
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (PC) Review | XNG

XNG: "Already twice before we were allowed to work with The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. There was a half years between but the conclusion remained the same: It's a really fun game, but know it is nowhere to be distinguished. Meanwhile we also can meet the test the full game and feel able to examine whether our previous conclusion still applies."

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Twelve Xbox One Games Like Diablo 3

Diablo 3 is great, but if you've played it so much that it no longer excites you, why not try these similar games that are available on Xbox One?

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narsaku2237d ago

I wish this insult of a sequel would just go away forever... What a sadness to see D1/D2 become this piece of crap.


Van Helsing Double Pack available for purchase now on Xbox One

Neil writes "If you've been keeping away from the adventures of Van Helsing on Xbox One, then now is the time to get involved. The Van Helsing Double Pack is here and it delivers both games plus a few add-ons in one decent bundle."

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Null19802418d ago

Or you could get just get all 3 episodes and add-ons in the Final Cut for PC for $1 right now on Humble Bundle.


The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Review - GamerHolics

The bearded one is back with you GamerHolics at my side to go back in time, as far back as 19th century Europe; days where no gaming console was in sight (the horror ... the horror!!!!). With this latest review of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing for the Playstation 4, it is time to find the monster slayer deep within yourself.

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