
Nintendo Wii U sales in dire straits, being outsold by original Wii

Nintendo is running out of time to sell the Wii U before it gets heavy competition from both the PlayStation 4 and the next Xbox. As Engadget points out, Nintendo has reported selling just 390,000 Wii U consoles over the past quarter, which puts its total number of consoles sold at just 3.45 million.

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_QQ_4060d ago

This isn't as big a deal as nintendo haters want it to be.

admiralvic4060d ago

Actually it's, but typically for a different reason than these posts get at.

Most articles simply look at the sales of A and B, then declare a problem, which isn't a big deal. However, if the Wii U had games (this in it of its self is a big deal) and was still selling poorly, then it would be a huge deal. No reason to buy, when there isn't anything you want or anything in the foreseeable future.

WiiUsauce4060d ago

actually it isn't. the PS2 outsold the PS3 when it came out. Proof: http://www.ign.com/articles...

kreate4060d ago


Are u being serious w that comparison?

Ps2 outselling any console including the ps3 is different from wii outselling wii-u.

Wii pretty much died 2 years ago.
So if wii outsells wii-u, they're both pretty much dead.

On Nintendo's defense, wii-u will be fine, but it wont do wii's number. Mario will always save the Nintendo kingdom.

Old McGroin4060d ago

If you compare the first 5 months sales of the 360, PS3 and Wii U, the Wii U did better than the 360 and slightly worse then the PS3:


So Nintendo haters/trolls, pack your bags and leave, nobody likes you.

PygmelionHunter4060d ago

The second I saw WIIUsauce's comment, I knew someone was going to say it wasn't the same case haha, also, the Wii U is doing as good if not better than the PS3 and 360 did in their first months on the market.

I would also like to address how some people hating on the Wii U right now because of sales were or are defending the PS Vita, which is in at least, a very similar position if not worse. Doom articles have to go for good, specially for consoles that just recently released or those that haven't been.

FarEastOrient4060d ago

Everyone that is using the PS2 outselling PS3 comparison is failing to take into consideration that PS3 had supply issues over the same time. The Blu-Ray wasn't being made fast enough and the price is $599 for a very long time.

kreate4060d ago (Edited 4060d ago )

'I knew someone was going to say it wasn't the same'

becuz u already know the reasons why, thats why u knew someone was going to make that comment

1. ps2 was still in its prime and more games coming out after the ps3's launch like god of war 2 while ps3 had no games
- wii is dead, nobody wants it
2. sony shipped 200k ps3 on launch, the rest was being air-shipped to the states at later dates
- wii-u was available everywhere across the USA and it still is
3. everyone hated on the ps3, who hates wii-u? ppl might not care for the wii-u but nobody really hates it, the 360 fanboys bashed the ps3 but they let the wii off the hook
4. ps3 launched with 500-600 price tag while wii-u shipped with 300-350 price tag, easier for ps2 to outsell ps3 than a wii outselling wii-u cuz again, wii is RIP

if wii outsold wii-u 2 years ago, its ok.
for wii to outsell the wii-u in 2013 is pretty bad. ps vita is also doing pretty bad if that makes u feel better.

it really doesnt matter which console sales better to what comparisons are invalid to some degree.

idk why nintendo fanboys are butthurt when u guys pretty much dominated the sales chart with the wii

idk if its little kids defending mario or whats up with nintendo fanboys

wii-u will sell just fine, and it is currently the highest selling next gen gaming system on the market outselling the ps4/nextbox (of course these are not yet on the market)

nintendo has a headstart, so dont worry about it nintendo fankids

mario and princess zelda will always love u. go eat a mushroom and grow up.

n4f4060d ago

the more you talk the less relevant you seem to be

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showtimefolks4060d ago

We are not hating as you stated

Where are the games

Online structure is going through the pain we went with PSN and I don't want to do it twice, didn't Nintendo learn anything from PSN or xblive?

Missing E3 when other console makers will be making huge news why? Why not show up at E3 with a lot of games and prove to gamers that wiiu will be getting games soon along with build some partnerships with 3rd party publishers

Here is a fun fact for us the haters as you called us, last N system to get great software support from 3rd party?(SNES)

And don't even get me started on all the wasted R&D on gamepad when they should have invested that into making the specs of the system itself better, now wiiu will be stuck in the middle of last gen but still not on par with next gen.

Also here is another fun fact. The reason 3rd party publishers don't support Nintendo isn't because they hate Nintendo, it's because most big games from 3rd party don't sell on the Nintendo home system which is geared towards kids and hardcore Nintendo fanboys. Mario game will sell huge numbers but COD won't. Zelda will do fine but GTA on Nintendo console not so much

There is a reason Rayman legends was delayed UBI had its doubts
There is a reason a big game from 2-3 years ago is coming to wiiu in dues ex instead of bioshock or next GTA

We are not the so called haters we call it as we see it instead of being blindly in love with Nintendo.

