
Zelda 3DS: Eiji Aonuma Completely Misses the Point of A Link to the Past

GenGAME writes: "You’d think I’d be excited to hear more news about Zelda 3DS (A Link to the Past 2) from series producer Eiji Aonuma. After all, I’m a self-professed classic Zelda nut, and the game seems obviously intended to draw old farts like me in with fancy nostalgia-fied Hyrules, remixed soundtracks, and reddish-haired Links.

"But what I really want doesn’t have anything to do with that surface-level nostalgia. It has to do with a nostalgia for the core of what Zelda is. And so far, based on what I’ve heard from Mr. Aonuma and others, Zelda 3DS sounds more like a shallow appeal to nostalgia than a truly next-generation A Link to the Past."

dedicatedtogamers4007d ago

Aonuma has gone on the record and said that he does not like the combat in Zelda, he has trouble beating Octoroks in the first Zelda game, and he wants to spend his time on story, NPCs, and puzzles because that's what he sees as important in Zelda...

...that's why I typically dislike his Zelda games.

Xof4007d ago

...Er, does anyone like the combat is Zelda games? It's mediocre at best--and that applies to -every- Zelda game.

Just imagine how much more fun the 3D Zelda games would be if the combat were as responsive, dynamic and diverse as in Dark Souls. Imagine how much more fun 2D zelda games would be if the combat was as perfectly polished as in your average Ys game.

Zelda games do a number of things very well. Combat is not one of those things, and never has been.

dedicatedtogamers4007d ago (Edited 4007d ago )

The combat in the early games was quite good. I even liked the combat from Zelda II. During release, the combat in these games was as good if not better than any top-down arcade game of the time. And that's what Zelda originally was: an RPG-lite with skill-based arcade combat. Puzzles, NPCs, and storyline was an afterthought, even in games like LttP and Link's Awakening.

wishingW3L4007d ago (Edited 4007d ago )

that's true. Combat is always the weakest link on Zelda games, ALWAYS. And on the 3D ones it hasn't really evolved much, still the same as OOT's.

Bimkoblerutso4007d ago

Not to try and sound hyperbolic, but Ocarina of Time literally laid the foundation from which almost all third person adventure games base their combat to this day.

I certainly agree that it's no longer the strong suit of the franchise, but there was a time when it was pretty much the forefather of 3D combat.

Xof4007d ago


That's certainly true, but that doesn't make the combat itself good. Gaming is iterative. Most of the games that do something "first" don't do that thing particularly well. There's a reason people think of "Doom" as the first FPS--because it was the first FPS done really well.

Dj7FairyTail4007d ago

someone never played Skyward Sword

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legendoflex4007d ago

There's a clear pattern among the Zelda games that go down in history and the ones that people move on from shortly after they release. The former focus on world-building, on weapons that are satisfying to use outside of just puzzles, and on having the most engaging combat in the business; the latter focus on character development, items that are used mostly or only for puzzles, and engaging the player through story text.

tweet754007d ago

as long as the game play and exploration are as good or better than the original I will be happy.

Xof4007d ago

I'm getting real sick of people whining about the "core experience" of Zelda being ignored by modern games, defining that core experience as the first two NES games.

Zelda changed. There was a reason Zelda changed. And the change was for the better.

TwilightSparkle4007d ago (Edited 4007d ago )

If people dont like the combat system dont play it dosent mean everyone else dont like it, nintendo wiil keep making them as long as people buying them

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GaboonViper649d ago

I am a huge Zelda fan and love them all, but for me Ocarina Of Time is the greatest and my second all time favourite game after Final Fantasy VII.

LoveSpuds648d ago (Edited 648d ago )

You sir, have good taste in games :)

I also love all of the Zelda games but I adore Windwaker (Specifically the HD version on WiiU) most of all. It is a close run thing with Breath of the Wild though.

Special mention to Cadence of Hyrule too, what an awesome spin off title that was!

GaboonViper647d ago

Cheers Spuds, yep i love Windwaker too, beautiful artstyle, and i loved sailing and finding all the secrets out there.

blackbeld647d ago

Agreed. For me top 3 of all time is.

1. ocarina of time
2. Final fantasy Vll
3. MGS1

GaboonViper647d ago

Brilliant top 3, would love a MGS1 remake that has been rumoured.

LoveSpuds647d ago

Yup, hard to argue with that top 3 squire, some quality games right there!

-Foxtrot649d ago

Oh gee can't imagine what Number 1 is


A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker etc is better than Breath of the Wild.

lockedongamer1649d ago

I respectfully disagree, but they're all great games.

porkChop649d ago

I think it really depends on what you're looking for. If you want a traditional Zelda game then OoT or WW would be better to you. But if you want a Zelda game that really leans into adventure and exploration, and if you want intelligent systems/logic, BotW would be the better game.

I enjoy both. I understand why some people aren't fond of it but for me it was a breath of fresh air that I really needed. I'd become so burnt out on unimaginative games and BotW sort of made me appreciate games again, as weird as that may sound.

godofboobees648d ago

Those are not traditional Zelda games

Crows90648d ago

Right...so let's pretend ocarina of time didnt have exploration, secret dungeons and other secrets. Complex boss mechanics and exploration rewards. At least a traditional Zelda has dungeons.

porkChop647d ago

What point are you attempting to make? At no point did I say that OoT didn't have any of that. However, the level of exploration and sense of adventure are vastly different between OoT and BotW.

Brazz648d ago

Breath of the Wild is overrated as shot, Wind waker is much better.

P_Bomb648d ago

I’m a Link to the Past guy.

MadLad648d ago

Majora's Mask still holds as my favorite to this day, despite being the black sheep of the series.

pietro1212648d ago

I love them all, but Wind Walker, Link to the Past and Minish Cap are my favorites

John_McClane647d ago

Link to the Past was so, so good! Those chickens though! 🤣

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