the fact that Denis Dyack was part of the project. Now one of their founding members found with kiddy porn, dafuq.

Man these guys started out this generation bad(Too Human ends up and failure, same for Xmen:Destiny and lost a lawsuit against Epic Games) and surely are ending it bad(SK barely standing if not already dead and Precursor's game is dead in water at the moment).

Mr_Nuts3985d ago

Am I the only one who thought of this when I read the article


You dirty man Ken

-Mika-3985d ago

I don't know how I feel about this. Us humans can't really help who we are attracted to. Some people are attracted to the same sex, some are attraced to the opposite of sex. Some people have foot fetestish and some people are attracted to children. so if he was just looking at a pics to control his urges. That fine to me as long the pics weren't explict. Now if he harmed an innocent child, he definitly needs to be punished by the court of law.

NihonjinChick3985d ago

Are you suggesting that there is nothing wrong with a grown man wanting to have sex with underage children?

-Mika-3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Omg, this is exacly why i was hesitant to write that comment because you guys were going to take it out of context. Im not saying it ok but they can't control those attractions. A gay guy can't just block out his attraction to man and become straight. That not how it works. Those attractions will always be there so if looking at a pic will stop him from going out and harming a child. Than im ok with that.

I did a research paper about this last year so im not just speaking non-sense. If you guys do some research about the minds of pedophiles, you would agree with me.

Mr_Nuts3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )


You did a research paper :O

Shame you can't research your own comments before you post them....ZING

<ding> Check please

RegBlank3985d ago

The problem with that is that those taking that photo have most likely harmed the child, so indirectly the consumers of child porn are also to blame.

Gazondaily3985d ago

"Some people have foot fetestish and some people are attracted to children"

LMAO! Ah Mika....you crack me up.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3985d ago
Mr_Nuts3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Mika you have said a lot of crap on this site but this......THIS, saying people can view child porn......WHAT THE F*** man.

Would you like it if you found out the pictures he was looking at were your daughter/son...no you bloody well not.

Jesus christ man....hell your a girl, thats even weirder.

*** Now if he harmed an innocent child, he definitly needs to be punished by the court of law. ***

You do realise for people who view child porn this is usually the next step...it would of lead onto that eventually. So your saying we should wait untill they harm a child before we do something, what's wrong with you.

porkChop3985d ago

Wtf is wrong with you? It doesn't matter whether it was just pics or physical. Would you want a grown ass man even THINKING about fucking your little kid? Didn't think so. This is fucked up.

HammadTheBeast3985d ago

Alright, usually I find your trolling funny, but this is ban-worthy. Guys please report this.

Blink_443985d ago

every time I skim through the comments and I see one of yours, you get like 30 disagrees.

Fucking idiot.

Nocando3985d ago

I have heard of playing devils advocate, but wtf? Seriously, leave the internet.

Nocando3985d ago

And as if we as Xbox fans didn't get enough crap on this site, now we will be lumped in with you.Great.

flamehaze423985d ago

Don't worry I agree with you.

Mr_Nuts3985d ago

Wow Mika creating a second account which only joined an hour ago...sad

flamehaze423985d ago

I gave you a bubble as well said.

Gameatholon3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Mika, what happens when the pictures aren't enough to satisfy him? What happens then?

Let me tell you about Michael Rafferty, he used to "just" look at pictures because it was "harmless", he is now doing multiple life sentences for the murder and Rape of a 9 year old little girl.

Seriously what is wrong with you, are you honestly advocating CP, as long as it's looking at pictures that are harmless?

Where do you draw the line? What is harmless in your opinion?

It is all sick, and people need help, and I think you need help.

There is so much wrong in your first post, it literally makes me nauseous.

What really makes me sick, is the fact that five people agreed with your view on Child pornography being fine as long as the pictures aren't to extreme.

I also do not believe for a second, that you are a girl/woman, because no female would ever stand for what you just said, you are a terrible troll and extremely nauseating person, and you should be K-lined from the site.

Disagree all you want, it doesn't change anything, nobody on this site has any respect for you, you're at best the classroom dunce.

Really, all any of you have to do is ask yourself this, would you want this man near your children, or your younger sister or brother?

grailly3985d ago

that's the video gaming crowd for you:

always defending violent video games saying they don't make you violent, that they can even be good at fighting certain urges, and that the media is ridiculous for even thinking at they can make you violent.

then says the minute a person runs out of porn, he will go rape everyones children.

Gazondaily3985d ago

Mate don't take it seriously. Every post he makes is designed to gain attention.

flamehaze423984d ago

There are multiple things to take into account
1 He never purchased the porn, so he didn't support the creation of it.
2 Would you rather him rape children for real.

People and there morals get to me, why is it that people can not understand common sense.

mydyingparadiselost3985d ago

I'm hesitant to say I agree with you but I don't necessarily disagree. Many people with this kind of fetish have been abused when they were children, and leads to an abnormal tendency later on to mentally relive those abuses. There's also been evidence that suggests this is an uncontrollable mental disorder, like being bi polar or OCD. I'm glad he has been arrested, don't get me wrong here he needs to be somewhere that he can't hurt others, but pedophilia is something that is not well understood and should be dealt with not just with jailtime but with therapy. Everybody has their problems, some worse than others, and I just hope he can get the help he needs.

