
Eurogamer: Diggs Nightcrawler - Let's Play

Can you Digg it? Yes you can! Well, you can if you have a WonderBook for your PlayStation 3. Diggs Nightcrawler is a crime thriller for kids with a twist, you control the game using a book. Check out the first fifteen minutes of sleuth based gameplay in this HD let's play.


Diggs: Nightcrawler Review | ComboCaster

The relatively new accessory from Sony received a new title, Diggs Private Detective. To learn more about the first game for Wonderbook can read our review to the Book of Spells here . So after visiting the Harry Potter universe, we now know Diggs and his adventure detective.

Unlike the Book of Spells, the focus here is more on the book, Wonderbook itself and less on the PlayStation Move controller, Diggs much closer to an interactive book that previous title. The target audience is still very young, something that is noticed mainly in the difficulty of the game. The public child is who avails the game better, because the lack of difficulty can upset even the older children.

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Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler Review | GameGrin

Diggs Nightcrawler is the second title to come to PlayStation 3 that allows the use of the Wonderbook. It's a 'game' filled with fairy tales, guns and puns and mainly aimed at the kids.

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Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler Review | Den Detective [Dealspwn]

Dealspwn writes: Even adults will be captivated by the way Wonderbook brings interactive pop-up scenes into the room. It’s generally for a younger audience, but the high production values and novelty factor may encourage older family member to get off the sofa and have a go too.

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