
Top 5 iPhone Games for Pensioners

Following the news of Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement, The Quality Index champions the best iPhone games for those of a pensionable age.

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Takeshi’s Challenge: The Famicom’s Cruel Mistress

"Takeshi’s Challenge, hailed as one of the worst games of all time, is a game released in 1986 for the Famicom system. Developed by Taito Corporation, it was designed by comedian, actor, and film director Beat Takeshi (Takeshi Kitano), who made it very clear that he was “a man who hates video games.” Critically, the reception of the game differed, with some deeming its game design abusive while others praised it for its peculiarity; regardless, it sold 800,000 copies within its lifetime. According to the first episode of the Japanese TV show GameCenter CX, rumor has it that the developers of the game met with Takeshi at a bar, and put as many of his ideas as they could into the game directly; even when he was drunk. Thus, the plot of Takeshi’s Challenge was born."

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Make it a (Virtual) Reality: Space Invaders

VRFocus looks at the possibilities of a bridge once travelled being travelled again in a different era. Can Space Invaders be the bridge to VR's acceptance?


GamesRadar | Gardening Mama: Forest Friends Review


Get ready to help devastate an entire forest by growing produce for your furry capitalist friends under the watchful eye of Mama - who is, of course, running this entire operation. Seeds of friendship are nowhere to be found, as your woodland neighbours only drop by for a stock refill. Luckily, the threat of being driven off your farm in an Orwellian coup is minimal, as their grasp of commerce is about as firm as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man’s resolve to finally start that diet.

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