
New Games [June 17-23 2013]: New Super Luigi U, Magrunner: Dark Pulse

It’s another one of those slow ones this week. Nothing major on consoles other than New Super Luigi U. Jak and Daxter is making their way onto the Vita and there are a couple of smaller titles worth looking at.

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Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two - Wonderful Co-Op Hamstrung by Aging Tech

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is one of the greatest co-op platformers ever made, and can still be played on modern consoles & PCs.


Naughty Dog Should Remake Jak and Daxter, and Here's Why

Let's take it back to the old school.

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_SilverHawk_639d ago (Edited 639d ago )

They would never do that because they are known for a certain quality to their games which requires a lot of work. Sony would have to charge full price for the game and a lot of poor people will cry about the price.

I've played jak and Daxter recently and I can tell the games were amazing in there time. Sony would want a high quality release to attract old fans and new fans but I don't see that happening at all.

CaptainHenry916638d ago

Sony likes to rely on remakes now. So it's possible

CrimsonWing69638d ago

Wait, all they make now are remakes?

_SilverHawk_638d ago (Edited 638d ago )


You need to understand that a lot of people crying about playstation pledged allegiance to some other gaming company. Most of them only own a gaming system or two and it's quite evident which gaming console has been steadily releasing high quality games regularly for a while which has been the case for a few generations

SonyStyled638d ago (Edited 638d ago )

It’s my favorite franchise, and the reason I moved from Nintendo to PlayStation 20yrs ago. I would love to see a successor with the same crude humor, alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking, and sexual humor.
To replicate that atmosphere could upset a crowd today since platformers largely target children now.
Is there another platformer today that’s dark, gritty, and characters committing suicide (Krew)?
For platformers now it’s SpongeBob, Astrobot, and Ratchet…

neutralgamer1992638d ago

ND won't remake it but some other studio could do it. Especially with remakes now getting quality content/resources they maybe able to do jak and Dexter trilogy into one giant game with improvements

RaidenBlack639d ago

I doubt ND'll handle Jak & Daxter any time soon.
Instead Sony'll assign the Remake to some other studio(smaller), like team asobi or bluepoint (I know these studios are doing some other stuffs but I am just using them as examples) or even contact Sumo or Lucid.

purple101638d ago

Naughty dog should focus on new and Interesting ideas. Like they always do

goldwyncq638d ago

They've been stuck doing nothing but Uncharted and TLOU for 3 generations now.

--Onilink--638d ago

Lol at your disagrees, I love Uncharted and LoU, but its not even a subjective thing. They have quite literally only done Uncharted and LoU games for 3 generations (so far). In terms of new ideas, I wouldn’t necessarily make them to be some kind of example. There are plenty of other things in which they are industry leaders and thats perfectly fine

tay8701638d ago

well when you make masterpiece after masterpiece with those 2 with those ips, peope are going to want more of each. u might get your wish if the rumors of their next space themed ip strays crossong are true.

purple101636d ago (Edited 636d ago )

If I'm right...

Crash bandicoot ps1
Jack & daxter ps2
The last of us ps3
Uncharted ps3 & ps4 & Psp

Now it's time for something new for ps5

ClayRules2012638d ago

I’d personally love to see Bluepoint Remake Jak and Daxter, knowing their pedigree and respect to handling past remakes.

I want Naughty Dog to finish up Factions (knowing that according to Neil it’ll have a story for it’s MP, but also in some ways be it’s biggest game and most ambitious, if I’m not mistaken, someone correct me if I’m wrong! Haha.) Also, along with just gearing the team (s) I’m not sure if they’re doing 2 teams at the studio again or just one big team (minus a smaller group that worked on Part 1 for PS5) but would like to see them more focused on their next NEW iP exclusively for PS5, be it savage Starlight or something else entirely.

Either way, I’m looking forward to have my mind 🤯 lol

Profchaos638d ago

Same I'm so tired of hearing it's coming but never seeing it.

ClayRules2012638d ago

Me too. I hope if and when they show it, we’ll get a release date and or a beta maybe? I mean, we’ve waited so long for it.

ClayRules2012637d ago

Yeah, I’d be great to see them do it. I believe they’d do a really great job!

EmperorDalek638d ago

We'll get another Last of Us remake before they give Jak any thought.

Kakashi Hatake638d ago (Edited 638d ago )

The PS4 edition wasn't a remake, it was a simple remaster to give PS4 owners something to play. TLOU PS5 is the first remake they've ever done. Can't pretend that's all they do now. TLOU2 was an excellent sequel and that's rare after striking gold with the first game.

EmperorDalek638d ago

You say that like it isn't common knowledge. Yeah, it's a remaster that's still playable on PS5, therefore it isn't as necessary as something like Demon's Souls or Shadow of the Colossus. A Jak remake would have been just as welcome as those, but they instead chose to remake the one we're already able to play.

"Excellent sequel" I disagree, the story was a mess and the game was a chore to play due to the poor pacing.

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