
Evil Avatar: The Club Review

Evil Avatar writes: "If you are a Jason Statham fan (and who isn't?), then you've probably seen the movie Crank. In the movie Statham's character is injected with a lethal poison; the only thing he can do to stay alive is keep moving... and to keep killing. This same basic concept applies to Bizarre Creations's latest game The Club. Imagine a video game version of the movie broken up into bite size pieces with a splash of arcade flavor, and you have The Club. The game is made of adrenaline rushes, flashy overlays, motion blur effects and a thumpin' techno soundtrack.

The best way to describe The Club is a genre mash up between a racing game, a 3rd person shooter, and a classic top down shooter. What defines The Club is the focus on speed and combos. Combos are gained by killing enemies in quick succession; that with every body that hits the floor, your combo meter ticks up. If you wait too long between kills your combo slowly bleeds out until eventually may be lost. One way to save it is to shoot the skull and hidden badges that are conveniently placed around the levels."

The Good:
+ Adrenaline filled gameplay
+ Siege Mode
+ The arcade feel

The Bad:
- Style of game not for everyone
- Level variety doesn't exist

The Ugly:
- Nobody is playing multiplayer

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shadowghost7525924d ago

This game was released a month ago this review is outdated


Classic Mobile Game Spotlight - The Club Mobile

Zach writes: 'Do you remember a time when mobile gaming wasn’t something you had to be ashamed of, when it wasn’t plagued with microtransactions and billions of cheaply-made ‘granny horror’ and bug-filled Fortnite clones? Back in the mid to late 2000’s, most mobile games were programmed in Java, and were usually linked to bigger console releases.'.

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Five Overlooked Last-Gen Games - Pixel Gate

Sean Halliday of Pixel Gate writes:

''For every blockbuster title that garners high praise and sales, there a number of games that fly under the radar. There’s plenty of great titles that have plenty to offer but, for numerous reasons, never get the love and attention they deserve. This isn’t the definitive list of the most overlooked games; it’s merely a look at few of them.''

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NukaCola3660d ago (Edited 3660d ago )

I'm glad Chinatown Wars is there. This is one of the best GTAs in the series. Right up there with 5 and SA. Get the DS version. You won't be disappointed. Also like to add that the wanted system in GTACTW is by far my favorite of any GTA.

Venoxn4g3660d ago

its definitely better than gta IV :) i liked it a lot

Goro3660d ago

The Club sucked, where is Yakuza 3 or 4 or Binary Domain or Sleeping Dogs.

GamerEuphoria3659d ago

Since when was Sleeping Dogs overlooked?

Goro3659d ago

Since before it was available on PlayStation Plus.

mydyingparadiselost3660d ago

I think mine would be
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom
Tastunoko V Capcom
House of the Dead Overkill
Deadly Premonition
Sam and Max
Honestly I think this last gen had a lot of overlooked titles or at least titles that didn't see the amount of sales they should have. It makes me worry for the future of the current generation.

Baka-akaB3660d ago

The Club might have been a new idea , but it doesnt mean that all of those are good .

And Deadly preomonition was hardly overlooked . It's a game that had a bigger than expected and deserved success based on the weird hype "that's it so bad you gotta play it and gonna love it" (an opinion i dont share)

GamerEuphoria3659d ago

Since the game came out I've been trying to get EVERYONE to play it, thus it popped up on this list, it's still not very well known in the UK

Monster_Tard3660d ago

Really liked WWE All Stars, never got to play it online as the servers went down by the time I picked it up.

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