
Bohemia Have No Plans To Bring ARMA 3 on The PS4, Praises Sony

"In light of the next generation of first person shooters, one particular title has been doing the rounds on PC: ARMA 3. As a more realistic treatment of military shooters, the game is currently in closed beta. And it looks simply phenomenal. Surely such a title would benefit from making the jump to next generation consoles, giving games like Battlefield 4 a run for their money?"

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Snookies124035d ago

Trying to play an Arma game on consoles... I'm just thinking about how I STILL don't have the hang of controls on PC for Arma 2. There are a lot of keys to remember, so I'm not sure how they'd put that on a controller.

Nitrowolf24035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

Thing is, a lot of those keys could be placed somewhere else or be equip VIA gear rather than keys, or even placed on the UI if they ever did go with console release. Then again this move may even dumb it down, which I can see happening.

That also goes without saying that the PS4 will probably support keyboard/mouse

Hellsvacancy4035d ago

I dont know why your getting disagrees (well, I do) If the PS4 is supposed to be more PC like then isnt kinda obvious that m/k support is a given

Obviously its down to the developer to implement it

LOL_WUT4035d ago

Well if the PS3 supported mouse and keyboard support then I don't see why they couldn't offer the same thing on the PS4. ;)

Xyla4035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

it would be quite simple to have 32 additional buttons if need be for arms 3 through hotkeys. devs could easily map different button functions depending on which directional button one presses on the d-pad. holding up on the d-pad can switch face buttons and shoulder buttons to other commands as well as pressing other sides of the directional buttons to have other hotkeys. i like the look of arma 3 and if it doesnt come to ps4 that is fine. i like that its different than a lot of shooters available on the market and cant wait to buy it later on in the year.

ive seen quite a few complaining about this game on pc which i dont understand because theyre complaining because its different than other shooters when they can play other shooters. i havent played this game as yet but i know ill accept it as it is and would only complain if it has bugs or issues it wasnt meant to have. i like to experience new games and i love the look of arma 3. definitely getting it on pc later on this year if only available on pc

MaxXAttaxX4035d ago

That was uncomfortable to look at.

pixelsword4035d ago

Those could be verbal commands and you could eliminate the keyboard entirely.

ChronoJoe4035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

The logical solution would be a sub-real time tactical menu / interface. Like you hold triangle, time freezes in-game, then you navigate to the appropriate command in a sort of weapon-wheel like system.

Other controls could be contexualised. For instance 'reload' can be the same button as 'mount' but mount would only apply to the context of a vehicle. It's not that complicated really.

Axe994035d ago

You could easily get around those commands - take a SOCOM/SOCOM 2 approach to radio commands and most of the command-like actions (SOCOM 1/2's squad commands were for some elements just as detailed as those in ArmA), and use sensible toggles for the rest (ie, R2 +, or L2 +, and so on). It's easily doable. Tbh, that keyboard-heavy approach to commands looks clunky and unintuitive for PC, let alone console.


Verbal commands is an idea, but K/M support I'm not so sure... I don't know if they are allowed to make an alternative controller mandatory. Maybe if it's bundled, but otherwise I don't think they could request a K/M to play, hence they'll still have to come up with a controller solution, even if just an option...

And if they are allowed to make K/M mandatory it could affect sales... A lot of stuff to think about in that, anyway I surely would love Arma on PS4, K/M, controller, voice or otherwise... I just want some hardcore tactical shooter (yup, I'm another of those SOCOM orphans).

Army_of_Darkness4035d ago

Doesn't look like I'm missing anything but unnecessary memorization and frustration lol!


ARMA could run on consoles but the learning curve would be to much for most console gamers... even simplifying the controls wouldn't be enough. I could see everyone trying to play it like BF but failing miserably.

Thisisjuju4034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

Arma 3 controls on a PS4? No problem!

Just need a...

harrisk9544034d ago

That's a lot of buttons! Way beyond me. I wish I had the time to learn a lot of PC game controls.

Back in my day, Defender in the arcade was a lot of buttons! :)

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4034d ago
MariaHelFutura4035d ago

DayZ is almost 100% coming to PS4 and that's all I care about personally.

MariaHelFutura4034d ago

DayZ is a mod from Arma, that is getting a standalone version.

SnakeCQC4035d ago

the controls of arma kinda ruin it for me

BlackRock4035d ago

the ps3 can be used with a mouse and keyboard so who said you'll have to use a controller for such games.?

CaptCalvin4034d ago

If they release it on console the M/K can only be an option, which means they'll have to make the game in a way that you have to be able to play with a controller.

