
Following Twitter Tirade, Microsoft Creative Director Adam Orth No Longer With Microsoft

If the first rule of public speaking is to know your audience, then the first rule of Twitter is to realize that you are speaking publicly.

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Jek_Porkins4048d ago

Microsoft did the right thing, especially if they aren't heading in a DRM direction, although the free publicity could do them a lot of good in the long run, and every single gamer will tune in to Microsoft's reveal to hear truth from rumor.

NewMonday4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Sweet Billy must really hate the internet now.

Ritsujun4048d ago Show
shivvy244048d ago

its really funny how people made memes and bag him out , but to lose a job over this is just sad

Blacktric4048d ago

RIP in pieces Sweet Billy


Taken from us so soon...

Gaming1014048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

LOL seriously, that guy was relentlessly douchy, arrogant and belligerent, anyway, and if he's going to be mouthing off about details that haven't been confirmed by Microsoft yet, he deserves to be fired! There are obviously confidentiality agreements signed into everyone's contract, so you can't just go around divulging your company's 5 year plans to competitors, they have these things for a reason.

Ezz20134048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

but he said the internet is awesome .....it killed his career :P

Blacktric4048d ago

I actually don't like reading news like this (someone getting fired from their job). But in this case, I'm extremely happy. He can go to hell for all I goddamn care. A man that forces their colleagues to call him Sweet Billy and ignores them if they don't, does not deserve to have a job anywhere.

EVILDEAD3604048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Microsoft had no choice in this case...

The funny part is we found out the bombshell that the Xbox 720 does NOT have to be online and it will play all 720 games offline whether new OR used.

It's the XBOX mini that does not have a disc drive and is competing with Apple TV that will have to always be online.

Probably the biggest news in the 720s existance since all of the 'always online' news and the Orth foul up.

Adam Orth unfortunately has to be the example for the silly tweets and loses his job. But, the crazy thing is he never had to defend the online stuff to begin with.

Xbox 720 will have Backwards Compatability through Xbox Mini

Xbox 720 will support used games

Xbox 720 will play games offline.

The plot has thickened


SilentNegotiator4048d ago

This news makes this picture from a few days ago sooooooo perfect.

blitz06234048d ago

If I had a twitter account I would tweet him #dealwithit

Why o why4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

wait a sec.....didnt greenberg say he didn't know that guy almost like he didn't exist. Maybe greenberg knew it was curtains for mr dwi

Grap4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

@Why o why
not everyone who work in the same company know each other microsoft isn't a studio has only 100 employ we are talking about thousands of people.

nveenio4048d ago

They've probably been waiting to fire this guy for a long time.

AtomicGerbil4048d ago


Many companies are adopting social media policies now, you would be very much surprised what some people have been dismissed for.

In the case of Adam Orth, he really should have known better or read company policies.

Why o why4048d ago


oh I know that, I dont even know all the members of my family;)

I reckon he must of known or found out who he was before he came out of hibernation. Notice he didn't say this guy wasn't an ms employee, so again, I reckon he must of known something of the guys existence.

badz1494048d ago

will Greenberg admit that he actually knows this guy now?

Timesplitter144047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Someone has lost his job and is having actual real-life problems right now because some fatties (us) decided that we were very, very offended by someone talking about online connectivity in a video-game console.

I don't think this is right.

And I don't really expect the average N4Ger to understand why since they live in their imaginary magical kingdom where video game purity is the #1 concern and nothing else matters

nosferatuzodd4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

wow that's sad

zod the Immortal

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4047d ago
ziggurcat4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

while it's all still just a rumour, orth's tweets do seem to imply that the next xbox will require an always online connection.

now, whether it's for something like the facilitation of system updates (which is useful, imo) or if it's required to be connected even for a single player game is another thing...

frankly, i'm surprised it took this long for MS to show him the door.

@ nukeitall "I still don't understand why people are so upset with Orth?"

because his tweets insulted anyone who either doesn't have access to or can't afford super high speed internet, and mocked peoples' concerns about having to be connected to play games that don't need an online connection to function.

Jek_Porkins4048d ago

Not really, if they were going to go with DRM console they would have kept him, firing him only makes sense if MS were going in a different direction.