It's fine for Nintendo to make as many Mario games but not fine for ms to do another forza or halo or not for Sony to do another god of war. Gaming media looks at Nintendo as gaming's little darling who could do no wrong

brewin4060d ago

Dude, Nintendo is still going to have a huge presence at e3 dumbass. They just dont need to waste money on a huge, flashy event and pay for usher or paul mc cartney to come on stage for no fucking reason. Hello... you REALLY think nintendo isnt going to be at e3? Jesus you fucking people dont actually READ the articles you just see the news headlines that say "NINTENDO NOT PRESENTING At e3OMGOMG! they will be there and have a huge presence

showtimefolks4060d ago


I never said they were totally skipping e3 did I?

And for last decade it was fine to be at E3 and hold event and all of the sudden it's time to save up? E3 is where you get the nationa Medias attention. Holder smaller event for gamers is all good but its not us who aren't buying its the unknown who don't visit gaming sites daily and E3 Nintendo conference presenting a lot of software on spike TV could be a hug boost

You see how I made my point without calling you name maybe you should learn the meaning of someone else's opinion

Also no way they will have a so called huge presence when Sony and ms are actually showing new systems with most likely many new iP's. if Nintendo wants the spot light away from them than this is totally the wrong way to go about it

Wiiu needs am awareness campaign many still don't know if its just an add on to wii or a brand new system.

But again we are the so called haters because we see the problems Nintendo has had for a long time and they haven't learned a thing. Wii selling was once in a lifetime phenomenon and of they expect wiiu be bought by casuals and core than this is the wrong way to deliver your message

Again made my point without calling you any names, maybe Nintendo fans are bunch of kids since that's all Nintendo ever targets

grimmweisse4060d ago

Nintendo should host a presentation, even by Nintendo's standards they have acknowledged that the Wii U isn't selling as well as they hoped. Compare all other consoles over the same period as much as you like with like-for-like sales, but things are never certain.

The market has changed a lot, and if they think Nintendo isn't worried then you're sorely mistaken, because with the release of the PS4 and Next Xbox to be announced they really need to have some killer games to show off at E3.

But even so, there is going to be a lot of next-gen games that will probably out hype whatever Nintendo will throw out for the Wii U at E3. Mostly likely a new Smash Bros, Mario Kart and Zelda, although it's the same thing as always, that will please Nintendo fans mostly, but won't set the gaming world on fire.

It's far from being a dead console, but it's the revolution or innovation it was supposed to be.

n4f4060d ago

wow brewin calme your horse
but to be frankly, e3 is starting to be garbage. the last time i jump up from my chair was when they announce metroid other m.(metroid being my favorite game) even last year's e3 was garbage.
on n4g, and most of the headline: "was all 3 console maker didnt make a good impression", "nintendo started well and finish weak" and so on.its like sony ms and nintendo played it safe .multiple website state that ubisoft was the grand winner. I'm not hating on ubisoft but if ubisoft has to be the grand winner of a e3 well that mean most of the of stuff was either weak or everyone didnt want to show there cards

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DeadlyFire4060d ago

Well the majority expect a Nintendo price drop when the other two consoles hit the market. So WiiU could soar after PS4/X720 launch.

majiebeast4060d ago

If they want to get that 100 billion profit forecast they wont and also whats a pricecut without games. The wiiU is already unofficialy 299 euros in my country for the premium model with Nintendoland and 249 for the basic model. German Amazon has the basic model for 199 euro's and it still doesnt sell. So without the games the pricecut looks to be pretty useless.

lilbroRx4060d ago

Why? The other two console will cost more than it does.

MasterCornholio4060d ago

Poor sales are always a big deal whether you like it or not. And that goes with any system it doesnt matter if its made by Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony.

AngelicIceDiamond4060d ago (Edited 4060d ago )

I'm pretty sure The 720 will outsell the the new Xbox. Especially if its rumored 99$.

grimmweisse4060d ago

$99 for the next Xbox, that's probably that xbox mini thing, which is probably different from the 720. I think there is no way in hell the official next-gen system will be selling at $99.

_QQ_4060d ago (Edited 4060d ago )

I didn't say poor sales aren't a big deal, but anti nintendo people act as if a 5 month old console being outsold by super popular 130$ system means wiiu is doomed for good, when everyone knows that game releases is all the wiiu needs to succeed. Games that have already been announced.

joab7774060d ago

Exactly...no games...no investment. But its a catch 22. Release black ops 2, no one buys it so they won't realease next cod on it. Not only did they choose to release a console that is only slightly more powerful than this gen, they did so without standout launch titles. Ppl r dying for a new console and nintendo could have really delivered. It sucks that games like pandoras tower, the last story and xenoblade weren't remade for the wii, or that a new monster hunter wasn't made. Though it was smart to get monster hunter out this year. So many opportunities wasted. Its almost as if they thought more ppl would buy simply because of the name and promises made.

OmegaSlayer4060d ago ShowReplies(1)
ps3_pwns4060d ago

i know its an even bigger deal we are actually underestimating the bigness my friend. wii u wii u wii u ambulance is on its way put mario on the stretcher.

4060d ago Replies(1)
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SAYGUH4060d ago

IDK what to say about this, it's humiliating. Havin new software takes time, that's what it needs. Second when the funk do we get dual Gamepad support?

