
The Popular PS4 and the Futuristic Xbox One

Two main strategies are present in this new console battle, with the first being Sony's pro-gamer stance that practically keeps almost everything intact, and the second being Microsoft’s pro-future stance, which sacrifices consumer rights in the short term to, hopefully, push the industry forward in the long term.

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zerocrossing4006d ago

Why do they refer to the Xbone as "Futuristic"? nowhere in the foreseeable future do I plan on throwing away my consumer rights.

Relientk774006d ago

They should have picked a better adjective for Xbox One

like Anti-consumerist or Restrictive

BigFnHooters4006d ago

And beyond the horrible DRM problems the Xbox One, no one in their right mind would call a console 'futuristic' that:

* Looks like a ugly 1970s era VCR
* Is gigantic for what is inside the box
* Outdated and weak graphics hardware
* Still uses batteries for its controllers
* Has yet another giant external powerbrick

Foxgod4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

It doesnt look like VCR at all, if you think so you ve never seen a VCR.
The XB1 looks like a audio amplifier.


And it doesnt use AA battery's:

And it uses the same hardware as the Ps4, it only got less pipelines in the GPU, but it makes up for it by adding Esram, and DD3 instead of GDDr5
But DDR3 is more advanced in many ways then Gddr5, and they are both just as old.
Gddr5 better at streaming textures, DDr3 better at crunching physics and AI, as DDr3 is better at pushing a lot of smaller files, while Gddr5 is better at pushing large chunks of data.

In fact, what you said about the hardware doesnt make sense at all, my I7 is way older then the ps4 and XB1, but believe me, its more powerful.

I also have to see a picture of the power brick?
Where is it, google search gives me nothing, who knows its a tiny brick.

The fact that Bigfnhooters gets so many agree's is the ultimate evidence that sony fans are immature and under informed.

4Sh0w4006d ago

"Sure, taking the console environment towards a direction already explored by Steam sounds good, and things such as a lowering of price for retail games could happen, but Microsoft is taking a huge risk with its Xbox One."

I've never heard Steam gamers complain about their consumer rights being sacrificed, sort of a automatic double standard when talking about anything Microsoft does.

Gaming1014006d ago

lol it does look like a VCR, and their controller doesn't seem as shapely or smooth anymore. I would never in a million years buy a console with that many restrictions on it.

Why o why4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )


Steam buyers don't have physical disks that stop working if their net goes down. When you start off paying for dd you accept you're licensing just like psn/xbl games. There are benefits and drawbacks.

With ms you are pretty much licensing hard copies and still paying the same price as those who have ownership. People are taking potshots at Microsoft because they're being draconian. What they want to be the norm just frankly isn't what the masses want and the people have spoken.

The pacifiers and apologists will continue to defend and deflect whilst the overall majority, including many hard core 360 fans, are pissed. Go tell them they're being overly dramatic or showing double standards. I'd love seeing it. I've seen too many people accuse others of fanboyism or hating on ms only to get shut the fcuk down by the accused. Some of which were pro 360 or did genuinely have intentions of purchasing the nextbox. Why?...well because it seems anybody who says they're not in love or just hate ms's direction automatically has to be over reacting or fanboy of the other faction. It's amusing to watch

4006d ago
Enemy4006d ago

Softpedia's vision of the future sure is sh*tty.

JokesOnYou4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

"The pacifiers and apologists will continue to defend and deflect whilst the overall majority, including many hard core 360 fans, are pissed."

-OK so here, anyone who supports X1 is a "pacifiers and apologist"

"Why?...well because it seems anybody who says they're not in love or just hate ms's direction automatically has to be over reacting or fanboy of the other faction."

-But here, of course: "anybody who says they're not in love or just hate ms's direction" -of course couldn't possibly be a sonyfanboy.

