
Review | Call of Juarez: Gunslinger [Default Prime]

Default Prime's Lucas Stephens writes, "The curse of the third installment strikes many a franchise. The Western-themed Call of Juarez series became such a victim in 2011 when Ubisoft released the critically panned Call of Juarez: The Cartel. Plagued with broken mechanics and questionable design decisions, its biggest mistake was taking the lore out of the Old West and plastering it in the modern age. They reduced the series to nothing but a run-of-the-mill shooter. Developer Techland has honorably stepped up to not only return the series to its former grace, but make quite possibly the most memorable installment to the Call of Juarez franchise with Gunslinger."

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Psychlone4000d ago

Hold on, don't report it yet.


Why Call of Juarez: Gunslinger might be the best Western shooter ever

Here’s why the masterful Call of Juarez: Gunslinger might be the single best Western shooter there ever was.

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ZeekQuattro315d ago

It is a fun game and I love how the world changes around you as the narrator tells the story and lies about how things went down to liven things up for his audience.

poppatron314d ago

I’m pretty sure that’s not what people were saying when it first released. If it was better received we’d probably of seen a sequel.

isarai314d ago

Actually it got a lot of praise from the few people who did review it, problem was the franchise had by then already burned it's reputation to ashes, this game was a final flashy firework before it was snuffed for those that stuck around. It was too little too late.

Good-Smurf314d ago (Edited 314d ago )

Duel in this was nerve wracking never seen a better game that nailed the focus and feel of tension of gun duel since.
Sound design was amazing as well.
Very fun western shooter.

mkis007314d ago

Damn i played it for an hour and liked it way back...but i got distracted by something else and never went back to it...still own it on steam.

Minute Man 721314d ago

I'm halfway thru this game....shootouts are insane 😆 😆 🤣

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Dying Light 2: Special Event for Call of Juarez: Gunslinger's 10th Anniversary Starts May 31

Techland will be hosting a celebratory Call of Juarez: Gunslinger event in Dying Light 2 with special themed items and enemies. The "Undead or Alive" event will run from May 31 to June 7.

291d ago

The Best Shooters on the Nintendo Switch to Blast Hours Through

Here is a list of the best Nintendo Switch shooters while you wait for your girlfriend to come out from the hair salon.

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jznrpg484d ago

Bad list ! But shooters aren’t the reason anyone buys a Switch

FreeckyCake484d ago (Edited 484d ago )

Why is it bad? Plus, I never mentioned in the article that shooters are the reason people buy a Switch.