
Always Online Gaming is already here (video)

There's a more pressing and real Always On scenario which isn't exclusive to next generation consoles but is here right now!

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Baka-akaB4069d ago

Or it's a mmo , even if an hybrid one , you fools .

andrewsqual4069d ago

Is the bigger issue about the online always thing not the fact that games are also rumored to be installed completely to the Next Xbox thus requiring some kind of extra fee if you were to give the same game to a friend?
This could be very easily rectified if they just make it that it requires one of the discs of the game in the console at all times. The always online thing is a tiny extra arse fucking when compared to having to pay for the basic online fee subscription anyway like with the current 7 year console out. If you were always happy to pay for that, the always online thing should not be a big deal to you.

Godmars2904069d ago

Better to show the early attempts from Capcom's arcade classics which slipped in always on DRM for $9 single player PSN/XBL titles. How people got pissed off at them as this was realized as connection issues happened to individuals.

And the bastards are likely still doing it. Just not saying they are - but we'll find out the hard way.

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Defiance and Defiance 2050 Are Being Shut Down

After 8 years of Defiance and 3 years of Defiance 2050, both titles are being sunsetted on April 29, 2021.

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MadLad1193d ago

I had a good time with the original Defiance years back, honestly.

Silly gameAr1193d ago

Me too. I remember putting a lot of hours into it before it went free to play. After, it went f2p, I didn't play it near as much, but it makes me nostalgic.

darthv721193d ago

I liked the show and picked up a sealed collectors edition of the 360 game for $5 at a thrift store a couple years ago.

isarai1193d ago

It had a good run honestly, way better than it had any business being, especially for it to be part of a tv series

boing11193d ago

Yeah, I'm surprised it went for so long too. Tried the game but didn't click for me. I liked the TV series, though.

isarai1193d ago

I gave it about a dozen hours, was fun even tho MMOs aren't my thing. But to even keep me around that long is impressive lol

psynetik1231193d ago

Paid $11 for this POS way back and I still felt ripped off


gamigo Confirms Trion Worlds Acquisition

gamigo confirmed that it has acquired major assets from Trion Worlds, known for online and console MMO games such as Rift, Defiance, Trove and ArcheAge.

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Defiance Dev:Main Difference Between PS4 Pro & Xbox One X Is Resolution,Game Runs Over 60fps On Both

"Making sure to accommodate the 4K resolution is both a benefit and a hurdle with game development," says Defiance dev.

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Babadook72220d ago

Usually pro has the higher or more stable fps. Hopefully that trend doesn’t happen again this game.

thrust2220d ago

Xbox X a lot more powerful allways the better 3rd party games, The truth hurts 👍

bluefox7552220d ago

@thrust Yeah, the newer, more expensive hardware seems to play games a little better. Shocking, right? Personally, I like 60fps on most games, so I go for the best version, on PC, not X.

RobLoPR2220d ago

@bluefox... so PC is cheaper than Xbox One X?

rdgneoz32220d ago

"allways the better 3rd party games"

Because it has no good first party games since they all get delayed or canned?

Realms2220d ago

@ thrust

No the truth is that a good PC runs circles around the X but some of you constantly try to make it seem like the X is better than PC wrong.

@ RobLoPR

You gotta love the goal posting the argument isn't about price point the argument is where you can get the best performance and the answer is PC. MS fanboys love taunting the power card the only problem is that a good PC can and always will outperform consoles.

iplay1up22220d ago

That is not true. Time and time again the X has been the best platform for 3rd party games. Usually FPS on the X are higher too. Just look at Assassins Creed Origins X compared to Pro Digital Foundry has.

Next Gen it wont matter. I just don't know what Sony and Microsoft are planning for next gen. This is the first MAJOR mid gen upgrade for a console. I just paid $499 for Xbox One X, and Pro is $399. If next gen starts in 2019. What kind of power will the consoles have? What price?BTW, not only does the X have more power than pro, but also a 4K BluRay player. Which Pro doesn't have. That is what makes the X $100 more than pro.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2219d ago
Cmv382220d ago

Oh we're talking hardware, because I was going to list some other differences.

nowitzki20042220d ago

I seen an article in gameinformer that MS will be releasing an Xbox One F. $899 with 8% increase over Xbox One X. First time I seen or heard anything about it. Is it true or was it a joke?

AnubisG2220d ago

Never heard of that. Most likely a joke.

nowitzki20042220d ago (Edited 2220d ago )

I didnt have time to read through it, but I really wouldnt be surprised so did not know how to take it lol.

I think its May 2018 issue.. Spiderman on cover.

slavish02220d ago

this is a last gen game it should be 4k60

2219d ago
PS3_Noob2220d ago (Edited 2220d ago )

If X could do 60fps compared to Pro 30fps may be it would matter more. Otherwise both can do well over 1080P which is more than enough. Games is what matters most.

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