
Euro eShop Has Math, Lego And Ponies For The Kids, While You Wait For Rayman

Gamesta.com has this week's releases for the European Nintendo eShop. It's mostly 3DS titles, but handheld owners can take on a list of different games, from small to bigger. The Wii U has a free game to tide players over for a while.


The Mega Man Mobile Games Are Being Delisted

The Mega Man Mobile games are smartphone adaptions of Mega Man 1 - 6 from the 8-bit era that are now being taken down very soon.

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1151d ago Replies(1)
XxINFERNUSxX1151d ago

You can always find a torrent of this for Android. I never pay for mobile games or applications, LOL. Android is simple copy paste the APK some are already precracked others have a simple crack to install.

1151d ago

Video Game Music Spotlight #9: Best of the NES

VGChartz's Taneli Palola: "On August 14, 1995, exactly 24 years ago to the day, the original NES was discontinued in the west, bringing an end to an almost ten year period of dominance for the 8-bit console in North America. Over that period of time we saw the birth of some of the most beloved video game franchises ever, many of which are still going strong today, ensuring a legacy for the console that stands near unrivalled in the industry.

Of course, a significant part of that enduring legacy is the music from those games, composed by many of the most talented composers to ever work on video games. For many people it was the NES that introduced them to exceptionally talented composers such as Koji Kondo, Nobuo Uematsu, David Wise, Koichi Sugiyama, and many others. What follows are just some of the countless amazing themes the NES gave us over its lifespan, some of which might be completely new to many of you."

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BillytheBarbarian2757d ago

Man, 1991 was a great year. I remember Streets of Rage, Toejam and Earl, Bonk's Revenge, Joe Montana Football with the sports talk, Police Quest 3 the kindred, Quack Shot, Road Rash, Street Fighter 2, Tecmo Superbowl, TMNT Turtles in Time, WWF Wrestle Fest,...too many spring to mind. That was a huge gaming year for me. 16-bit was in the most bitter war at this time. Sonic versus Mario, Streets of Rage versus Final Fight, FZero versus Road Rash, and while kids were fighting over which was better I was playing everything I could get my hands on.