
Nyko unveils PlayStation 4 & Xbox One accessories at E3

Video game accessory maker Nyko Technologies is unveiling its lineup for Microsoft's upcoming Xbox One home entertainment system and Sony's PlayStation 4 gaming console. This is in addition to new products the company is showing for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 at the E3 2013.

M-M4011d ago

Who said the PS4 and One controllers needed an integrated touch screen xD.

Blackdeath_6634011d ago

throughout the MS conference they were pushing the idea of smart glass and using you phone to call in an airstrike or something along those lines unless you have three hands that is really impractical and is only shoved in there to push the idea of mobile device but i guess this accessory solves that issue

Redrever4011d ago

that has to be the most uglest thing i have ever seen, remind me nyko why do we need this?

minimur124011d ago

a bit like your avatar...... wtf is that?

stunkilla4011d ago

who need to know anything about xbox one... no ONE will buy it.

FrightfulActions4011d ago

I disagree. It's likely going to sell well in the States. Everyone has this niave notion that the majority of console purchasers are educated on what they're buying. As much as the internet and generally everyone who knows the details about Xbox One hates it, the vast majority probably never even heard of E3 before, have no idea what the box really does and just associate it as "Hey, thats the new Xbox 360."

Microsoft is very good at selling consumers crap. This will be no different. Shafefully I'm hoping we see another RROD situation where the first batch all die. Since after owning one and finding out about some of its BS practices maybe, just maybe, the average consumer will consider NOT repurchasing it.

I really don't want to see Microsoft do 'well' on this product.

hellvaguy4011d ago (Edited 4011d ago )

"It's likely going to sell well in the States. Everyone has this niave notion that the majority of console purchasers are educated on what they're buying"

If your going to call all Americans "niave", do yourself a favor and spell it right--naive. It just helps makes your troll a bit more credible.

Secondly your stupid: "I really don't want to see Microsoft do 'well' on this product."

This is a 3rd party Nyko product, not a MS product as clearly stated in the title of the article.

FrightfulActions4011d ago (Edited 4011d ago )

It's just a little typo, calm down. Also I'm not trolling, no need to be so sensitive. I'm basing this off of the past proven facts. Xbox does very well in the states despite the many issues it faced, such as RROD and its tactics of charging people for online services that they already pay for (Netflix, Hulu, ect).

If you really believe that the average Joe knows all the there is to know about the Xbox One, then good for you. I enjoy your outlook. Unfortunately that just isn't the case, as much as I wish it was.

The majority of buyers will just be getting it based off its branding. It isn't "Xbone" to them that restricts used games, always watches and requires online to function. To them it's just the next Xbox 360. Sad but true.

Also I'm aware that the article is about Nyko products. You're going out of your way to find reason to complain about my statement at this point. I was making a comment not on the article or Nyko but rather it was a response to Stunkilla. Stunkilla's post was about the Xbox One. My reply was referring to Xbox One because it was in the context of replying to him. I'm not sure why you didn't 'get that' but like I said you're kinda going out of your way to find reason to moan.

Chill out.

Edit: Coincidentally neither Stuntkilla's or my post really have much relevence to the article or have anything to do with Nyko. I'll admit that much.

jeffgoldwin4010d ago

" It's likely going to sell well in the States. Everyone has this niave notion that the majority of console purchasers are educated on what they're buying"

I also did lol at the insult failure. So I guess it was good for that much.

thatruth864011d ago

You people do know its just to hold your smart phone when there's interactions between game and smart glass or playstation just like what they showed for battlefield on commander mode

Thatlalala4011d ago

I only have two hands!!! How the fuck am I going to shoot/drive/jump whatever the game entails, and also do all this shit on my phone.

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