Gameatholon3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Graily he wasn't looking at porn, he was downloading and distributing images and videos that featured CHILDREN participating in sexual acts. Sounds like you have no problem with that?

I am not sure if you misread what she/he wrote, but she was saying Child Pornography is fine as long as the images are not to extreme.

If you still disagree with me, whatever but I wouldn't tell to many people that you think Child Porno is okay as long as the images are not too extreme.

Try reading what she wrote next time if you missed the words CHILD, and again let me say this would you want this man near your children or your younger sister or brother?

There is no proof for Violent games making violent people, however their are numerous studies of child pornography and the effects on the brain. Eventually it isn't enough, whether it is 6 months or 60 years, eventually they will need more to satisfy themselves.


DarkBlood3985d ago

@Mika,That's all fine and dandy *whatever the hell that actually means lol* but if your going to go with that mindset of sympathy, maybe you should apply that to the people on n4g and the gaming comapanies to an extent

perhaps you wont be dissed on so much because im sure deep down most everybody wants to get along with one another

GunsAndTheBeast3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

i had to change it, cencorship lol

SniperControl3985d ago

Jesus christ, what f#$king planet are you seriously on.

TheTwelve3984d ago

No, foolish one. We humans are not animals, and can curb and control our desires.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3984d ago
GreenRanger3985d ago

They caught him by making a trail of children from his house to the jail cell.

theDECAY3985d ago

Sorry, but I laughed out loud at that.


If he's looking at children porn, then he's not too far from molesting one or more. I'm glad they caught him before he even had a chance to.

cyclindk3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

Not commenting on the article, buuuut.... Your logic...

I play violent games and watch violent movies and have witnessed violence personally, read about it and hear about it in the news... Therefore i will comitt acts of violence as a next step?

InTheLab3985d ago

Not even close to the same thing. For starters, child porn is very illegal.

There is no link to violence and video games, but there is a direct link to child porn and pedophilia. They are one and the same with the difference being months in prison vs. a life sentence.

Surely you have more common sense than to compare games to sexual abuse.?

theDECAY3985d ago

Dude, you need to stop defending people who wanna sex up little kids.

cyclindk3985d ago (Edited 3985d ago )

There is reading between the lines and writing lines that miss the target, many of you are doing both...

1) not defending anyone

2) no link between video games and violence... Correct kind of precicely my point. No link to people simply observing sexually explicit material and then acting on it, at least no more than anything else people look at or investigate and then consider pursuing in reality.

3) legality is another debate entirely

4) obviously there is no question as to the moral or legal aspects of this case, just a statement and now statements which defy logic unfortunately, though understandibly driven by some need to lash out irrationally when there's no need to abandon civilized conversation...

My girlfriend was a victim of sexual abuse as an infant and in her preteen years.. It is not a stirring subject for me at this point

DarkBlood3985d ago

Thats like saying *as an example because i dont do this like i did when i being a teenager going through puberty at the time* watching sexual videos apparently im going to go out and do them acts to someone sure i have fanatised with a girl in the same boat through live text

but that doesnt mean i will and even if i could i wouldnt because i wasnt a very social person to begin with not in person anyways

now does that mean if i didnt have that social barrier would i have done something in the same manner as a troubled person would?

thats all up in the air depending on your moral and the enviroment of how you were raised by where and who that influences how you are if you werent already messed in the head to start with


Well my friends, the key words are "Not too far from" meaning giving a certain push, then they will act on it. You always hear (at least I do) in the news how when someone is guilty of molesting a child, Majority of the time the investigator finds collections of child porn stash away in the evil doer house or saved on their computer. A sexual desire is a lot stronger and more tempting for most people than a violent desire. @cyclindk No unless you have a strong desire to, anyway that is completely different. But you are not going to turn on any type of porn, that you have no desire or lust for.

When you know something is wrong, but you have a desire to do it, the only thing that stops & holds you back is the fear barrier. But once that desire gets the best of you, you're going to run yourself through that barrier and break it. Once you do, fear of that certain thing will no longer be able to hold you back like it use to.

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Precursor Games says that Shadow of the Eternals is not cancelled


Shadow of the Eternals has had quite a tumultuous development cycle, ending in its indefinite delay last September. Today, we’ve heard that the project isn’t properly “dead”, but we shouldn’t expect anything new to come out about it any time soon.

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3779d ago
Lord_Sloth3779d ago

Agreed. So it's not CANCELED canceled but it might as well be for the forseeable future.

Bimkoblerutso3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

...I hear ya. I'm not getting involved in this crap again. If they ever release a worthy successor to Eternal Darkness, then happy, happy day.

Until then, though, I have no expectations for anything noteworthy to come from this team ever again.

Ac7iVe3779d ago

I really want this game. ..

Yodagamer3779d ago

I really wish nintendo would pick this up as well. If they advertised it as survival horror they might just get a couple console sales as people who want survival would probably want it. The first eternal darkness didn't hugely, but i don't think it was a priority for the big n at the time.

