
New details of The Agency emerge

Sony Online Entertainment has said it wants newcomers to stand a chance against veterans in its MMO The Agency.

Speaking exclusively to Eurogamer MMO, lead designer and writer Matt Staroscik said the game was a shooter first and foremost, so would use skill to level the playing field rather than time invested.

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Skerj5923d ago

Those. ..aren't really new details but my interest in this game hasn't waned yet.

JoelR5923d ago

exactly... but it still sounds fun

now if it is a shooter and since it is crossplatform (pc + PS3) I wonder how they will balance that issue? PS3 only servers? or allow the use of keyboard and mouse?

Skerj5923d ago (Edited 5923d ago )

Not sure but how it worked in the past for action MMOs, even though everything you do is twitch based there is still a damage calculator in the background. I know the PS3 version will support KB and mouse if you want, but the did build it to work with a controller as well.

I'm also not clear on the future structure, but it would be very wise for them to have a single server for both platforms so the community is larger. I'll be picking up the PS3 version though just for the ease of being able to play it on my TV without me hooking my PC up to the DVI input every time.

Violater5923d ago (Edited 5923d ago )

Has it been confirmed Cross Platform?


That's the last I hear about it.

DemiseofPandas5923d ago

Last I heard they were having problems balancing cross platform play, which is perfectly understandable... so there is a chance that feature may not exist when shipped.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5923d ago
thehitman5923d ago

Even though graphics come second to me the graphics on this game was to bad to even get out the good gameplay. I know its a mmo but cmon Sony you guys can do better than this I hope what I seen was a really immature version of this game and that its extremely more developed in more of its final stages.

Skerj5923d ago

Not sure which vids you've seen but check the ones from CES of this year, they were awesome.

iAmPS35923d ago

talking about more "beauty to the eyes" in games. This will deliver that, we will see a lot of hot chicks on sexy clothes.

Appeals more to me than this:

meepmoopmeep5923d ago

i've been hyped for this game since it was introduced. i hope the beta testing will be soon and i hope i get in on it.

ianp6225923d ago

I'm glad it's more skill based. That means less grinding (or hopefully none at all) to get the interesting missions. I just hope the lag doesn't screw up the gunfights.

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5 Games Sony Needs To Bring Back or Reboot For The PS4

DefaultPrime writer Mike Patuleia takes a stroll down memory lane, looking at some PlayStation titles gone to the wayside that Sony should take a second look at bringing back into the fold with the advent of the PlayStation 4.

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Godmars2904094d ago

I'd like to see a Legend of Dragoon which features some flying, as well as some other things, but that's just me.

SuburbanHell4094d ago

Yeah, I had Legend of Dragoon on my initial list, but decided to cut it down to 5.

Hicken4094d ago

I would have had that instead of Blasto, but that's just me, I guess.

Freak of Nature4094d ago

Not just you, me too....

Legend of Dragoon
Jak 4
Dark cloud
Legacy of Kain (soul reaver)

Also something new from Oddworld in a big way...

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

Heavenly Sword is always a given when these lists pop up.

I'd like to see a new Lair. That game could've been better than Drakengaurd (did is spell that right?), had it not been for the poor execution. But i know Sony wouldn't allow it.

Game was an unpolished gem. We'll prolly never see another game like it.... what a shame.

SuburbanHell4094d ago

I'm still curious to what the original trilogy Ninja Theory had planned for Heavenly Sword was, could've been epic, still could be if Sony would green-light it again...

Games I was going to include but ultimately got cut:
Ape Escape
Arc The Lad
Dark Cloud
Jet Moto
Legend of the Dragoon
Wild Arms

Jaqen_Hghar4094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

Sir Dan is due for a return and given his appearance in PSallstars I'd say it's actually likely. Whether on Vita or PS4 is the question. Also a man loved Ape Escape 1 but haven't played the series since.

Myst4094d ago

These people know what I want :)

Thatguy-3104094d ago

Haze is another game they should try to revive again. Think GG could handle it pretty well.

maniacmayhem4094d ago

Bloody Roar
Rogue Galaxy (serious, ONE GAME?! Criminal)

Williamson4094d ago

Please make a heavenly sword 2!

koehler834094d ago

With or without Nariko?

I always thought the best way to make HS a franchise would be by having the sword found and used by a new protagonist each time, likely at a different point in the world's history. Every game ending with the protagonist dying in sacrifice to the sword against whatever evil they must face.

Unfortunately franchises tend to revolve around the character. I'd love to see this one revolve around the titular sword.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx4094d ago


I always thought a HS2 would have Kai as the protagonist (a grown-up Kai). At the end of HS Kai promises Nariko that she would take protect the sword. Heavenly sword was such a great game because eventhough Nariko was looked down on (an underdog) she still fought a died for what she believed in, and it was beautifully told. I think Kai fighting off baddies, trying to keep her promise to her dying friend would make for an equally beautiful sequel.

jc485734094d ago

I rather have a reboot or something. I simply didn't like the direction of HS.

Williamson4094d ago

I would of prefered if Nariko would of somehow returned for the sequel, but you make a great point and I too would love to see a new protagonist.

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5 PS3 Games That Should Appear on the PS4

Junkie Monkeys: With the PlayStation 4 set to release later this year we take a look at PlayStation 3 titles that should release on the PlayStation 4 instead.

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adorie4121d ago

I want to see VS XIII(placeholder title?)
and I want to see a new Silent Hill, done on the Fox Engine. Here's why;

Hideo Kojima:
'"Silent Hill" movie that I borrowed from Murashu as the next sequel is coming out. It would be a scary game if we make Silent Hill game on FOX engine.!(◎_◎;)'

'"Silent Hill" is in closed room setting and doesn't require full action so that we can focus on the graphic quality. Enemy doesn't have to be a lot or move fast. It only requires scariness by graphics and presentation. As being a creator making action game in open world, such game is very enviously attractive. Wish someone could create this on FOX engine'

Treezy5044121d ago

Sounds good to me, I would like to see the next Uncharted game on the FOX engine if it could be done. Kojima did state that they wanted other studios to use the engine and I think an Uncharted game would look really amazing with the FOX engine behind it.

Jakens4121d ago

"The Lost Playstation Games"

you sir are correct.

GiantFriendlyCrab4121d ago (Edited 4121d ago )

my suggestion are these games; syphon filter, medievil, Lifeforce Tenka, G-Police, and wipeout

clintagious6504121d ago

Syphon Filter on ps4 is a must.

WillGuitarGuy4121d ago

It's been a while since I've played a good Syphon Filter. We need a new one!!!

whamlollypop74121d ago

I think the globe would rejoice at a Last Guardian no matter the console.

dafegamer4121d ago

dark cloud 3
parappa reboot(platformer)
the legend of dragoon(probably the most requested sequel game)
jak 4

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What is an Image of The Agency Doing in the PSN Store?

GOS: "As expected, Sony updated the Playstation Store today but what awaited me while I was browsing could either be a mistake on their part or an unintentional leak."

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sinncross4251d ago

IF it is back on then great. I mean, even if it is not an MMO maybe it could make a great multiplayer esque FPS experience, maybe be a bit like Borderlands.

hay4250d ago (Edited 4250d ago )

Some weeks back, one of the SOE managers was asked about possibility of Everquest 3 on PS3. The reply was that he cannot comment on EQ3, but he said Sony is really happy with direction of DC Universe and The Agency being multiplat MMOs.

This would mean they still working on it, and plan on expanding the library of console MMOs.

CharlesDCI4251d ago

I really hope they bring this game back one day!

pupa4250d ago

The Bourne conspiracy! (wink)

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