
Black Tusk Studios' new project video

The trailer for Black Tusk Studio's new AAA project exclusively for the Xbox One.

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whoyouwit044013d ago

That wasn't CG they said in the conference before they showed it it was all in engine.

nthstew4013d ago

like they said quantum break was in-game meh....
just show us in-game footage Microsoft stop being a smart ass..

DOMination-4013d ago

It's in game engine, just like Quantum Break. Nobody seems to have a problem when Sony did this with The Order 1866 so why is it a problem here?

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

No gameplay me.

Intentions4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

That ain't CG, CG looks a lot better than that btw.

If anything, it would pre rendered in game, polished cut-scene.

whoyouwit044013d ago

sounds like you are just hating to me, you sony fans say games look better on PS4 but what games have they showed that looked better? I haven't seen anything. I know you people were drooling over infamous, but it looks on slightly better then dead risen; which is saying a lot because dead risen has thousands of AI on screen at once.

whoyouwit044013d ago

Well this is only 15 secs of footage in a dark room and yea it really does look just ok. However, we need to see more to say it is not a good looking game. I guarantee If this was from sony you would be drooling all over it for example look at The Oder: 1866 that trailer looked like crap, and you got 3 minutes to look at it so we know it does look like crap. hell this trailer looks just as good if not better.

4013d ago Replies(1)
ltachiUchiha4013d ago

Awesome another shooter game lol. Geez.

Cueil4013d ago

looks like stealth action to me, but who knows what direction they are going in

ltachiUchiha4013d ago

Thats great but the xbone needs something different like ryse. Thats a great new ip.

Cueil4013d ago

Who knows... if they can maybe put a cool spin on something I'll be fine with taht, but I agree... new interesting stuff would be what I want

whoyouwit044013d ago

This is actually supposed to be a stealth game. I mean yea it's a shooter but it's not the same guns a blazing type of shooter like killzone, Halo or gears supposedly.

from the beach4013d ago

Such a tease! Hoping for great things from this studio, they said that video was running in engine so it should be visually amazing at least.


Black Tusk Can Improve Gears of War

Microsoft has denied the existence of a Gears of War remaster since speculation started to ramp up on the title. Microsoft has become the first victim of the big three to spoilers revealing their plans ahead of their E3 briefing on June 15. One surprise that fans had an inkling of was a Gears of War return to Xbox.

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DarkOcelet3306d ago

I wonder if Gears HD will sell as well as MCC did.

It does look great. But i am more interested in the SP part of the game. Its the main seller for me. So hopefully it looks good after the graphic upgrade. And hopefully its not Bright!

Summons753306d ago

It will sell well regardless but Gears doesn't have nearly the fanbase or legacy as the Halo series. Also MCC is 4 games you can play back to back, this will just be Gears 1. Still, it will sell really well regardless especially coupled with a Gears 4 announcement.

_-EDMIX-_3306d ago (Edited 3306d ago )

Agreed. It won't sell bad, but historically Halo has been the better selling series and even MCC didn't do extremely huge numbers.

I see Gears HD doing numbers near what MCC did, likely less.

Better question is....why are they always talking about Gears? That IP was bought AFTER they showed their new AAA FPS IP....where the hell is that?

I want to actually see that game at E3 and hopefully its not canned and they are working on both.

rainslacker3306d ago

I wish it were all three games. I only ever got to play the first one in it's entirety, and the other two only bits and pieces at friends houses. While I found the story of the first one rather cliche and mundane, I've been told as a trilogy it's a good story, so I'd like to play all of them to see if it's true.

between the GeOW trilogy and Halo:MCC which is in the same boat as the prior for me, it'd be worth getting a whole system for.

3306d ago Replies(1)
super_bruno3306d ago

If they release it right after E3 it will sell.

gangsta_red3306d ago

"Include horde mode"

That is all I need!

YingYng3306d ago

Gears 1 didn't have a party up feature, right? You always had to find a room with a certain amount of round wins or something like that. I just want gears 2 or 3. Actually,I wouldn't mine having all 3. Judgement isn't considered a gears game lol

3306d ago
PhoenixUp3306d ago

Microsoft would be more willing to show the remaster if Halo TMV didnt release as broken as it did

Yui_Suzumiya3306d ago

I want the Marcus Fenix Collection,not just the first one. Gears 2 is my favorite.

crazychris41243306d ago

Agreed as much as I loved the 1st game I'm not gonna buy it again for anything over $10. Collection for 30 or 40 would be the price I pick it up. Just a lot more bang for your buck like halo mcc.