-Wow Why o Why, so I see you have your perimeter defences all conveniently covered. Now lets examine, your theory using n4g as a measuring stick, #1 from what I can tell by general observation there is a clear divide on support for and against X1, I've seen maybe 2 or 3 folks(no new accounts please) that have been usual 360 supporters who are overall against X1, however the vast MAJORITY are looking forward to buying an X1, if you disagree point them out by name, I'll point the one out by name you continue to support xbox, make a direct comparison, I bet its lopsided to my point if not I'll stand corrected and say so, but for now how can you classify this as "many hard core 360 fans, are pissed"? Where, who? lol, n4g's selective posting can paint a false picture. #2 I can't think of any member including you who has been a longtime supporter of ps that now as been on record consistently saying anything positive about X1, OK they don't like, obviously they are more likely to see the glass half empty....so honestly WHY do you think that is? My guess is because people generally stick to what they like UNLESS there is some overwhelming reason to switch, meaning nothings change really but more importantly the point is your argument is flawed, because the internet is a haven for those most negative about a product don't necessarily generally speak for the masses in the real world, for example as we both own the same cell phone, I have no love for iPhone but just go to the comments section of most cell phone reviews, even if its not about iPhone, Apple products tend to get a lot of negative comments, a lot of people ONLINE don't give the iPhone much credit for anything, call it overpriced, not innovative, but yet more people choose it vs any other 1 phone.

Also I frequent xbox forums, you have a lot of xbox fans voicing concerns, we've done that throughout the lifespan of the 360, its not outrage, its saying "hey why not do it this way" its suggestions but ultimately we generally like what the brand is doing vs the competition, then from time to time you have new accounts that show up for a short time and complain, complain, complain with never anything good to say....hell NO I don't take them seriously just like I don't take most here seriously and I doubt you'd give any weight to my complaints if I visit ps threads everyday just to add, "psn+ is a joke, I wouldn't pay for that just because they offer a few garbage free games", now would you?

Why o why4006d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

Uh uh, some people are just fine with it, the pacifiers, some are acting like those against the overall consensus are being somewhat unreasonable by voicing an opinion different from their own.. Also, this is the comment section of n4g....a cesspool of fanboyism so to speak...a mix of the two old zones as opposed to the forums. Fanboys will be here. Over zealous comments and opinions will also be rife. Yep, I agree some of this is bordering on groudhog day type repetitiveness.... beating a dead horse but this is n4g... The defenders are just as boring as the attackers (like myself in this case).....rinse and bloody repeat. Why do we do it jokes?..... must be an element of fun and joy somewhere (no pun). You have to separate the wheat from the chaff be it comments or those making them. I know you cant tell me you don't like shutting somebody the fcuk up when they talk sh*t....who doesn't like that?

On a serious note though.. . Some people will only take a stand when they're pushed to do so. I know many pro ms guys have made their feelings and concerns heard, yourself included but some just dont seem to see the bigger picture here or they act like they dont/wont/cant. They need a wake up call.

Like I've stated, I dont mind a bit o fun here..... but you wont catch me downplaying games or better efforts made by anybody...nope. If its nice I'll give it its props...... I'm not even the type to grudgefully stay away from good ms news. Show me something good and I'm there but this whole fiasco has transcended gaming somewhat. More important than fanboy wars and point scoring even if they seem inseparable. Just like yyod or rrod, a fuss has to be made or sh*t wont happen to fix it too quickly. Ms need to KNOW they're pissing people off... Their people are here...dont for one minute think the console manufacturers people aren't listening to silly old gaming forums

...I took my last n4g hiatus because of burnout...im sure ill do the same again at some point....been here since 07....smh

agreed with your comment btw

JokesOnYou4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

"Why do we do it jokes..... must be an element of fun somewhere. You cant tell me you don't like shutting somebody the fcuk up when they talk sh*t....who doesn't like that."

-You caught me red-handed there. Yeah of course I do, point taken. And so it seems Why o Why, we disagree only to agree in the end. Good day, Sir.

agreed with your LAST comment btw

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
HammadTheBeast4006d ago

It's weird. Other than restrictions and TV, PS4 can do everything the Xbox One can.

They're boasting about "the cloud" and "connected" but PS4 has access to all the same assets and features with Gaikai and other peripherals.

4006d ago
a_bro4006d ago

Ps4 can do tv, just like how ps3 can do tv. But not the way xbone does it. Also, this whole tv thing on xbone defeats its purpose when you have to connect the cable box to the system, smfh....

Parapraxis4006d ago

edonus doesn't know dirt about the new PS Eye.

Craftiii44006d ago


"Ps4 cant multitask" I'm sorry what? The PS4 can't multi task? Where did you pull that from?

