
Yakuza on the Wii U Is an "Experiment" and Not Happening for the 3DS

Kotaku: In a recent interview, Yakuza producer Toshihiro Nagoshi described the Wii U release as "an experiment" to see how many Wii U owners would be interested in something like Yakuza.

Elsewhere in the interview, Nagoshi was asked if Yakuza was coming to the PS Vita.

The game producer replied affirmatively, once again acknowledging how the series has been born and bred on PlayStation hardware.

Snookies124023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

Yakuza on Vita as well? Sweet.

jujubee884023d ago

Since GTA probably isn't coming out on VITA anytime soon, this could be just as good. I mean, they have similar play styles right? (Sorry, I never played too much Yakuza or even GTA)

TI_214023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

Nope, Yakuza consists of limited areas which are free to explore on foot. The game isn't a shooter, for the most part it's a brawler. From time to time people will bump into you on purpose which will trigger a fight. But there are whole lot of mini games as well.

The reason for it's success isn't the gameplay but it's well told story with all it's characters and it's side stories which are very diverse and entertaining. ;)

Inception4023d ago

Well, Sega already had Yakuza: Black Panther 1 & 2 on PSP. So i'm sure they want to make another Yakuza for Vita.

Anyway, hopefully they localize Black Panther 1 & 2 for Vita. I really loved the combat cause it got lots of different style of fighting. And the manga-like cutscence are awesome!

tiffac0084023d ago

That and Yakuza 5 for the PS3 as well.

God, I hope Sega does not forget their fans outside of Japan.

Neonridr4023d ago

Testing the waters on the Wii U with 1 & 2 to see if a Yakuza 3 would be successful perhaps?

ArnoldSchwarzenigra4023d ago

Or to see if the Wii U is powerful enough to run PS2 games. Hahaha.... Yeeeeeah. I'll see myself out.

Kietz4023d ago

I've learned from this site that it's never about graphics unless its a system you don't like.

imXify4023d ago

They showed Yakuza on Vita a looooooong time ago

PigPen4023d ago

Their mistake was not building it from the ground up for the Wii U. It's a port from the Playstation release and looks inferior. Japan might eat this up to play it with the gamepad. It's not my type of game though.

wishingW3L4023d ago

it's a port for the PS3 too. These are PS2 games you know....

PigPen4023d ago

But its not in HD for PS2 like PS3. The Wii U port is from the HD PS3 version.

Tito084023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

I wouldn't call it a mistake, they're just simply experimenting to see how the Nintendo audience receives Yakuza. And you want them to simply start to do everything all over again when they can use the PS3 port? You're out of your mind, & it's a fact the majority of 3rd party games do not sell well on Nintendo devices. Look, this will be the first time the series is heading to a non-PlayStation platform, you should appreciate the fact Sega is trying to give the Nintendo faithfuls what the Yakuza games are all about, also, the Wii U is still new to these guys, like PS3 & 360, it's gonna get good & bad ports, that does not mean the game will be bad, just like Capcom Vs SNK 2 for PS2, didn't look as good as the Dreamcast version, but I didn't care because it ran & played really well. And by the way, it's the Yakuza team, they're very good devs, stop being so narrow-minded.

TheSkullkid4023d ago

Sega, you been blessed to makes games on the greatest console ever made (Wii U). Don't half-ass this opportunity and disappoint Nintendo.

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Yakuza: Your Favorite Underplayed Game Series - Best Video Game Podcast Top Search Result

"Yakuza is one of the best action RPG series around, but these games are criminally underplayed. In the first episode of The Best Video Game Podcast Top SEO Search Result on Google, we give an overview of the series that will educate and fascinate newbs and time-hardened mafia bosses alike." -Best Video Game Podcast Top SEO Search Result on Google

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knifefight3301d ago

Yakuza is a great action RPG series. I'd love to see Sega bring Yakuza 0 to the West and actually GIVE IT SOME HYPE!

_-EDMIX-_3301d ago (Edited 3301d ago )

I actually think they just need to put it on PSN, subtitles and call it a day. They don't need to spend money marketing it. The series is well known by gamers, it has many, many, many entries. I don't believe Sega should market it much if at all in the west and they will be fine. That money should be saved.

