
Microsoft’s Xbox One Access Requirements Create an Odd Double Standard

Microsoft‘s Xbox One will allow you to play games offline for up to 24 hours a pop, says the company in a fresh explainer, but you’ll have to connect to the Internet thereafter or forfeit access. If you’re playing on someone else’s system, that 24-hour window drops to just one hour. Think of it as Microsoft’s Cinderella clause, only instead of a pumpkin, your system turns into a giant black-and-green brick.

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JokesOnYou4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

...or you can login by mobile connection and not saying I like it but of course theres a difference between movies and games, movie publishers/studios arent pressuring game console manufacturers to restrict 2nd hand movie sales as there are no signs they are losing profits among gamers, movies make huge initial profits in theaters, then sales in stores, then rentals= no odd double standard.

Next!....Well good night to you too Dayz.

Godmars2904020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

"movie publishers/studios arent pressuring game console manufacturers to restrict 2nd hand movie sales"


Actually, considering the Kinect viewer limit/audience counter, such will likely to special events like the Superbowl.

And still, if people don't have a phone or one which can tether, they don't know how, they're right where they started. Unless MS has classes on how to connect Kinect.

Double_O_Revan4020d ago

'Actually, considering the Kinect viewer limit/audience counter, such will likely to special events like the Superbowl.'

I can see it now. You have to tell 2 of your friends they have to hide behind the couch or a living room plant because Kinect sees you are over the maximum viewer limit for movies or events.

Temporary4020d ago

You try so hard to justify Microsoft's actions Joy ... I dont get it. They're known in the business world to be as shady as shady gets, and they're obviously exploiting their fans (you) by making htem think theyre somehow paying more for a superior product.

I dont know you or how old you are or anything about you except that you enjoy getting scammed by Microsoft.

004020d ago

but only 46 million were registered with gold/silver that MS could actually count, nearly half of 360 fanbase were not connected to the internet.

MS are completely retarded if they think the xbone will take off.

Sy_Wolf4020d ago

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that :) bubbles to you for possessing basic reasonig and math skills.

Crazyglues4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

@ 00

I thought I was the only one who was seeing this...

Yes bubbles for you guys.. -could not agree more

I mean this is just Ridiculous.. Come on'

Ok first the Used Games thing is bad enough but add that you have to connect to the Internet with in 24 hours or forfeit access... LoL

Man Microsoft you got some set of balls... (I play a lot of games offline) What about if you Internet connection goes down... Or your not home for a week, yeah vacation..(Yeah call me crazy but I like to turn stuff off when I leave for a week, I don't leave my cable box on when I'm gone)

It looks like this time around the choice of, "should I get both systems" just got a lot easier to make... Looks like I'll just be getting one this time around.

||.........___||............ ||

Blackdeath_6634020d ago

"MS are completely retarded if they think the xbone will take off." at this point i have no idea what MS is doing they don't seem to want to tell us either. with no one-on-one session with the press after E3 if this continues i wonder how many people will be tired of searching for answers and start to lose interest. most of the info journalist had to find out for themselves by interviewing microsoft employees or looking at the current facts available to reach a conclusion i mean even the GPU spec was only ever revealed because of a slip of the tongue from one of the MS tech guys. for how long will people continue searching for answers?

SexyGamerDude4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

I still want to know what happens if Xbox Live goes down, like it has multiple times in the pass. What happens if it goes down before the One does the 24 hour check? Does that mean I'm suck with a brick in my room until they can get it back up?

Double_O_Revan4020d ago


Sony was brought down for over a Month because of the hack that was in retaliation for removing Linux. Can you imagine if Anonymous brought down Live? Even for a couple of days.

With Sony we just couldn't play online, which sucked, but at least we had single player. If Live is targeted, which after all this BS I definitely see it being target #1 on Anons list, no one will be able to plat At All.

Zero234020d ago

If this is true i see a lot of Xbox gamers jumping ship to Playstation next generation.

grassyknoll4020d ago

This is from Microsoft's press release, it's as official as it gets.

S2Killinit4020d ago

wow I guess the gamers are taking a back seat in more than one way with the xbox one.

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anast10h ago

Like others have said, when I revisited this game on PS5, I noticed some performance issues.


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H923h ago

I wish that Clay character models trend would just burn in hell, hope the game is good tho

Inverno8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Yea that fortnite look is overdone. There's so many different art style to choose from, imagine if it looked like the books illustrations. Likewise Quidditch World Cup was bloody brilliant.

H93h ago

I played that game more than I even remember I wish this game is half as good