4035d ago Replies(3)
JsonHenry4035d ago

Just require a KB+M to play it on the PS4. Problem solved!

hesido4035d ago

I'm not sure Sony would allow a keyboard / mouse only game, but, it really should. The game should make it very clear that it does not support gamepad, tho. It's not that improbable, we have games that require move, we have games that have "move features". The same principle could be applied.

JsonHenry4035d ago

I just want to see some of my PC favorite genres thrive on the PS4 like hack and slash games, isometric RPGs, and real time strategy games. I feel if a Keyboard and mouse was required it would help push the genres a little better. I know you can play all of those types of games I just mentioned with a gamepad. But you lose a LOT of the quick and competitive edge when downgrading your controls to a gamepad. Playing Supreme Commander and the Command and Conquer games on the 360/PS3 was a HUGE pain the ass. If that was my only experience with that genre I would never go back to it again for another try.

specialguest4035d ago

I don't believe developers will risk making a game that only supports k/m and has no controller support on a console. Doing so means they're targeting a tiny market, because most console players either hate or are not accustomed to playing on k/m. It's not going to be worth the trouble if they don't include a comprehensive controller scheme that somehow works. Therefore, i think they made the right choice.

sobekflakmonkey4034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

Have the game be a package deal, you buy the game with a usb Keyboard and mouse, get steelseries to go in on it or something, I don't know, you could make it work, but its up to Bohemia and Sony as to whether or not they wanna put in that effort.

k2d4034d ago

@ Hesido: That all up to the devolper to choose. It's been like that since the PS2.

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ded10204035d ago

I do not see why, in this day and age, for those game that could be made better with a kb&m, why they don't just offer that. Most people I assume have them with usb, and if not they aren't expensive. Why can't that option simply be there?

Sucitta4035d ago

It would not be fair for FPS..

I find it ALLOT easier to spin around and point/click my kills in BF3 on PC then I do with my Onza BF3 controller on xbox.

You need a level playing field for games like BF3, though for games like Command and Conquer, they should defiantly offer optional KB&M support.

Dasteru4035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )


Everyone would have the option to use KB+M though, and given that you can buy a basic KB+M for around $10-15, i don't see it really being all that different from a handicap setting in a fighting game. People choose to continue using a controller they are choosing to handicap themselfs, nobody is forcing them. Perfectly fair.

ded10204035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

I don't really think balance factors in as heavily as you might think. People make proprietary peripherals for pc and console games all the time. For just that purpose, (to stack the odds in your favor) and quality of life enhancements. I think these boxes should come with kb&m standard and thats the end of it. (I miss my chat boxes in multiplayer games =\)

Axe994035d ago

The problem with using a mouse/keyboard (and particularly a mouse), is that it takes what is ostensibly a sim and then gives you the most casual-friendly, un-sim way of controlling a shooter (the mouse - wonderfully accessibly, but even less sim than a gamepad). Add in the digital movement controls of a keyboard and you're driving a military shooter with an input device designed for working with spreadsheets. It's perfectly possible to have a sim running on a gamepad (ArmA 2 did it on the 360, and Op Flash :DR and RR on both current-gen consoles) with things like Op Flash's command wheel. On top of that, you've get a far more realistic rate of turn than the spin-on-a-dime you get with a mouse - now I'd like to see someone move like that for real with full kit and webbing ;).

Persistantthug4034d ago

Realistic sim, using a hyper-unrealistic input device for control.

CaptCalvin4034d ago

Because the majority of console gamers that I know just can't deal with M+KB controls?

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FamilyGuy4035d ago

They should just include one of those roll-up/flexible usb keyboards in the box and charge an extra $10. PS3 supports usb and bluetooth keyboards, PS4 should as well. Doing this would be the easiest way to get the game on consoles.

Would console gamers actually WANT to play this though? I'm not all that into simulators.

Qrphe4035d ago

They wouldn't, it'd be kb+m support just like other games do.

DaReapa4035d ago

The ARMA series (save for CWC) has controller support with custom configuration. No reason as to why they could not implement that same structure to PS4. And as others have stated, it's almost a certainty that the PS4 will utilize KB&M controls. Granted, I'm enjoying the A3 Alpha at the moment, but I see no reason why others can't enjoy an experience rarely found on consoles if the opportunity is there.

g2gshow4035d ago

They will just streamlining it's been done before this is not the first PC to Consol shooter

4035d ago
Razgriz3834034d ago

Just plug in a Keyboard and Mouse...Can already put a keyboard in your PS3 so I don't think it would be a stretch to add that kind of functionality to the PS4.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4034d ago
NewMonday4035d ago

the controls are to complex

ProjectVulcan4035d ago

The point of ARMA is that is a heavy duty sim. If you need your shooters less complex you are well catered for let face it, so let ARMA do its own thing.