"It doesnt have the servers to support massive cloud computing functions" You don't seem to understand this, the cloud won't do much processing wise to boost your xbox because at the end of the day a network is only as fast as its weakest link and your network speed is most likely to be this, having the cloud process over this is not feasible for many applications.

"since the camera is not really part of the system it cant do controller position registering" How would it not being part of the system effect what it can and can not do? Just because it is not required does not mean it can't do something.

Your use of Forza 5 does not really justify anything either, sure forza is a decent game, but this method you are praising you are basing on what? Have you experienced this in action? Of course it could be excellent, but seeing that the computer is not able to "think" for itself I doubt it will be anything compared to playing against actual opponents. Unless of course Microsoft have developed a working SkyNet.

But its fine, you can believe what ever you want to believe. If you think that list is able to justify a purchase of an xbox, baring in mind in does not include things like:

- Can't play used games
- Has to connect every 24 hours

Which are pretty big game breakers.

HammadTheBeast4006d ago

"Ps4 cant multitask"

Yes it can. In fact, it can also be shutdown, then immediately open the game to where you were when you turn it on again. 8 GB or GDDR5 ram do wonders for multitasking.

"since the camera is not really part of the system it cant do controller position registering"

Actually, it was confirmed to do this before the Xbox One was even revealed. Maybe you didn't see the giant blue light in front of the Dualshock 4.

"facial recognition"
"voice commands"

Most people don't care or want to care about these things. We all see the hate for motion controls in gaming. Sure, you can change the channel with your voice, but does it justify $500?

"gesture command which means it is totally unsuitable for several genres of gaming."

Which genres of gaming? Dance games? Also, Move isn't dead yet, they just haven't hyped it up as much. This comment has the same validity as "Xbox One can't do Wonderbook - it eliminates a genre"

"It cant let you share *your* library of games at any system with out disc"

1.It's not your Library, you're merely renting the license to play those games. Next, it hasn't been confirmed, but a similar feature is probably in for PS4 because you can let friends play levels of your games for you if you have difficulty (PS4 reveal source)

"it cant let you add ten people that have complete access to an entire gaming library from anywhere."

Read above.

"It doesnt have the servers to support massive cloud computing functions"

Gaikai my friend. And this cloud isn't nearly as powerful as they're hyping it up to be. Out of the 300 k servers, I doubt even 100 k are physical. This kind of cloud support can also be done on iphones and tablets.

"as an example in Forza 5 the AI is processed in the cloud the ONE doesnt process the AI. The AI is profiles of everyone that plays the games racing style. Those people racing style stay in the Forza 5 cloud world earning points and bonuses for you while you are not even playing."

SO basically what my app store games can do (The Infinite Black)

"Now watch this everyone he's not going to address and debunk my list... he will call me something and either start talking about the policies of MS or how sony is doing right by gamers. All of which is not on topic and not fully realized, or he will talk about the spec analysis that say the Ps4 has more theoretic power but leave out the theoretic power of the cloud and or ignore that the eSram and cloud arent factored in to these comparisons"

Lol. I'll just bring this up:


Oh, and just for you, enjoy trading your rights for clowds.

fenome4006d ago


Where do I even start... I ain't here to flame-war with youngsters, but if you're gonna bag on something at least get your facts straight. Every Single Thing you mentioned that the PS4 can't do, it does brilliantly. PERIOD.

Let's go step by step, shall we..

You can start up a game, be playing it, your friend cant tell you they're stuck in a game so you can watch their game screen to see what they're stuck on. Pop onto an online guide, go back to their game take over their controller and beat the part they were stuck on. Or even just tell 'em how to beat it so they can still have the satisfaction. All seamlessly
Here's a vid (Kind of a lame vid, but still proof)

Facial recognition, voice commands and gestures
@parapraxis already gave you an article on this so I'll just show you the playroom and let you see how it CAN track gestures, faces and the contoller..


About sharing games, right now on my ps3 anybody that has my profile with my ps+ account on it has full access to all my games, and I'm sure they will keep it similar if not the same on ps4.