Whatever they do lets hope it's a smooth launch and doesn't take several months to fix like halo mcc.

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Black Tusk Studios Celebrates One Year of Work on Gears of War Franchise

The development team at Black Tusk Studios is celebrating the one-year anniversary since it started to work on the Gears of War franchise with a Twitter message

"Today marks the one year anniversary of acquiring the @GearsofWar franchise - we are humbled to be delivering on such a beloved experience"

lifeisgamesok3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

E3 is going to be spectacular Gears of War is gonna look so good in Unreal Engine 4

I hope Gears is going back to its horror vibe from Gears 1 though the other games were good too

DarkOcelet3417d ago

Yeah, Gears 1 atmosphere was the best, I really also loved the gears theme that began when you encounter the locust for the first time, it was so awesome.

Mr Pumblechook3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

"Today marks the one year anniversary of acquiring the @GearsofWar franchise - we are humbled to be delivering on such a beloved experience"

It's good marketing to draw attention to the franchise and start the hype machine for the likely reveal later this year. However to say they are 'HUMBLED to be DELIVERING' is an oxymoron, two contradictory terms. There's nothing wrong with them stating "we will deliver" because it shows confidence in what they are making. But to then say humbled in the same sentence shows that the tweet went through marketing and added humble so it didn't sound arrogant. Clever, but the English language leaves little clues for a 'detective' to find!

Gazondaily3417d ago

Yeah agreed. Go back to the horror elements more and make it A LOT more serious and I will be interested.

I'd rather they kill off most of the existing cast and focus on a new one that actually has some depth to them and not being just brainless dudebros high-fiving each other when they take out some gigantic tapeworm.

starrman19853417d ago

@Mr Pumblechook - isn't it possible that they actually do feel humbled to get to work on this project?

I'm really excited to see what they do with Gears, and as Septic said I would love this to feel completely fresh!

MoonConquistador3417d ago

@Mr Pumblechook I think in this instance your guilty of reading between the lines and making up something to have issues with.

I think you could do with looking up the meanings of "humbled", "delivering", "oxymoron" and "contradictory".

Leave the detective work for others

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3417d ago
christocolus3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

Gears 4 is going back to be alot darker than the others. Rod stated this mid last year and i think its the best direction for the series.but will marcus make a return?

I cant wait to see Gears running on UE4.The detail and general atmosphere of the game will be amazing. also i expect the game to be shown at E3 alongside Halo5 sp, QB, Tombraider, Scalebound and Rares upcoming ips. Phantum dust and Crackdown might show up too along other unannounced exclusives.

DarkOcelet3417d ago

I believe he will indeed make a return but i expect a darker Marcus after 3.

3417d ago
otherZinc3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

Gears is fantastic the way it is now.

I completely disagree with people saying they want something new, fresh, kill the old characters, bring in the new. Friggin ridiculous!

People still play Gears to this day! When I finish Halo:MCC on Halo 4 Legendary, I'm running through the Gears series on Insane Mode with my daughter in Campaign Co-op.

To bring something "fresh" would be changing Gears, no!

Gears 4...or whatever, needs:
Campaign Co-op
Horde Mode...like Gears 2
Splitscreen Campaign Co-op
Horde Mode Splitscreen Co-op
4 player co-op online

Bring back all the characters with a New Carmine & Dom & Marias long lost Son:
Dominic "Domm" Santiago Jr.

Now...Let's Go!

Magicite3416d ago

1 year and not even a slight glimpse, at least concept art?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3416d ago
Transporter473417d ago

The best Gears of War mutiplayer was the first one. They need to go back to do that and get rid of the horrid Gears 2-Judgement MP.

3417d ago
Revolt133417d ago

No, gears 3 was the most balanced and competitive. Don't get me wrong, 1&2 were great, but 3 was perfect aside from sawed off and retro

Joda3416d ago

part 2 was the best. Part 3 felt out of whack with the mulcher, one shot. the retro lancer felt too strong, the lancer and hammer burst felt alot weaker. Part 3 hammer burst felt really bad. I liked playing as female gears though seeing booty instead of the hunchbacks was nice.

Transporter473417d ago

I played all three and to me it wasn't. I did not enjoy it what so ever.

IVanSpinal3416d ago

Because you need to play more, the more you play the better you are, i have played 600 hours and i know i can learn much more

Revolt133416d ago

I'll teach you the way of the wallbounce ;)

baodeus3416d ago

na, strafing would beat any wallbounce any day, obviously wall bounce tend to not be as accurate, while strafing is always accurate at both defense and offense.

