
Super Turrican [virtual console] review by IGN

IGN's Lucas M. Thomas writes:
"Nintendo thought highly enough of Super Turrican that it released by itself on March 3, unaccompanied by any other additions to the Wii Shop that day. And though it's disappointing for some who'd ask for more quantity on the Virtual Console, there's no denying the quality of what we did receive. Super Turrican is a great experience, one that served to establish of firm foundation for Factor 5 as developers of home console video game software. It's a blast to play, as it expertly balances paying homage to other popular action designs with its own innovations and mechanics. And it pushed the envelope of what the Super Nintendo hardware could accomplish now over a decade and a half ago. 800 Wii Points is an easy price to pay for a game this good – and luckily, there should be more where this one came from. Super Turrican 2 is also a likely future release for the Virtual Console, as is the Genesis installment of the franchise, Mega Turrican."


The 6 Best NES & SNES Virtual Console Games You've Never Played

Considering that Nintendo has pretty much reduced Virtual Console's release rate to zero, pickings are somewhat slim for great VC games on Wii. However, even if you've already bought every Zelda game, and every good Hudson shooter, there are still quite a few that you may have missed.

These games were either obscure titles from small publishers, or import games that never left Japan. HCW has counted at least 6 games that you really should play for all three Nintendo consoles, and a few honorable mentions.

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The DoFuss Show – Yes, that really is Jon Hare, not Darren

DoFuss says: "We are late, but contrary to my usual apologetic fashion there will be no 'sorry' (apart from for my musical interlude). It is packed front to back with gaming fun and discussion.

This episode is longer that usually to accommodate Darren's recent interview with the legendary Jon Hare of Sensible Software fame. It kicks off at the fifty three minute mark (just in case you want to jump straight to the Sensible Soccer discussion).

Apart from that we quickly hit up what we have been playing before diving into news and predictions for E3. Unfortunately as this has ended up being posted after all the press conferences so you will instantly know if we were on the money or not, all I will say is that we were kind of close, sort of. We wrap up with the return of Darren's old games, and talk of the amazing Turrican.

Hope you enjoy, and we may even manage two more shows this month to make up for the light May."


IGN: Super Turrican 2 Review

All of that's not to say that Super Turrican 2 fails to deliver in the side-scrolling action department -- far from it. What's here is still solid and satisfying. It's just a little unfocused, and so not quite as outstanding as an individual game as its SNES predecessor. If you've played both of the previous Turrican adventures on the Virtual Console, then definitely considering investing an additional 800 Wii Points to see how the series wrapped up here in the 16-bit era. But if you haven't yet spent time with any of them, start at the beginning -- grab the first Super Turrican to begin with, then continue on to the sequels if you like what you find there.

Presentation - 7.0
Graphics - 7.5
Sound - 8.0
Gameplay - 7.5
Lasting Appeal - 7.0
Overall -

Yi-Long5729d ago

... on the C64 and Amiga. Sadly, I never liked the Genesis and SNES versions of the game. Not really sure why, but they did nothing for me.

It would be nice to get a HD remake of the Amiga version of Turrican 1 and/or 2 on XBL or PSN. It's such an amazing game, with absolutely fantastic music. Really one of the best Amiga (and C64) games ever.