
Metal Gear Solid The Legacy Collection Info - Japanese price, release and boxart revealed

Konami has launched a Japanese website for Metal Gear Solid The Legacy Collection. They showed the boxart as well as the release date and price for that region.

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MultiConsoleGamer4049d ago

Can't wait! Going to spend the summer reliving the series.

sengoku4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

it's cheaper than i thought, i'm getting this!

ScubaSteve14049d ago

so much for importing it on play-asia

4049d ago
Soldierone4049d ago

80 dollars, geez. That art book better be worth it.

It's basically the HD collection with two extra games, neither of which needed to be re-done in HD.

Ravenor4049d ago

To be fair, that's a great looking collection. Far better than the Zone of Enders HD collectors edition.

I can't think of a better game to send off the PS3 with than MGS4 (Okay maybe The Last of US. :p )

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Metal Gear Solid 2: Raiden Didn't Deserve The Backlash The Character Received

Raiden was introduced in Metal Gear Solid 2 to the ire of some fans. In this opinion article, we argue that the character didn't deserve the backlash that was received upon release.

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-Foxtrot124d ago

He just wasn't interesting sadly and to have Snake in the game, even playing him for a bit then give us the old switcharoo was just bad.

Put it this way, he was so bland they had to make him a cool cyborg ninja in the 4th game.

Cacabunga123d ago

i also has mixed feelings about Raiden.. First reason was because I didn't even know he was the main character in the game (I only bought gaming magazines once in a while) and I had a MGS 2 demo in the bunker which was starring Snake.
Second reason I won't say he is uninteresting but just overshadowed by Snake.. the gameplay in the end of the game with the double analog sticks saber slicing was nice and I liked Raiden for that reason (improved in MGS Rising).

Playing with Solid Snake was just a wow moment every time in comparison.. Only Naked Snake could stand against Solid Snake for me..

raWfodog123d ago

He definitely grew on me as the game progressed but I was initially pissed because I was expecting to play as Snake. It was the old bait-and-switch lol.

Becuzisaid123d ago

Maybe. But his dialogue and voice acting didn't do him any good. No offense to the voice actor, he was much better in mgs4, so it's not his fault. Raiden was extremely whiny and just not interesting.

shinoff2183123d ago

I didn't mind Raiden, in part 2. I never cared for rising but it was way more action heavy and at the time its not what I was looking for in a mgs game. I would retry it though these days

Juancho51123d ago

I enjoyed doing cartwheels while holding my balls on a giant warship, haha! Definitely a great character. I also enjoyed his spinoff game, it was short and simple but they did a good job putting it together.

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How are Solid Snake and Naked Snake Different in the Metal Gear Series?

Though similar in name, the protagonist of Metal Gear Solid Delta, Naked Snake, is different from the more iconic character of the series Solid Snake.

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Dirty_Lemons371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

They looked the same, acted the same, and we're both voiced by David Hayter. During the classic period of MGS, there was no difference (someone correct me but I don't recall if in Snake Eater NS was already determined to create his private militia?)

Side note - still a fantastic series of games with a plot so bonkers but still somehow works.

Name Last Name371d ago

The seeds of rebellion are planted after The Boss’ sacrifice in MGS3 but he starts his militia in Peace Walker.

Dirty_Lemons371d ago

Thanks NLN. That's what I seemed to think was the case, but for a series that retcons its own story multiple times throughout the decades it's hard to be 100% after a few years off.

PhillyDillyDee371d ago

They are different people for one. Naked snake becomes big boss of the original metal gear games. Solid and liquid are his clones.


Play-Asia Weekly Special: Sword Art Online: Lost Song, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End & More

Play-Asia has reduced the prices on 8 gaming products including Sword Art Online: Lonst Song for PS Vita and Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End for PS4.

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