
Call of Duty: Ghosts Title, Release Date Confirmed

A promotional poster has confirmed that the next title in the Call of Duty franchise is called Call of Duty: Ghosts and that it will be released on November 5, 2013. The poster comes just 24 hours after Activision began teasing the game on its official site and marks our first confirmation of the game's title and release date.

nrvalleytime4020d ago

November. I, for one, am utterly shocked.

BiggCMan4020d ago

Well it's nice to see a new name for the first time in years. I'm not sure if it's supposed to follow MW3 or what though, with Ghosts character as the lead or something.

I just want to see the new engine, and if it plays any different. If it's exactly the same, with just nicer graphics, I will not waste my time.

nrvalleytime4020d ago

Couldn't agree more. The title seems to suggest more stealth based gameplay, but that may not sit well with an audience conditioned to expect grand set-pieces and spectacles.

Willing to give it the benefit of the doubt though.

thezeldadoth4020d ago

apparently a new engine has been confirmed

unchartedxplorer4020d ago

They put in a new name in order to not make the game look too old.

Qrphe4020d ago

>"we finally get a different game; a game about covert operations"
>"we finally get a different game; a game about total warfare even in the US"
>"we finally get a different game; a game about futuristic warfare"
>"we finally get a different game; a game about stealth and whatnot"

This is the excuse Activision finds to make you all buy the same game every year. A new engine means little if the gameplay is the same. The formula is set and they have NO reason to change it since you all keep on buying it.
Enjoy it though (that' what games are for), to each their own.



That much we know, but how fresh will the new engine feel? That's the real question!

If it feels the same as the last 6 CODs or so than a lot of people seens to be done with the series... Not that it will stop selling amazingly, you know, even if it went half of last title it would still be great numbers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4020d ago
GuyThatPlaysGames4020d ago

I know everyone will talk shit and hate on the game but I guarantee almost all of you will be there when the midnight release takes place!

Tetsujin4020d ago

I'll be too busy playing either GTA 5 or something on the PS4 if it's out then

Tonester9254020d ago

It's made by Infinity Ward. Won't get my money

Knight_Crawler4019d ago

If this is an open world game about how Ghost became the legend that he is then its a day one purchase for me.

ritsuka6664019d ago

How do people judge a game by a trailer that doesn't even show gameplay? -___-

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4019d ago
jay24020d ago Show
TheOneEyedHound4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

New Engine or GTFO.

Would like Zombies to be included, If it's tryarch property than invent WareWolves.

Skate-AK4020d ago

Probably will have a Survival mode like MW3 but new concepts added.

madara0sama4020d ago

Or a upgraded infection mode. I've always preferred MW's infection mode to BO's zombie.

rustyspoon804020d ago

After Waw came out with Zombies, I always expected MW2 to have an Alien mode included.
That could be just as good as zombies, with various kinds.

I've bought every COD since no.4, but will skip this years unless they show something new on PS4.

Chapter114020d ago

I am so excited right now. I cannot possibly contain my excitement. I haven't been this excited since last November. And the one before that. And the one before that. Never before has the opportunity to play the exact same game year after year.

SolidStoner4020d ago

I did know it was coming!! lmao

JackBNimble4020d ago

No you didn't Tvensky! Who could have possibly seen this coming?

venom064020d ago

poor CoD fanboys....remember this IS Infinity Ward and the last "awesome" billion dollar game was pretty much copy and paste crap. You think this is gonna be different just because of a name change???? and the fact that this "new engine" is more than likely nothing more than just another old-a$$ Quake engine update is pretty much false advertising. Think for a second.... how is this "new next gen engine" supposed to work on the 360 or PS3??? it wont...the hardware is what it is... wake up people and dont fall for the hype train.

wiz71914020d ago

Battlefield 4 is a next gen title well the Frostbite 3 is a next gen enegine.. And battlefield 4 is gonna be released on current gen consoles.

artdafoo4020d ago

There is almost no chance there'll be an actual NEW engine and i say NEW because im sure theyll call it that, the reality is it will be the MW3 engine with added lighting and other effects here and there. Honestly people they've been saying its a new game every November. If you love the game, no big deal you enjoy its fun whatever. Just stop making excuses for Activision's laziness.

