
Motocross Madness Review | ArcadeSushi


Despite sensitive surroundings and less than stellar graphics, I enjoyed my time with Motocross Madness. It’s a simple racing game that does enough right to justify the investment of $15.

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5 Games you should introduce your kids to

MWEB GameZone writer Zubayr Bhyat collects and talks about some games you should introduce your children to. There are some interesting surprises here, you should really take a look.

HanCilliers3799d ago

Great choices. Being able to game with your kids from a young age has so many positive aspects to it.

You can teach them abt online conduct
Introduce them to gaming
Increase their cognitive abilities in a fun way
Great activity and fun for parent and child

DesVader3799d ago

Gaming that is used to re-inforce good behaviours = win. You can give your kids a good time with gaming without having to resort to the vioulent ones. Respect those ratings.

Choc_Salties3799d ago

Also, turn your child into the crafter, the hauler, the button-masher-when-you-don' ;t-want-to, the extra DPS; the list is endless!

Seriously though, play games with your kids, don't let games replace you, as a parent. I've seen and heard of so many wonderful examples of kids playing with their parents together; one of the best ones was a single mom play Call of Duty 4 with her son, and they were both very good, and made it briefly onto the competitive scene. She contextualised the entire thing from one end to the other, and its a passion they both enjoyed.

miyamoto3799d ago

Any game with out killing enemies will be good for kids.


Motocross Madness Review | D+PAD

D+PAD writes:

For a game with ‘Madness’ in its title, you would forgiven for expecting something truly off the wall; perhaps even wacky in the vein of SSX Tricky or the kookier Tony Hawk games. But, unless seeing your avatar riding a dirtbike donned in Gears of War head-gear and cowboy boots sounds in any way ‘mad’ to you, Motorcross Madness doesn’t quite hold up its end of the bargain. What’s on offer here is a plain Jane arcade racer with about as much personality as a stack of cardboard.

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Motocross Madness Review | Game Rant

Game Rant: "Motocross Madness is the game that a majority of longtime series faithfuls would expect from a $10 installment. While it’s short on content, what is present manages to be a very fun, pick-up-and-play racer that almost anyone can jump into with relative ease. The inclusion of upgradeable dirt bikes and an XP meter scratches the itch of players looking for something a little deeper, while still keeping the overall experience simple and satisfying."

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