
Gamezone: Barnyard Blast: Swine of the Night Review

Barnyard Blast isn't trying to redefine the action-platformer. No one could argue that it's a particularly polished game, and its gameplay is pretty shallow. Still, Gamezone can't quite find it in their heart to say that it's entirely without merit. Sure, it's an unapologetic throwback to 8-bit at its most frustrating, but it's somehow charming nonetheless.

Just as cheesy B-movies can be appreciated for their campy, trashy fun, Barnyard Blast can be kind of enjoyable despite its numerous glaring problems. If you can handle an atrocious difficulty curve, archaic game design, and dated technology, Barnyard Blast might provide you with a few hours of old-school horror action.

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Top Ten Nintendo DS Hidden Gems

With the Nintendo 3DS coming out soon Paranerds.com wanted to show that the Nintendo DS offers something else for everyone. We all know that Nintendo DS offers games like New Super Mario Bros., Brain Age, Nintendogs, Metroid and Tetris, but what about the games you walked by and ignored that were in bins for half the price? What about games you wanted to try but were too afraid to do so. What else does the Nintendo DS offer? They told you what games to play for the Nintendo Wii that was third party, and now they are telling you to try these hidden gems for the Nintendo DS. These are games that are not other wise known or have been highly looked over, so no Metal Slug 7 and no Contra 4.

Paranerds.com presents the Top Ten Nintendo DS Hidden Gems.

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MrMccormo4967d ago

Nice article! The DS is chock full of awesome game. I think it's scientifically impossible to play all of the good ones in a lifetime.


Cnet Review : Barnyard Blast: Swine of the Night (DS)

If you saw Barnyard Blast: Swine of the Night sitting on a store shelf, you'd probably assume it was kid-oriented shovelware, what with its faux-cheeky title and uber-cute cartoony box art. You'd be wrong, though. This side-scrolling action game isn't all that great, but it's a passable throwback to the 8- and 16-bit eras, when Mega Man and the Belmont family headed the baddie-shooting brigade. And despite its brightly-colored, family-friendly exterior, Barnyard Blast is meant for nostalgic, quick-thumbed old-timers ready to embrace its fiendish difficulty and clever video game references. Nevertheless, it's more likely to inspire you to dust off your older consoles and take Ghosts 'n Goblins for a spin than it is to keep you entertained on its own terms.

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Barnyard Blast Review (IGN)

Daemon Hatfield writes: "Barnyard Blast has a lot going for it, but unfortunately not the most important things. Hopefully the developers can take their great sense of humor and old-school roots and move this genre into new territory, rather than get stuck in the past. Retro gamers might want to stop by the barnyard, but there are already several, better classic-flavored platformers on the DS. If gaming in the past isn't your thing, you'll want to pass on the pork."