
Forza 5 Gameplay

Amazing first-look gameplay from Forza Motorsports 5.

WorldGamer4001d ago

Looks great, wonder how it will compare to Drive Club on the PS4. And I know they are different types of racers, but I'm speaking graphical fidelity.

Hatsune-Miku4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

drive club and forza 5 can be compared because they are both arcade racers. drive club is said to be 35% completed so i cant wait to see the final product. forza 5 looks good so far but the final product should look better because its a next gen game like drive club.

WorldGamer4001d ago

I thought DriveClub was closer to Projec Gotham and Forza 5 was comparable to Gran Turismo.

At least that's how I have heard it explained. You are actually the first person I have read describe otherwise, am I missing something?

4001d ago
iGAM3R-VIII4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

@Hatsune-Miku Even though I like Gt and Forza, you must stop trolling. GT is the same as Forza. They are both legit racers and Driveclub is no where near FOrza, it is only comparable to PGR. Also I own both GT5 and Forza 4 so I know the physics and stuff. Who cares if forza is missing some night feature and offroad but they are the same

BitbyDeath4001d ago

DriveClub is made by some of the guys who made PGR so it wouldn't be surprising if their were similarities.

Utalkin2me4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )


Lol, Forza and Gt are the same. Actually i copied and pasted that comment and posted it on twitter, funniest stuff i have seen on here in a while.

The handling of the vehicles are night and day from each other, which is the main core of a racing game.

How can you compare a game (driveclub) that isn't even out yet, to a game that has had 3 releases (pgr)?

DogtagDuke19924001d ago

See... Gran Turismo strives for perfection and all and that is GREAT...however, they only strive for perfection on some of the cars... reviews all over the web said that more than probably 75% of the cars were not created with insane detail...they said that they resembled cars right out of GT4 visually...and im sorry, but if you are gonna put over a thousand cars in your game... do us a favor and make them look like they should be in the game.

MysticStrummer4001d ago

I'd say Forza is a arcade/sim hybrid, and Drive Club is full on arcade.

Utalkin2me4001d ago


really? You think that is your escape goat? The detail in the cars? The main thing is that it handles like the real thing.

BTW, how many cars forza have? Ohh thats right half of what GT5 has. But it's all good have fun with your arcade racer, i like arcade racers too.

Salooh4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

Forza doesn't claim it's a sim , i dunno why people disagree with you .

Forza = Arcady gameplay
Driveclub = Arcady gameplay
Need for speed = Arcady gameplay
GT = Simulator gameplay

I feel sorry for those that think forza is a sim . And to replay at DogTag , Premium cars are confirmed to be for next generation but they included them as a bonus. All the cars play realistic though which is the important thing.

joefrost004001d ago

Forza is a sim racer
Sony forget forza has been rated higher this whole current gen than GT
By everyone I guess MS paid all of them too

tehnoob34001d ago

Forza 4's physics model is a good deal worse than GT'S. Also offroad racing, and weather are integral to racing simulators as they test the driver'a ability to adapt to adverse conditions. Real world drivers need to consider the possibilties. The day and night cycles, and weather give GT5 a significant lead in the simulation department even if you are ignorant of the superior physics model. The better game is, however, F5 with it's superior online integration ease of use,and car customizeability.

guitarded774001d ago

Oh, this argument again... haven't had it since this gen :/

The gameplay looks good. The AI is a bit too aggressive IMO. With some cars spinning out on their own, and one AI racer using a pit maneuver on another AI racer.

Why o why4001d ago

That looked and sounded nice...

Animal Mutha 764001d ago

Forza is NOT an arcade racer. Quit with the flame bait comments. Agree with iGam3r comment that you are trolling.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4001d ago
NextGen24Gamer4001d ago

Looks Great! Can't wait! November can't come fast enough for me!

adorie4001d ago

Xbones first racer looks great. Can't knock it at all.

Now I want to see Turn10's arch rival on the next-gen display.

horndog4001d ago

Well said. Im looking forward to next gen gt too. Gt 6 should hsd been ps4.

CoryHG4001d ago

I played both at E3 and Forza's handling has greatly improved. DriveClub will be like Grid.

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windblowsagain4001d ago

Forza is not a sim. Seriously people stop talking like it is.

It is an Arcade game with real tracks mixed in with fake ones.

GT Isn't perfect either, but Kaz knows his stuff, and that's one of the reason's people trust him, knowing he races, gt academy.

Forza5 still does not have a day/night/weather cycle wtf.

Driveclub will handle like forza with open world tracks type stuff.

theWB274001d ago

I take it you've never played Forza...that's ok. It's as much a sim as GT.

xPhearR3dx4001d ago

This. I own GT5 and previously owned Forza 4 before I sold my Xbox. The physics are very simular. I play them both exactly the same and get the same results. I've always preferred Forza for one reason. Cockpit views for every car. I ALWAYS use cockpit view, and when I started playing GT5 and got nothing but a pitch black interior with the shape of a windshield on a none-premium car. I wanted to shoot myself in the face. Although, the night time and weather is cool. I really liked that.

Skips4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

This is news to me....

Forza 5 has NO NIGHT RACING, or a freakin WEATHER CYCLE!?!? LMFAO!!!

Wow, just wow. -__-

horndog4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

And still scores higher than gt5. Hey bud, 75% of the gt cars are taken out of gt4 and have no dashes. The worst part is we waited for this game for 6 years and it was still incomplete. Its so realistic driving a car in first person when you cant see your speedometer or even your hands on the steering wheel. Shut your trap now. Your game is far fron perfect and is the reason why every forza game has outscored gt.

Urusernamesucks4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

People should care about that because?...

Honestly dynamic Wheather is just a Bonus, doesnt afect gameplay at all.

