
Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party Gameplay Footage

Yamilia from Twinfinite writes: "As mentioned in our preview, Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party can make two people get really close. Get ready to laugh at how much of an idiot I am with our gameplay footage above. Notice how I don’t look at him despite it being okay to do so, and that I raise my arms up immediately after passing the wiimote thinking we had to do another revolution."

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How a sexy game was snuck onto the Wii U

If a developer wants to make a video game that is sexually-suggestive and can lead to a naughty time, they could learn a thing or two from slumber party games, according to Lau Korsgaard, a developer from KnapNok Games who is also part of the Copenhagen Game Collective.

N4g_null3588d ago

Come on as long as you get it rated they will let it on.


Nintendo Download: 8th August (Europe)

It's Monday morning, so it's Nintendo Download news time in Europe. This week brings us one of the most unique Wii U eShop titles to date, some retro goodies, and quite a mix of new titles and price cuts on the 3DS eShop.

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Spin the Bottle points at Wii U next month

Joystiq writes:

'Spin the Bottle's protracted development cycle - ho ho ho - comes to an end in two weeks time, when it finally reaches the Wii U eShop on August 8, priced at $9/€7. KnapNok's' party piece was expected in the spring, but its eccentric mechanics meant quality assurance took way longer than expected - stuff like pushing Wiimote buttons with noses, or blindfolded players searching for controllers ... the usual.'

MNGamer-N3972d ago

No. And also no to Sing party and Just Dance. Maybe it's just me. If it's your thing, cool I guess.