NewMonday4035d ago

not complaining, just saying why it wont likely come to consoles.

hennessey864035d ago

because they really want to play arma, but are phased by the complexity of the controls. I dont think it would do the game much harm to be released on consoles with a few of the none essential commands gotten rid of.

papashango4034d ago

Arma is Arma because of the complexity of the controls.

It's a very niche title made popular by DayZ.

Most fps gamers don't ever consider playing Arma. The ones that do are heavily teamwork oriented and older I've noticed.

DeadIIIRed4035d ago

The same thing would happen to the game that happened to Op Flashpoint

dkgshiz4035d ago

Given that its a sony title yes it most likely will.

Pintheshadows4035d ago

I was thinking that Sony would be stupid not to include it as a day 1 f2p release. It is SoE afterall and I think it would be a big draw.

papashango4034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

I'm very confused as to why Sony has not announced PS2 for the PS4.

But then again it may not look it but PS2 requires some power in the cpu dept. Not sure if the ps4 could handle that.

towelie12884035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

i disagree
PS4 cpu is not capable of running planetside 2
not with thousands of players shooting each other and all with those badass graphics
sorry i dont see it happening but maybe they might come out with a dumbed down version i guess, maybe limiting the amount of players and gameplay wont be as smooth also there are way to many buttons for planetside 2 not enough on a controller

the cpu just to run Planetside2 on PC's smoothly and playable is way better then what the ps4 cpu is but they may come out with a separate ps4 version

MariaHelFutura4035d ago

PC and consoles don't work in the same way. We really don't know what the PS4 can or can't do at this point.

thehitman4035d ago

I just looked at the system reqs for it and the PS4 would more than handle the optimal requirements. CPU is the kind of the most non-factor component in video games. CPU handles physics, effects, shaders and cinematic. Everything else is GPU and 8gb of gddr5 is more than sufficient.

Optimal Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel i5 processor or higher AMD Phenom II X6 or higher
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 15 GB free
Video Memory: 1,024 MB RAM
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 500 series or higher / AMD HD 6870 or higher
Sound Card: DirectX compatible

oof464035d ago

I think this tweet all but confirms, without actually saying it, that Planetside 2 is console bound.


KwietStorm_BLM4035d ago

Badass graphics? The game is fun as hell, but.. No. No, no, no.

pixelsword4035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

@ towelie:

I hate to say this, but take a look at oof46's comment and be ready to sit down with me and have a gourmet meal of Creme' de la Crow with Miss Sassafras's Mississippi Humble Pie for dessert.

I thought the PS4 was incapable of doing PS2 as well; but like he said, that all but confirms it.

MysticStrummer4035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

I think PS4 is quite capable of running Planetside 2, but that tweet doesn't prove much. There are several existing games he could be hinting at, not to mention any new titles we don't know about yet. PS2 would be great, but so would an updated DCUO or EQOA.

trenso14035d ago

if my two year old macbook can run ps2 im pretty sure sony can get it to run a ps4

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alessandro104035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

Planetside 2 Director told ign on a interview something like.....
"Yes it wont run on the ps3 because we built this engine from the ground up so simply it wont run but it might be running on something else"

so i think its obvious Planetside 2 on ps4 its a no brainer, also the game it done by sony computers

josephayal4035d ago

I'm going to assume that are talking about current gen (PS3/360) not PS4/720

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Bohemia’s war against Arma 3’s misinformation misuse

From GI.biz: "Back in October, a video clip started doing the rounds on social media, showing what appeared to be the Ukrainian artillery attacking Russian tanks. The footage was shared thousands of times across social media platforms.

There was just one small problem; the footage in question was not real.

It was, in fact, a video of gameplay from Arma 3, a military simulation title made by Czech studio Bohemia Interactive.

This is far from the first time the game has been used to fake footage of warzones. In the past, Arma 3 has been used to spoof videos of conflicts in Afghanistan and Syria, as well as military action between Israel and Palestine. It’s even been used to fake videos of a fictional war between India and Pakistan. This isn’t even the first time that footage of the Ukrainian war has actually turned out to be Arma 3 footage."

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Inverno474d ago

When these videos make their way into mainstream news it just shows me how incompetent these networks are. You could blame YouTubers, click bait titles, you could try to do something about it as the dev, but these are huge news networks with a lot of money poured into em and hundreds of employees. Perhaps if they weren't so set on being first they'd ensure that they aren't putting out fake footage as often as they do.


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