Ac7iVe3779d ago

I think this game would really help the Wii u , ppl want this game it'll sell some consoles. Not a lot but it'll only help

cleft53779d ago

I agree, it's not really fair to demonize Denis because he was enthusiastic and brash about the game he was making years and years ago. Some people really need to let it go. The footage of Shadows of the Eternal looked solid, so I hope they do end up bringing the game to production. This guy has had a terrible run of bad luck and he has apologized more than once for his past behavior, I hope he gets to move forward with his game.

mydyingparadiselost3779d ago

I hope this game lives to see the light of day, the horror genre could always use a new title.

CrossingEden3779d ago

This game would be good for Wii U because it really shows off the graphical capabilities of the console.

Neonridr3779d ago

Fingers crossed Nintendo is paying attention. It wouldn't cost them very much to help publish this game.

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Shadow of Eternals is Officially "On Hold"

"Precursor Games has had a couple of stabs at crowdfunding Shadow of the Eternals, which is pitched as a spiritual successor to the GameCube classic Eternal Darkness and was aiming for a Wii U release."
-Andy Green, Nintendo Life

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Scatpants3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

I hope they figure out some way to get this to come out. Preferably on something other than Wii U. It's like they were trying to make the Kickstarter fail.

DejectedJeff3892d ago

good lord how long will they drag this on. its unfortunate but this game just doesnt have enough of an audience

MoveTheGlow3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

How long will Dennis Dyack live? That's exactly how long he's capable of dragging his projects on, so there you go. Hence why I didn't buy in, and hence why he didn't get his funding. Those with enough cash know him too well, and they know he isn't the same guy who brought us Eternal Darkness back in the day.

PopRocks3593892d ago

How about you get over Dyacks's existence? Sheesh. Let the man work on his projects, you have every right to ignore them. And newsflash, you goober, his name is in the Creative Director credit for Eternal Darkness, so yeah, he in fact IS the same guy.

MoveTheGlow3892d ago

Methinks you take things a bit too literally.

Chrono3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

Eternal Darkness wasn't really a massively popular game, it barely sold 400k copies worldwide. To make a spiritual successor of it and expect many people to pay in advance, that isn't realistic.


Shadow of the Eternals dev Precursor Games disbands

Precursor Games, developer of unsuccessful Kickstarter candidate Shadow of the Eternals, has disbanded.

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jc485733892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

this is a good example where releasing episodic dlc doesn't work even if fans are heavily involved in determining the course of the story. Gamers like to be amazed by what developers has to offer them, not what gamers have to offer to themselves. Most gamers just want to sit back and see if the game is good or bad. The moment I heard this was an episode thing rather than a full fledged game, I was immediately turned off by the idea.

Godlovesgamers3892d ago

I had not heard that it was to be episodic...wow yeah, what a disappointment.

I still think Dyack should've worked on the ED:SR sequel right after finishing the first.

UltimateMaster3892d ago

Staring: Sarah Michelle Kellar.

chadboban3892d ago

I thought they weren't going to make it episodic anymore on the second kickstarter campaign. Could be wrong though.

Yodagamer3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

Yeah that was the plan, but in suppose things just didn't work out or people didn't know that it was all 1 game.

Blacklash933892d ago

The game wasn't episodic when the Kickstarter relaunched.

Baka-akaB3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

Meh sounds like Dyack can't even get a kickstarter project right

jc485733892d ago

I have to agree with you on that. A very sloppy attempt to persuade people to support. It sounded like a very ambitious project, but it was also a bit hard to picture where it was headed. We're not even sure if a lot of people were interested or maybe that was all the support they could get. IMO, I also feel that Eternal Darkness seems a bit out of date when compared with today's standards. I mean, people can go back and play REmake and still enjoy the game as it is, but Eternal Darkness just hasn't aged well in terms of story and gameplay mechanics.

Blacklash933892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

"IMO, I also feel that Eternal Darkness seems a bit out of date when compared with today's standards. I mean, people can go back and play REmake and still enjoy the game as it is, but Eternal Darkness just hasn't aged well in terms of story and gameplay mechanics."

What exactly is your point in saying this? And comparing it to a remake? Isn't Eternal Darkness being mechanically dated even more of an incentive to make a modern version?

Baka-akaB3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

Imo he shouldnt be there doing a kickstarter in the first place , the whole excuse behind Xmen destiny was precisely funding such projects . And there were allegations about the misuse of the budget for destiny .

Misaka_x_Touma3892d ago

Should made a real sequel with Nintendo

Dante813892d ago

Dyack's name is poison. Such a shame because he was responsible for Blood Omen Legacy of Kain.

Baka-akaB3892d ago

True but , it most of all had awesome staff involved , like Amy Hennig , later on director, producer, and writer for Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver .

Dante813892d ago

The guy was just an idea man. He should have never managed anything.

SilentNegotiator3891d ago

After getting so much free money to drag on projects that ended as turds (while simultaneously intentionally breaking copyrights against EPIC games), Dennis deserves to fail. He should hit rock bottom and then get a job where he isn't in charge. He needs to eat a few hundred humble pies before anyone trusts him again.

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