RFornillos44020d ago

not siding with COD/Activision/Infinity Ward (haven't liked COD much since MW), but modern game engines are designed to be scalable. so yes, it's possible to have a new engine and still make it work on older consoles.

also, COD has been rehashing their game engine for the longest time, so having a new engine that still works for current gen is not a far-fetched idea since they've probably began working on it before any of the next-gen consoles have been announced. if you're thinking "why didn't Treyarch use a new engine for BLOPS2?", Treyarch has already been customizing the existing COD engine since they've started working on a COD title, so perhaps they don't think it's wise (financially) to simply create a new engine.

Utalkin2me4020d ago


Well they originally started with the quake engine, but it became so modified that it wasn't really the quake engine anymore. The engine from modern warfare was IW 3.0, which was the complete overhaul of the quake engine (for the most part).

ID software could have sued them if they felt that they was using for the most part their engine and calling it a different name.

SegataSanshiro4020d ago

LOL at the people disagreeing with this guy. Go right now and get your disc of whatever call of duuty game from 2003 to 2012 and tell me, I beg you for all that is holy, tell me that it doesn't say "contains Id tech 1999-2012 all rights reserved blah blah blah" call of duty is nothing but a quake 3 mod ever since the first one

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Judge Delays Ruling on FTC's Attempt to Exclude Evidence in Microsoft's Favor in Activision Case

The legal battle for the acquisition of Activision Blizzard continues, with Microsoft countering one of the FTC's latest moves and the Judge delaying a relevant ruling.

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thesoftware73075d ago

Look, to be honest the FTC should just stop.

MS has A/B and nothing has really changed yet...if you are worried about 5-10 years from now...just drop it cause the future is unpredictable.

Take this week's news, that 4 Xbox exclusive are going Multiplatform.


FTC and "Gamers' Lawsuit" Lawyers Denounce Microsoft's Layoffs in Activision Blizzard Legal Battle

The FTC and the lawyers behind the "Gamers' lawsuit" against Microsoft over the acquisition of Activision Blizzard are denouncing the recent layoffs within the respective legal battles.

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Abriael85d ago

It's like watching a bad legal drama.

XiNatsuDragnel85d ago

Best part there's no dramazation lol


Microsoft Allowed to Probe Sony and Ubisoft in Legal Battle Against FTC, but Regulator Fires Back

The legal battle between Microsoft and the FTC over the Activision Blizzard acquisition continues. The house of Xbox just scored a major point but the FTC is firing back.

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XiNatsuDragnel86d ago

Yeah man I think Microsoft here getting to probe is kinda wrong unless you only have accessed to necessary information not complete access imo.

Abriael86d ago

Obviously they aren't giving them the password to Sony's computers and telling them "help yourself."

Eonjay85d ago

"Microsoft allowed to probe Sony and Ubisoft"

Sounds hot...

ApocalypseShadow86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Maybe Microsoft should also talk and get help from their "congressional influencers" at The Capital. They had plenty to say on the matter before the acquisition. They are mighty quiet after the purchase went through. Almost as if they had a stake in the matter.

Abriael86d ago

Could you perhaps explain how this is related? I'm honestly curious since you seem to bring it up rather often.

86d ago
S2Killinit85d ago

He is pointing out how corrupt MS is, and how money talks. I think.

KwietStorm_BLM85d ago

I would say read between the lines but it's pretty damn clear as it is.

Bathyj86d ago

You should be careful upsetting Sony too much Microsoft.
You might need them to sell your subpar games soon.

TornRaptor86d ago

The games will become the best things ever all of a sudden.

Bathyj86d ago

Yeah I really doubt that.
I'm struggling to think of one I really cared about missing.

Hofstaderman86d ago

Bwhahahaha. Ain't that the truth.

Mr_cheese85d ago

The only exclusive im personally interested in from Microsoft is Elderscrolls and that's not even got s release date.

Everything else is genuinely of none interest.

OtterX86d ago

Microsoft never waits for the probing to be consensual.

derek86d ago

This isn't a major victory. They're essentially being allowed to call witnesses in regards to agreements they reached with Sony and Ubisoft which was initially blocked because Microsoft didn't make the request through the proper channels. This case is dead, there is no way the ftc will be allowed to unwind this acquisition.

Sephiroushin86d ago

they probably know case is death but want some proof to sue them for a few millions regarding other stuff, the ftc loves to sue everyone, be sure that as soon as all this end they will just go sue MS and end in a settlement.

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