
Steam Box: How Valve Ended The Console Wars

In a near future, Gabe Newell has announced the Steam Box that will end the console wars and put gaming back into the hands on the gamers.

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ltachiUchiha4038d ago

What is that? His portable lunchbox? Lol just kidding, hope its a cool device.

LAZL0-Panaflex4037d ago

Article is fail. They cancelled the linuxbox/steam box/piston when Ms announced the new Xbox. They even backed out of e3. Google it people!

Linsolv4037d ago

Piston was not SteamBox. Confirmed within like a week of the initial reveal. It is not and was not ever the "steambox." There were, I think, some initial talks between Steam and the guys behind Piston, but they ended up going their separate ways.

nick3094038d ago

No console will ever end console wars, no matter how good itll be or having great hardware, console exclusives will always exist.

Jek_Porkins4037d ago

No offense to Gabe or people that like this sort of thing, but I'll never buy a device for gaming that doesn't take physical discs. I don't play PC games for many reasons, but this thing doesn't seem appealing to me in the least, and the $1000 price point is something that most people will probably pass on altogether.

I_LOVE_MYSELF4037d ago

I used to feel the same, but digital titles seem like a step forward for me. Thanks to Valve I have full trust in digital only, but only if it improves.

Jek_Porkins4037d ago

The problem is, licenses expire, so digital content expires and you never actually own anything. All of my games from childhood and my teenage years I can still play, I still own them, and as long as I have a working console I can play them, online or off. That is why I like physical media, aside from those reasons, my internet is capped at 150 gigs a month, I use most of this with simple Netflix/Hulu ect... I couldn't imagine having to download every single game I wanted to play.

NastyDaddeh4037d ago

but we dont even know the price of the steambox cause its not out yet

Jek_Porkins4037d ago

We've heard it isn't going to be competitively priced with game consoles though, and as much as $1000, so that puts it absolutely out of the question for me, I can get a PS4/Xbox 720 for that price.

TidePride4037d ago

It may be cool but damn a $1,000 for it? And we thought consoles would be high at launch.

NastyDaddeh4037d ago

we dont even know the price of the steambox cause its not out yet

brave27heart4037d ago

No thanks. Just doesnt work for me. Maybe Im too ingrained in console tradition but Steambox, Ouya and their ilk just dont do it for me. Consoles are consoles, with all their good and bad points, Steambox is a Pc masquerading as a console and seems to be neither really.

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Steam Account Transfer Via Will on Death is Not Permitted, Valve Confirms

In case you were curious, a Steam account transfer via will is not permitted according to an official response from Valve.

anast5d ago

The games are theirs. People just pay to ride the ride.

Skuletor5d ago

Would be nice if the article's writer looked into and reported whether other digital game libraries could be transferred over via will (Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, EGS, EA app, GOG, Ubisoft Connect, Rockstar Launcher etc) instead of this half-baked piece but it's probably the same for all of them anyway

Kornholic5d ago

This seems like a way bigger issue than mandatory PSN account linking for PlayStation games.

So where is the outcry?

Skuletor5d ago

It's not like PlayStation is doing any different.

"You may not sell, buy, trade, or transfer your Online ID, Account or any personal access to PSN Services through any means or method, including by use of web sites."

Kornholic4d ago

So you are that saying Steam is being very anti consumer with its policies. That's why I'm so baffled by the lack of outcry from the PC audience.

NotoriousWhiz5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

It's not like your account just stops working when you die. Include your email, account id, and password in the will (including the password to your email) and your survivors should have no problem using your games.

anast5d ago

PC gamers are a different lot. They don't mind renting their games forever, they don't mind spending money on overpriced equipment, and they don't mind fiddling with settings for hours before they even play the game, but linking a PSN account demands a riot. This is hard to understand, but then again, we all have to draw our lines somewhere.

Skuletor5d ago

You sure talk a lot of nonsense.Go look up the percentage of digital sales compared to physical sales of PS5 games, then tell me again about "renting" games.

mandf5d ago

Overblown funny and 100percent true

anast5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

There is no option at all to buy a physical copy of a PC game... And more people game on consoles for the reasons that make PC gamers a different lot.

VIK21215d ago

it's not so much the linking but the fact that certain countries aren't allowed to access psn...

VIK21215d ago

@anast I have a disc ps5 since launch, initially I bought some disc games, but I can't be bothered to walk to a physical store nowadays... I just buy the titles when they go on special sale or gray market store like CDKeys...

DustMan5d ago

PSN was a different story altogether. It kept people who bought the game from playing in countries that PSN wasn't supported. I never understood the issue anyway.