I'm at the point where I don't really even think that the game will sell more based on being shown more, its already a niche series here in the west . That money might be better used to just port over other Yakuza games vs marketing one game.

I would actually want to see them bring over Kenzan too! Even if it was just digital and with subtitles.

akiraburn3301d ago

I have a slightly differing opinion. I actually think this series could be a flagship for Sega, or at the very least it could post closer to the cult-hit numbers that a game like Bloodborne does if they actually did put some sort of marketing together for it and planned out the release dates a little better.

Looking back, Sega hasn't really put much together in terms of marketing a Yakuza title in the west since Yakuza 3, and even then their efforts weren't very substantial. Yakuza 1 is the only one of the group that has had any decent amount of marketing, and that's when Sega and the publications they worked with ran with calling it a "Japanese GTA", even though that is a horribly inaccurate description of the game and created a lot of misconception about what it was.

Although the worst part about their approach has been their release timings. Yakuza 2 released in the west in late 2008, almost 2 years later than the Japanese release date, by which time many had already moved on to the PS3/360 consoles. Yakuza 3 released on the same day as Final Fantasy XIII, which was also within a week or so of God of War 3, Heavy Rain about 2 weeks prior, and a couple other heavy releases right around then. Yakuza 4 released with no real marketing except some Youtube promotional videos, and releasing nearby or on the same day as Dragon Age 2, Ar Tonelico, Homefront, Crysis 2, and the 3DS's launch. You get the general idea.

I think that with a little better planning, and some actual marketing, they could easily be posting double their numbers. I am and always have been a tremendous fan of Yakuza, and if a digital only future for the titles with a quick set of subtitles is what it takes to get localized, I'll take it. I think most Yakuza fans are desperate enough at this point that we'll take whatever they can muster. But as a Yakuza fan, I ideally want more. I'd like others to experience the franchise, and for Nagoshi's series to be the same kind of hit in the west that many others (like Tales, Souls, etc.) have been received.

But I really don't understand what Sega are thinking for each of the Yakuza releases. It's like they've wanted to see bad numbers. And they keep ignoring opportunities for good release times and situations. Heck, they passed up a tremendous opportunity early this generation to get Yakuza: Ishin localized while there was still a bit of a games drought. That would have sold solely based on people looking for new games to play. I can only hope that they and/or Sony (since they are now directly involved through Gio Corsi and the third party group) have a really solid plan for Yakuza 5's release and any possible movements beyond that.

_-EDMIX-_3301d ago (Edited 3301d ago )

Bloodborne is very much the exception and not the rule. Japanese titles rarely get the numbers on both sides of the world. Yakuza 3 did about 500k in the USA which isn't really bad.

What makes Bloodborne doe well in sales is due to the known team, also the souls IP, Demon and Dark Souls are known games that did pretty good prior to Bloodborne. I don't think its merely due to marketing, its just a very, very unique game and I can't say marketing had much to do with it. Demon Souls is legit a great example of sleeper hit.

"easily be posting double their numbers" that is an easy hell no. I really, really doubt that. Gaming has shown over the years that regardless of "hype" or "marketing" if a game isn't good...it isn't going to sell. Not that Yakuza isn't good, merely that marketing won't push such numbers.

Mind you, the marketing budget would be to not only market Yakuza...but to rebrand it as its already known...so they much use more money to get in new gamers that already know about Yakuza, but haven't bought.

Mind you...no guarantee is it that it will double sales. Japanese niche games don't just do numbers like that.

"But I really don't understand what Sega are thinking for each of the Yakuza releases"

That think is why we still have a Sega and Yakuza has many, many entries. Its only on 1 or 2 systems, many times...only in Japan and when for the West....its subtitled and now only on PSN.

That sounds like smart, risk free business to me. Marketing a game HUGE doesn't always mean success, that is like thinking a HUGE team will equal big success, yet look at Square with Tomb Raider and look at Capcom with RE6. They got in a lot of hot water for trying to do such a thing and on Capcom's side, the actually were open to selling IPs it was that bad.