And I seriously think you underestimate Gaikai and it's cloud computing potential. Micro new they bought them out last year and was quick to jump on the cloud bandwagon because if they didn't they knew they'd be left in the dust


Keep in mind, I'm not here to talk smack, I'm just "educating" you, that's all. Considering M$ keeps talking about having to educate you guys on next gen, figured I'd jump on it too :)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4006d ago
Foxgod4006d ago

Because its early with incorporating an online solution for gaming, that everything will be eventually.

Godmars2904006d ago

The trouble being that "eventual" solution has been made the only option with little to no room for transition much less any proven incentives.

zerocrossing4006d ago

The rights of ownership, to sell and trade that which I own through legal transaction and to privacy if I so choose.

You want to throw these rights away for a video game? fair enough, but I value my rights while I'm still entitled to them.

4006d ago Replies(9)
CrossingEden4006d ago

yeah right as soon as sony announces DRM plans you'll immediately defend it just like you kid defend online paid subscriptions

Grave4006d ago

Its futuristic in the way the book 1984 was futuristic.

wastedcells4006d ago

Ya bad choice of words. I think the PS4 is more futuristic. It's more open to consumers and developers. More powerful and looks great ascetically. Easy to use and developer friendly. A great new controller and ps eye. I like it.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
GamersRulz4006d ago

I can't see what's so "Futuristic" about X1!

Specs? hell no
Design? nope
Services? TV is the oldest form of entertainment. So NO.

Relientk774006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

LOL, yeah cmon really

futuristic is like the last thing it is

edit: LMAO at Ace, and Pedrobear below me

Ace_Pheonix4006d ago

I think by futuristic they mean by the manner in which Microsoft will gang rape your wallet, and strip you naked of all your property rights. Really, they should just make these with the hammer and sickle printed on the top to usher in the "New Age".

longcat4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

i think whores are the oldest form of entertainment...but i digress

MS want a digital only service for pc and xbone.

pompombrum4006d ago

Futuristic console.. still needs batteries!

Foxgod4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

No it doesnt, it got a battery pack for recharging, and it uses an usb cable for recharging, just like the ps4...

The articles stating that the XB1 controller needed battery's is another one of those flurry false hate articles against the XB1.

pompombrum4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

Does that come included with every controller or is it going to be an overpriced additional cost again? If it's the former, I stand corrected.

Foxgod4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

Its built in, so... kind of hard to not be included.


This guy actually used one.

pompombrum4006d ago

That's good then, it's nice to know they at least listened to gamers feedback for the controller improvements.

Thegamer414006d ago

What they mean by built in is that the battery pack is on the inside like a tv remote, here is a picture of the back of the controller. You can see they have a lid, they still use off the shelf batteries.

psyxon4006d ago

foxgod, you're trying pretty hard to defend the xbox one.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4006d ago
Jakens4006d ago

I love the battery swap thing going on. Just fits my lifestyle better.

Bzone244006d ago

As does the PS4. You just can't replace the PS4 battery.

sashimi4006d ago

you can, its called a screw driver. Not that i've needed to replace my ps3 controllers battery at all.

Bzone244006d ago

But it does need a battery right?

Ace_Pheonix3996d ago

Lithium batteries don't develop a memory like the old Alkaline ones did. So yes, it does need a battery. One that's built into the controller, lasts over 8 hours, and never has to be replaced or messed with. Have you ever replaced the battery in your iPhone? I don't have an iPhone because I'm not a yuppy puppet, but I'd bet that replacing one would be a very rare occurrence.

Relientk774006d ago


their calendars. They're wrong.

Godmars2904006d ago

And those who fail to learn from the past, repeat it.

Going to guess you didn't read the book.

CaulkSlap4004d ago

Big Brother watched you directly from the TV. Remind you of anything?

GamePeace4006d ago

The doubtful Ps4 and the restricted Xbox One.
The spooky Ps4 and the smoky Xbox One.

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PS5 Outsells Xbox One

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anast1h ago

The Xbox lady sees this and there goes Ninja Theory.

CrimsonWing6958m ago

I mean, that’s like the equivalent of bragging about beating up a special needs kid.

MajorLazer55m ago

Series S/X may not even outsell the X1 🤣

Xeofate54m ago

Something Xbox Series X will never do.

MrNinosan43m ago

It won't, not even with S included in the mix.

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GhostScholar45m ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game


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