
Fighting Fundamentals with JD

PixlBit | "Fighting games can be some of the most intimidating games out there. Whether it was back in the arcades where every victory relied on you hard earned money, or today where playing online unprepared can lead to some embarrassing losses. Though a tough nut to crack, fighting games can also be extremely rewarding."

4064d ago
DaveyB4064d ago

That was dreadful - there's not practical advice in that article. Watch videos, get better at the game, practice a bit... *pffff* those aren't fighting game fundamentals, it's just common sense.

Getting better at fighting games comes down to three main things. Learning simple BnB's to start off with - practicing them until they're used in practical situations, then try to expand them in training mode, with a little help from YouTube.

Practice, practice, practice to get that muscle memory down. And watch mathces with top players for insight into practical tactics and strategies - learn from there, but don't copy.

Lastly, GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and go to actual fighting game meets and FGC events and get used to competitive play, learn from those who are beating you, and talk to the people attending to get help.

None of this was covered. In fact, I think I just wrote a more informative article in, what, 45 seconds?

zeroskie4064d ago

Agreed. I would add that it's not too difficult to pick your favorite character, learn all the simple commands and combos on the move list and learn a couple of frame advantage moves as well as damaging combos. Take all this and keep fighting online or with friends even.

I"ve never been to a tournament, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying fighting games.


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How Street Fighter IV Saved 2D Fighting Games (Ft. Maximilian Dood)

After Street Fighter II released in in 1991, it caused a fighting game explosion, both in arcades and in home consoles. But, as the decade ended, and arcades were failing, so too were 2D Fighting games. This is how Street Fighter IV completely revitalized the genre.

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Snookies12356d ago

I'd say Blazblue helped too. Didn't care for Street Fighter 4, but Blazblue was amazing during that time. Sad that the series kind of went downhill after the first 2 or 3 games though.

DarXyde356d ago

BlazBlue was phenomenal. Platinum'd Calamity Trigger because I loved it so much. I remember buying Continuum Shift back in the day at launch for like $40. They did have DLC characters (Valkenhayne, Makoto, and Platinum at the time) and it came out to just a tad more than it would at full price. Didn't mind at all.

Great fighting game.

Snookies12356d ago

Continuum Shift was definitely my favorite. Spent way too many hours on that game, haha... Had the counters for days with Hakumen.

DarXyde356d ago

I really like Makoto, Valkenhayne, and Hazama. Super fun characters

Terry_B355d ago

Valkenhayn ..just sayin'

Terry_B356d ago

BlazBlue was the much better, more technical game..and a real 2D Fighting Game after all. But yes, since it was a big name..the characters were still popular and the game itself was good, SFIV indeed helped a lot. However, I am pretty sure the much better-selling Mortal Kombat 9 would have been done without SFIV as well..and that one truly helped to make the fighting game genre in general more popular again.

Ryuha1234h356d ago

You’re sound dumb. Blazblue was not better than sf4. You’re just saying that because you’re a street fighter hater.

Redgrave356d ago

>calls someone dumb
>does it by saying "you're sound dumb"

Task failed successfully

Terry_B355d ago

A SF Hater eh? Fight me in SF 2,3 4 or 5 and you will regret that stupid comment ;)

gold_drake356d ago (Edited 356d ago )

eyyy max xD

one of the very few streamers i can actually watch without it being cringe and awful ha.

GhostScholar355d ago

The content of IV was severely lacking when it launched. It got better over time.


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