Skips4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

"And still scores higher than gt5."

Forza 5 isn't even out yet....

And GT5 came out like what, 3 years ago? So your point... Why are you comparing a title that hasn't even come out yet to a title that came out 3 years ago... -__-

That fact that Forza 5 is a NEXT GEN TITLE... Next gen kiddo... (I'll let that sink in for a moment.......... Done???)

.....that doesn't have night or weather is sad. -___-

Wouldn't be surprised if GT6, (a current gen game) considering they've fixed pretty much, all the things people have complained about.... outscores Forza 5. lol!

"doesnt afect gameplay at all."

GT sim physics >>>>> Forza arcade physics

sGIBMBR4001d ago

Forza this gen took the title, sorry bro!

No need to get salty about it, it is what it is.

Next gen, is game on again!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4001d ago
4001d ago Replies(2)
Loki864001d ago

Forza works with Top Gear on their physics and handling, how the hell is not a sim?

torchic4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

did you really just say that?

none of the Top Gear presenters, nor researchers are top noch racing drivers.
their Stigs are decently experienced drivers, (like Ben Collins who did some FIA events, participated in Le Mans series) but aren't anything special. their input is pretty much useless, all it is a marketing trick that seems to have worked in your case.

Forza is not a full on sim. I personally think that Forza is better for controllers than Gran Turismo because it's not too hardcore in it's sim mechanics; Gran Turismo I just feel is too advanced to be played with a joypad.

so be careful when you throw around "but but Top Gear!"
you don't want to embarrass yourself

btw Jeremy Clarkson himself has always been a Gran Turismo fan.

Loki864001d ago

Right even though their R&D team is at the forefront for engine research, not to mention they have over 10 members that do specs for 8 different car companies. Please try to know what you are talking about, it is embarrassing when you judge off the stigs that host it.

Utalkin2me4001d ago

You can tell that by the first 30 seconds when he gets lose on a mild turn doing 60mph. But can take the same turn doing a 100 but doesn't have the same reaction.

theWB274001d ago

But it's perfectly sim to do this..on Nurburgring...


horndog4001d ago

I would say drive club can be compared with forza horizon. Not forza

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4001d ago
Kratos_19864001d ago

too bad with even next gen and still lacks night/day , weather change , rally ect....

ironwolf4001d ago

I see the GT trolls are here already. Contrary to uninformed opinion, Forza is a simulator. It can have its various settings switched down or off or on (as the case may be) to make it accessible to those who like arcade style, or just aren't good enough to handle the full deal.

CaptainPunch4001d ago

Although I'm switching over to the PlayStation 4 next gen, I'm still excited for Forza 5.

supraking9514001d ago

MEH, ill pick up GT6 and Driveclub. Forza 5 calls itself next gen with NO night tracks or weather change. Bravo M$

Belking4001d ago

Stop hating dude. Forza looks flat out better than both. Drive club isn't even 60FPS and it has bad hit detection so far.

Ju4001d ago

Did we just watch the same video?

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Looking back to 2014 and Forza Motorsport 5 Racing GOTY Edition

Carlos writes - "When it was time for Forza 5 to rock on up to the track, we were just entering the third generation of Xbox consoles, and to show off all that extra horsepower that would come inside the Xbox One, they wanted a flagship title that could truly showcase just what miracles the next generation could perform. And what better title than Microsoft’s beloved racer!"

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mijayire1783d ago (Edited 1783d ago )

Such s supreme racing title. Hands down racing franchise of recent decades. Nothing has come close in quality or ratings.

bluefox7551783d ago

Not to mention the worst rated game in the series.

mijayire1783d ago

Apart from Forza 5. Talking about generally the Forza series has always been rated high. Perhaps Forza 5 was rushed for launch. Although made up again by Forza 6 and 7.

IRetrouk1783d ago

I liked the game well enough, it was a good starting point for the new gen and helped them build up to what motorsport 7 is now, the controversies wasnt with the numbers of cars or tracks though, it was more to do with the pc footage being passed off as xbox one, the downgrade from what they originally had shown caused more upset than the numbers.


Put pedal to the metal in Forza Motorsport 5 now free via the Games With Gold scheme

Carlos writes - "It’s time to tweak that tuning setup, perfect those visuals and strap in to that harness before heading down to the track, as Forza Motorsport 5 is calling for all players with a free download now available thanks to Games With Gold!"

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for September 2017 any good?

James writes - "So here we are with a new month about to begin, and we all know by now that means a number of new games are about to be gifted to all Xbox One and Xbox 360 players via the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for September2017. The free games of last month were passable if truth be told, but can September’s offerings make it a month to remember, or one to skip over?"

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timotim2474d ago

Well...lets see. So FM5 is 2013's Racer of the Year, while Oxenfree was nominated and won all types of awards as an indie game in 2016. On the BC side, both games are classics.

lxeasy2474d ago

The Games for Gold this month are pretty good

DaNineTwo2474d ago

I have no idea why you got disagrees.

shinrock2473d ago (Edited 2473d ago )

Because ur in Sonyland.

DaGreatOne2473d ago

I got disagrees for pointing the same thing out the psn games coming. I doubt some people actually enjoy games that visit this site.

TheSaint2473d ago

I swear some people just go into topics and hit disagree on every post for no reason.

EazyC2474d ago

Of course they are. The competition between PS Plus and GwG is getting good now, expect more great months on both sides

2474d ago Replies(5)
Razzer2474d ago

Damn good month. No doubt

senorfartcushion2474d ago

Ps propagandist article and post.

Keep it neutral, fanboy.

senorfartcushion2472d ago

Profile picture, son. I'm an adult, I don't do that fanboy nonsense.

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