I don't know if PC stuff is overpriced considering that you can buy a new video card with the same amount of money you'd spend over 5 or 6 years paying to play games online with a console. I'll never pay double to use the same connection. That is what I'll never understand about console gamers. "let me pay an extra hundred & twenty dollars a year to use the same internet I pay for monthly and use on literally every device in my home for free....except for my Playstation"

Extermin8or3_4d ago

@Skuletor about 50-60% of sales are digital for most games. Meaning 40-50% are physical....

anast4d ago


You might not but you are not the expectation that creates a universal.

Skuletor4d ago

Right and where are you getting that information from?


"Renting games"
In the fourth fiscal quarter of 2023, approximately 77 percent of Sony Corporation's PlayStation gaming sales were generated via digital downloads.

"overpriced equipment"
Some people are willing to pay a premium for better performance, the way you keep talking about the PS5 Pro on N4G proves you're a hypocrite in that regard but whatever, lol

"fiddling with settings for hours before they even play the game"
Most pc games will give the option to scan your system to choose recommended settings or start with moderate settings that will run the game fine but you're free to mess around at your own leisure, to improve performance or quality if you wish to. For those that don't want to, there's free software that can do that for you, such as Nvidia's Geforce or AMD's AMD Catalyst. Geforce Experience even gives you the option of choosing whether to prioritize performance vs image quality with a simple slider for easy optimization, it's not rocket science, like you try make it out to be.

"linking a PSN account demands a riot"
Playstation selling Helldivers 2 in regions without the legal means to create a PSN account by Sony's own standards, then telling people in those regions that already bought the game that they can no longer play the game, isn't a cause for concern? Though you've already heard about that but keep going along with your own narrative because of your weird vendetta against PC on here.

This is hard to understand, but then again, we all have to draw our lines somewhere.


I don't rent I torrent to keep, if they take them down that's ok I don't care I have them LOL. I do buy PC games but very little as I want full control which is why I torrent to keep them in my collection, and I do not give a fuck what the devs or publishers want. I never did never will.

anast4d ago


Just like you can choose play games on low to barely mid settings for the price of a PS5, you can also choose not to game online on the PS5. So, now you are getting a better gaming experience and not paying extra for online.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
thorstein5d ago

So just give your progeny the passwords.

OtterX5d ago

Keep the password sealed in the Will, only to be opened after death. :)

Aphrodia5d ago

Right? How are they gonna know you are dead?

FinalFantasyFanatic4d ago

The only way they will know is when an account is active for 300 years, lol.

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Unannounced Valve 6v6 Shooter MOBA Footage Leaked

ESTNN writes: "A leak for Valve's 6v6 3rd-person shooter MOBA has supposedly been released ahead of time. And if the reports are true, fans of the genre have much to be excited for."

XiNatsuDragnel12d ago

Deadlock looks like bioshock and Moba had babies

JunonZanon10d ago

Valve really cannot count to 3.

Number1TailzFan10d ago

They should've had a new L4D like 10 years ago, it can be expanded upon a lot more but they just left it collecting dust.. it was a good game for its time but L4D2 doesn't have nearly enough content these days to keep players engaged, and it needs a serious graphics upgrade

mastershredder10d ago

Nice bend at the knee there Gabe. Seriously? A quirky character arena shooter? This late into the me-too-shooter market? I thought you guys were so much better than that crap. Gabe must need a bigger yacht.

kitano194710d ago

clown comment, valve are famous for letting their devs work on whatever they want as they have no share holders to please. hence why we rarely get games from valve but when we do they generally are great.

icefrog, the original modder who created dota on warcraft 3 is working on this with some other members at valve.


Team Fortress: Source 2 and Portal 64 Fan Projects Shut Down by Valve Takedowns

Fan projects Team Fortress: Source 2 and Portal 64 have shut down after Valve intervened in their development.

-Foxtrot144d ago

First they open Steam up to more AI, now they are shutting down fan projects when at one time they used to support or even give the fans jobs.

Wonder what's going on with Valve at the minute.

rlow1144d ago

It’s called money plain and simple.

JEECE144d ago

I mean, that might explain the Team Fortress 2 thing, because Valve might bring that to Source 2 (though I'm not sure I'd bet on that), but I can't see how Portal 64 hurts them. If anything, it's more attention to the Portal and therefore Valve/Steam.

Giblet_Head144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

There's potential that Valve had already planned to bring Source 2 to TF2 officially after Counter Strike 2. It's been getting some renewed attention lately.

Inverno143d ago

You got Nintendo to thank for Portal64 being taken down. As for TF2, most likely it's due to the probability of Valve working on a source 2 port themselves. It's sucks but Nintendo are the biggest pricks in the business and not letting this drag out into a huge court drama is the best decision.