
Game Guys review - Naruto Powerful Shippuden

The home console video games based upon the 'Naruto' anime and manga have been mostly well received and fairly popular. The same can't really be said for the portable game library based upon the same source material. Naruto Powerful Shippuden, a Nintendo 3DS game, is the latest portable title featuring the ninjas of Hidden Leaf Village and beyond. While it shows the potential of a rather good fighting game right away, its charm and overall enjoyment dissipated as over time.


3DS Weekly Deals: B1G1 %40 Off all 3DS Games, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate $20 & more

3DS weekly deals and sales at Nintendo Store & eShop, Amazon, Toys R Us, Frys, eStarland, Best Buy, Walmart, Cowboom and Newegg.

jacobvogel3862d ago

Time to pre-order Pokemon X and Sonic Lost World for $64 :)

Mrgolden793862d ago

Man! I just preordered Pokemon x and y a couple days ago at GameStop... Hopefully they'll let me cancel it.


3DS Weekly Deals: 3DS XL Pokemon X & Y (+20GC) $199.99, Sonic: Lost World (Pre-order) $34.99 & more

3DS weekly deals and sales at Nintendo eShop, Amazon, Frys, eStarland, Best Buy, Gamefly, Walmart, Cowboom and Newegg.

jacobvogel3868d ago

Is it true that Pokemon X&Y bundle doesn't include the game?

Apollo13868d ago

It doesn't come with a copy of Pokemon X and Y. Those games won't be out in stores until October 12th in North America and the rest of the world.

Starbucks_Fan3868d ago

No. It is limited edition though. I have the red one and it's sweet. Nice glossy look.

ShadowHarp3868d ago

It's not a bundle. And it cost as much as a regular 3ds xl.

timothyckeegan3868d ago

I preordered Sonic Lost World, $5 off is always good.


3DS Weekly Deals - 3DS XL $180, Naruto Powerful Shippuden $20, 2DS Pre-Order $125 & more

3DS weekly deals and sales at Amazon, eStarland, Best Buy, Gamefly, Walmart, Cowboom and Newegg.

edgarohickman3882d ago

For only $55 difference, it is better to buy a 3DS XL.

timothyckeegan3882d ago

For only $10 difference, it is better to buy a 3DS XL (Compared to 3DS :P)

--Onilink--3882d ago

well a $55 difference to someone who doesnt care about 3D is a big difference, like 2 more games if you know where to look big difference.

I myself do prefer the XL though