Transporter473416d ago

I understand that some of you enjoyed 3 the most, but I didn't. It didn't feel like Gears to me. I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that is mine. You do not have to agree with it. : )

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3416d ago
Kingdomcome2473417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

I'd love to see something before E3, but we probably won't. I don't feel like researching it, but has Microsoft had this before? (I'm assuming this is happening this year) Both Halo and GeOW reveal at one E3? Man... Uncharted, GOW, Guerrilla's new IP, Crackdown, Halo, Scalebound, Quantum Break, Gears, and hopefully some awesome reveals from both sides at E3. This along with everything already known to release this year. I can't take it anymore. Dying Light is a nice start to this year, and it's about time to get this gen started real proper like.

christocolus3417d ago

May be Halo5 at E3 and Gears at Gamescom. If the game is a year into development now then it might see a release holliday 2016. That would be almost 3years. Also MS has a lot to show. There's also forza6 and lionheads second project and no one actually knows what LXP, Decisive games and the other new studios are working on.

ThinkThink3416d ago

Usually the game development cycle is 3 years but that includes 12-18 of game engine development. If they're using the unreal engine I expect they can shave a year off of development putting them in line for a late 2105 launch. might be pushing it though.

WitWolfy3417d ago

So its been a year and they still have nothing to show for it... Seems about right...

Kingdomcome2473417d ago

How long has Santa Monica been working on GOW? ND on UC 4 before the reveal at PSX? We complain about devs rushing games, and then complain when they take their time. Why is everyone so negative?

QuantumWake3417d ago

"We complain about devs rushing games, and then complain when they take their time."


Take all the time in the world, Black Tusk. I'm counting on you to deliver a true Gears of War experience. :-)

Gazondaily3417d ago

You hit the nail in the coffin there.

its_JEFF3417d ago

I'm glad they don't have anything to show yet... realistically they've had the franchise for a year, who knows how long actual work started. Anything they show now would be rough, a target render or in alpha... and we know how some people react to anything being shown that isn't perfect even though it's prealpha/alpha build. I'm guessing if we something at E3 it will be a short teaser.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3417d ago
jhoward5853417d ago

I think Black Tusk hasn't done much with the game play for Gears since DX12 API was probably still in the works.

I think Black Tusk took an entire year to build the stages, textures, character models, etc.

Perjoss3417d ago

Wont be the same without Cliffy, Hopefully it will be at least ok.

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Gears of War Xbox One could learn from Halo 4, says Fergusson

The first Gears of War game for Xbox One may draw on what 343 achieved with Halo 4, Black Tusk Studios general manager Rod Fergusson has told OXM

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dirigiblebill3682d ago

As long as the learning process is equal parts what to do and what not to do... all fine with me.

NewMonday3681d ago

never liked any of the Gears games the gameplay was good but the story was very generic and the character designs were stupid but hopefully the new talent they are assembling can re-invent the franchise.

kreate3681d ago

Its all about the chainsaw on the gun.

trywizardo3682d ago

agree halo4 was one of the best games for last gen , and the MP was great too , i hope GOW4 will be as epic as GOW2 that game is dope

Ausbo3681d ago

Multiplayer was ok imo, but the halo 4 single player was spectacular. If black tusk can make it that good, that would be amazing

guyman3681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

More like: in my opinion, halo 4 was one of the best games of last gen. To say halo 4 was the one of the best is really stretching it

u got owned3681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

Your one bubble say otherwise :) Jk. I agree Halo 4 was great but far from one of the best.

XiSasukeUchiha3682d ago

GOW will be very efficient using the knowledge they got from Halo.

ThichQuangDuck3681d ago

Halo 4 was not the same feeling for me multiplayer. I think this gears of war is going to deviate a lot and have upgraded guns which would ruin it for me. Not having weapons on map would be a mistake

ScareFactor3681d ago

If they do that I lose all hope for Gears

LAWSON723681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

That is what I did with Halo lol. I still remember the leak of MP details like it was yesterday. Man I wish those leaks ended up fake

Illusive_Man3675d ago

Why? Did you die a lot?

Halo 4 Multi wasn't the same because it was fresher and faster. Go back and play Halo 3 and tell me if you honestly think it is better. Believe me as a long time Halo vet, it has not held up like you might think it has.

hankmoody3681d ago

343i stated that they had learned a lot from their work on Halo 4 and that Halo 5 would definitely take on a more polished state upon release. I thought Halo 4 was pretty good as it stood so I'm totally excited for Halo 5 and curious about GoW and how that will change.

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