TheUndertaker854060d ago (Edited 4060d ago )

Maybe when they actually sell the gamepad separate, which they don't. Was noted before too that there are no plans to sell the gamepad separately. The only legit way to get a second is to buy another system.


This still holds true. No retailer sells just the WiiU gamepad including Nintendo itself.

It also may be impossible for the WiiU to support multiple gamepads as one gamepad is already taxing. If multiple is wanted developers would have to build the game specifically to use multiple gamepads.


"Nintendo has said it was possible to use two Wii U controllers with the console, however, the current plan is that only one controller will be supported at beginning. The Wii U controller requires a lot of resources and processing power from the console hardware, which means a considerable amount of more power from the system will have to be used to support the extra controller. That’s why games who would support two controllers would have to be created for this kind of support from the ground up. Because of this, it’s uncertain whether the console will ever support multiple tablet controllers."

TheUndertaker854060d ago (Edited 4060d ago )

Sorry, my mistake. WiiU gamepads are currently being sold separately in Japan only. They retail for around $160 from Nintendo. Replacement gamepads are around $140. Repairs for the gamepad are around $90 if out of warranty.

Satoru Iwata also confirmed that if multiple gamepads are supported by titles they'd all take hits, dropping ALL titles that do down to at least 720p/30fps.


SAYGUH4060d ago

I'm sorry Undertaker, but this is not acceptable. I understand that they don't want to abandon the Wiimotes, however not utilizing 2 or more Gamepads etc is very sickening. I love Nintendo like SEGA & imagine how much respect the rest of you guys might feel for them but THIS cannot happen. Not everything they do is excusable

TheUndertaker854060d ago (Edited 4060d ago )

@SAYGUH: Wrong message taken from my posts, my friend. I'm not saying it's right or wrong(At least in those earlier posts). All I'm saying is these are facts, facts Nintendo themselves are even supporting.

I'll clarify my position though by saying this: It does seem stupid for Nintendo to have commenced with the specs they have for WiiU when they 1) Knew how much resources would be needed to run one gamepad 2) Knew what it'd take to run multiple gamepads 3) Knew they'd have to have specialized experiences to use multiple gamepads, even knowing they'd have to dumb down those experiences to get it to work and 4) Knew that the cost of the gamepad individually would be roughly half of that of a new system with the gamepad.

The second part could be subjective though. The first posts in many instances come directly from Nintendo admitting to the shortcomings of trying to run multiple gamepads. That's not subjective. That's info for those seeking it or willing to accept it.

Fanboys will rant about what they don't understand, rather they try to put a positive or negative spin on it. Real gamers will hopefully seek info such as this before purchasing so they can make the decision to purchase or not with the info they have at hand, knowing what the system will offer them plus the downfalls.

For the record, I do not own a WiiU because frankly, it has nothing to offer me. I don't own a Wii either. I've never been a fan of Mario titles(Outside of Paper Mario. Had an ok time with that.) plus the last Zelda title I really enjoyed was Ocarina of Time. If I wanted to play those though I'd just buy a N64. I don't own a Xbox because of the same reasons plus not wanting to pay for Live. Doesn't mean I don't research the products to see what they do offer or that I haven't experienced the products first hand.

Fierce Musashi4060d ago (Edited 4060d ago )

Mmh. Their marketing was and is not nearly as aggressive as it was with the original Wii ( & 3DS to an extent ). Maybe when more games start flowing in, particularly their main franchises.

As for now, they could be doing a whole lot better with spreading the word around about it.

SAYGUH4060d ago

Musashi, I sure hope you're rite about that. It ain't lookin good at all for their 1st full year released

silkylove4060d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the PS2 outsold the PS3 for a while after launch.

AWBrawler4060d ago

Shhhhh quiet. They might hear you.

Utalkin2me4060d ago

I agree he needs to be quiet, if he only picks a certain thing to try and fit his agenda. Just read my below post.

Minato-Namikaze4060d ago

PS3 was only released 2 regions though. We'll see what the wii-u looks like this time next year.

majiebeast4060d ago

Ye but the ps3 never only shipped 360.000 consoles in 3 months worldwide. Has never had such low NPD sales as the wiiU its worst month was 90k WiiU's worst month is 55K so far.

lilbroRx4060d ago (Edited 4060d ago )

And that was attributed to the mass number of units returned from people who hoped to sell them at an increased price.

The actual total number of units sold that month was said to be around 100k minus 50k returns. NPD does not count returned units as sales.

Utalkin2me4060d ago (Edited 4060d ago )


The difference is the PS2 was outselling all consoles, not just the PS3. The Wii hasn't been selling strongly for a while now, where as the PS2 was still selling strongly after the launch of the PS3. Plus the PS3 was alot pricier then all other consoles. And it wasn't available in all regions till 2 years later.

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GhostScholar5d ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder5d ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing695d ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…

Popsicle5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Yes please. Did pretty much everything there was to do in this game. Took a very long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Skyrim is one of my all-time favorites, but I would prefer a new experience.

anast5d ago

They might as well. So far, it looks like ES6 will be mostly developed by AI.

Smellsforfree5d ago

I don't want a next-gen version of a game I've already played to death. Skyrim was a great game, but I'm over it.

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