
Review: Gears of War - Judgement | India Times

Gears of War Judgement is a very solid action game at heart, wrapped in a tired franchise that should be allowed to retire with dignity. Saved a bit by the signature Gears of War action and the addition of Aftermath. A perfect game if you are new to the franchise, or a Gears of War fan. The rest of you who believe Gears of War gave you closure after the 3, then move along.

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Gears of War: Judgement, a Ten Year Reunion

WTMG's Aaron Price: "Revisiting Judgement is always a treat, especially now, ten years after its release. It received a lot of hate for its changes upon release, but it has aged like an average quality wine. It’s not perfect, but it’s more than worth a playthrough, which leads me to the last thought on the game, as little as I’m looking forward to it… it’s time to try for all the challenge stars in the campaign on Insane difficulty. Pray for me."

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Here is your first look at Gears of War 2, 3 & Judgement running on PC via Xbox 360 emulator, Xenia

DSOGaming writes: "Leafnation has shared three videos from a DirectX 12 hack build that shows Gears of War 2, Gears of War 3 and Gears of War Judgement running on the PC."

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spicelicka1759d ago

Man that intro is so epic, Gears of war 2 was my favourite.

AnubisG1758d ago

I would not call this "running".

Father__Merrin1758d ago

ive tried xenia on and off for ages its rubbish. hope some type of full emulation comes to pc soon. ive an old copy of eternal sonata would love to continue that

1758d ago

5 of the best Gears of War maps

Brandon writes: "Perhaps one thing that makes multiplayer stand tall in Gears of War is its maps. Uniquely symmetrical in layout, and usually fair in weapon placements as such, maps have often been a vehicle for Gears of War's multiplayer, be it Execution, King of the Hill, Team Deathmatch, or even Horde mode. While very tough to round up the best of the best, below are what could easily be the definitive multiplayer maps for the Gears of War series."

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Orionsangel1911d ago (Edited 1911d ago )

Mansion is one of my favorites. From the start of each spawn session most of your teammates run to the right, but If you were fast enough you could run through the Mansion and come up behind the other team essentially flanking them early on in the match. I did it many times back in the day. Some would catch on though lol. I really wish the mansion map had been included in Gears 4.

matt1391910d ago

Jacinto was terrible and Streets wasn't particularly good either. Where is Fuel Depot/Canals/Escalation/Checko ut?