
Diehard GameFAN: Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller – Episode 3 The Oracle Review

DHGF: Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller Episode 3 is the best entry so far in the four part episodic series. Most of the issues I had playing the game were minor glitches that are easily overlooked. They’ve taken Erica’s abilities and amped up what they can do this time around tying things up nicely with what will lead in to the fourth part, leaving the player on a great cliffhanger that is very fitting for how the episode plays out. The over-arching case details prove to be enlightening and driving for the plot giving the player some much needed backstory for the events that are unfolding and what Erica is involved in. This is the best entry into the Cognition series so far but is nowhere near stand-alone at this point. You will be entirely lost with what’s going on here if you’re using this as a jumping on point, but is a great reason to play the other two entries to get through this one as well. Looking forward to the final episode and if I was on the fence recommending this to adventure fans, this episode cleared that all up.

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JUMP into June with Collectors Editions and Game Of the Years

June on Jump—the on-demand video game subscription service with an emphasis on independent games—is looking bright with new game additions with lots of bonus and updated content! On June 1, Jump launches the highly rated Tardy, an innovative and dark adventure game set in space.

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AG: Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - Episode 3: The Oracle Review

AG: Outstanding storytelling; brilliant soundtrack; tighter narrative and better script than previous episodes; ends at peak intensity.

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Cognition Episode 3: The Oracle Review | FanGirlConfessions

Cognition: Episode 3: The Oracle picks up where the previous episode left off. Erica soon discovers that not only do some of her fellow FBI agents have something to hide, but so does someone she has met throughout the course of her chasing the Cain Killer case. This episode starts tying up all of the loose ends previously set, but still leaves you guessing as to exactly what’s going on. And we finally learn the identity of the Cain Killer. But by the end of this episode that is the least of Erica’s problems.

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