Sega knows they make Japanese games, they know the west doesn't always take too well to those type of titles, but they are basically treating the Yakuza fans in the west with the best respects they can really give without wasting too much money. Its still made with integrity, its never been made to be a "GTA" game, its Japanese dubs have remained part of the game etc.

The Yakuza games have lots and lots of text, its not cheap to localize games and on Sega's end, they don't want to keep wasting money assuming the whole WORLD wants the title. This is a situation where business wise...I back Sega, as a gamer of course I want Kenzan, Zero etc though. I do think Sony should at least pay for part of that localization at least to help out Sega in the west and get the fan base growing like it is in Japan, but I don't fault Sega for not wanting to just bring every entry over.

and btw I LOVE the plan they have with Yakuza 5 too! That cuts soooo much cost for them and allows fans to get the series even though they don't have a hard copy, they would have never gotten the game otherwise.

I feel Sega's moves as of last gen have been extremely smart business wise and its really starting to show a lot this gen. Buying Relic, buying Creative Assembly, buying Atlus and the numerous Yakuza games, jrpgs etc. Not only that, but not rushing to bring EVERYTHING to the west is what really helped them in the long run, they choose to save money on certain titles and not bring over and other titles they brought over. Though as a gamer...I want all games they make lol, but as a business man...I understand that is likely why Sega even had the money to even buy Atlus.

TheColbertinator3301d ago

Still need to finish Yakuza Dead Souls

Neo_Zeed3301d ago

I can't praise this series enough.

Germany73301d ago

Finally i've played a game from the series with Yakuza 4, and it was a wonderful surprise, great game with a lot of things to do, great side-quests as well.
Just waiting now for Yakuza 5 and 0

DualWielding3301d ago

I'm really happy Sony gave Yakuza 4 in PS+, that gave me the chance to become fan.... Yakuza 5 is now my most anticipated game

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Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition And Disgaea 4 Are PlayStation Plus Freebies For Japan

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia has a solid lineup of PlayStation Plus games for Japan this December. In addition to early access to the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn trial and a Danganronpa 1 & 2 Reload demo, there are games like Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition for PlayStation 3 on the list.

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TimeSkipLuffy3470d ago

WOW! That is a great lineup! Very unusual for Japan! I would love to get Killzone instead of Injustice because I'm not into fighting games. This is the very first time I actually want the PS+ Japan games :D

breakpad3470d ago

heyy i want Disgeae 4 free also for EU

badz1493470d ago

eh..I thought Yakuza 1&2 HD was already offered months ago. I got mine early this year through PS+. so I guess it was only for Asia besides Japan.

NatureOfLogic_3470d ago

Best ps plus lineup yet, and it's exclusive to Japan.

G20WLY3470d ago

You never know, maybe we'll get a look at these over the next month or so.

But damn, this is great for Japan. I have a feeling we're going to see a marked increase in install base in Japan, what with this and the games coming in early 2015. I know the market is tough now, but how could any gamer resist?!

TimeSkipLuffy3470d ago

With KillZone now being a PS+ freebee I guess we will see it for other territories somewhere in the next year. Just wait and don't get persuaded by any sale :D

Mikefizzled3470d ago

New Yakuza to be at Playstation experience?

Hamzaali3470d ago

mm great news. Happy to see this new

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Seven more Japanese games that Sega need to bring to steam

Now that Valkyria Chronicles has been such a huge success, Rice Digital looks at which other Japanese Sega games need the Steam treatment.

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Patashnik3489d ago

Yakuza needs to happen.

I think that's perfectly possible too.

DaveyB3489d ago

Vanquish would be sooooo good in a higher res with a perfect framerate too.

radler3489d ago

Yeah, just port over Vanquish and Bayonetta. Jet Set Radio Future would be nice as well.

LightofDarkness3489d ago (Edited 3489d ago )

Yakuza, Vanquish, Resonance of Fate would all be just lovely, really. I'd also like to see some Virtua Fighter. Every other fighting game is making the jump, I don't see why VF couldn't.

NarooN3489d ago

Yazuka Series, Vanquish, and JSRF would be awesome. They wouldn't even have to localize the non-translated Yakuza games too much, just translate all the text and give us English subs with the original voices and we're golden.

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