The thing is, people can be confused when they think they are onto some supposed "fact", if it turns out this Xbox Mini that you need to play Xbox 360 games is always online, well there ya go, crisis averted, if it turns out your Xbox 720 needs to be online to use apps, well then...no shit....

MariaHelFutura4048d ago

No. They would fire him either way. 1) Because talked about an unannounced console on twitter. 2) Because he was a complete @sshole while doing it.

Saigon4048d ago

He broke the NDA. To me that is enough to fire him. Most likely to avoid any legal action they had him step down. From what I was told from a friend that knows someone that works at MS in Seattle. the employees are under a very strict NDA protocol when it comes to any new products for MS. they are pretty much not allowed to say anything in any hint or applied subject. i feel sorry for him but hey that's how the ball rolls.

hesido4048d ago

Yes, I know someone working at Microsoft. He said they hadn't received the next gen Xbox kits yet (working on different projects till now), but they were going to. When I asked him if he could give any tidbits, he said he might as well pack his stuff and leave Microsoft :)

syphon324047d ago

Its because internet providers aren't reliable and the internet tends to go out sometimes. No one wants that especially if you have a system that depends on it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4047d ago
Pushagree4048d ago

Guess Adam will have to...*puts on shades* deal with it.

IIC0mPLeXII4048d ago


knifefight4048d ago

Now that he doesn't have to go to work, he can REALLY be always online!

DarkBlood4048d ago

damn it you got to say that before i could lol

-Alpha4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Well, I'm sure EA is hiring


tigertron4048d ago

"Now that he doesn't have to go to work, he can REALLY be always online!"
Not unless he can find a new job and pay for his internet bills. :P #dealwithit

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4048d ago
Cupid_Viper_34048d ago

Well I have to say I'm in a bit of shock to be honest. A lot of XBox fans on here came into every thread to explain to us why all of this "bad news" was actually really good news for MS. And that there's no such thing as bad puplicity.

So why would you fire a guy for supposedly "taking attention away from the PS4" as they guys on here put it?

Oh NVM, I just answered my own question. We actually live in reality, where overwhelmingly bad press about a product is a huge problem, hence why ad campaigns such as Mac vs PC were so effective. Or why presidential elections campaign normally do negative ad campaigns.

But you know what, idiot or not, I hope that this guy's family don't have to pay for his mistakes, and that he can get back on his feet as quickly as possible.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34048d ago

"A lot of XBox fans on here came into every thread to explain to us why all of this "bad news" was actually really good news for MS."

Can you provide a link to these people you speak of?

LackTrue4K4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

I click agree with Cupid_Viper_3.

And click a disagree on WrAiTh Sp3cTr3, just cuz he knows his talking out of his a55 on asking for a link on the people hes talking BAD about Microsoft.

P.S. "RIP good grammar"

BitbyDeath4048d ago

@WrAiTh, first poster on this page still claims it as good publicity. LOL

ThatCanadianGuy5144048d ago

Really wraith? A link?

Just click through any submission and you'll be hard pressed to miss it lol.

KwietStorm_BLM4048d ago

You're gonna beat this publicity thing into the ground aren't you?

fr0sty4048d ago

Were they doing the right thing by sending the cops to raid a guy's house who was the first to leak this sort of thing out? All these actions do is give credence that Microsoft is very worried about this information getting out. If it were just a rumor that was not true, they would just do an interview and say "we have no intentions to force users to remain online while playing any of our consoles". They wouldn't even have to announce a new console to do that, and it would instantly crush the rumor. Sony did it when they registered that used game patent and the net went wild about it. They came right out and said "PS4 will play used games.".

So, I wouldn't assume they've done the right thing. If they really are trying to do this always on thing, this is not a good way to bring attention to it. They should either remain quiet or come out and debunk it. Trying to clamp down on the rumor starters with force is not a sign of confidence.

syphon324047d ago

I totally agree, being secretive about it isn't working. They should've got ahead of the rumor. Now potential customers investing into the next gen will probably lean towards ps4. Dispelling the "always online" rumor would've helped MS. It would've put the hearts and minds of those looking forward to the 720 at ease. They might not be talking about it because it's true and it's too late to rebuild. It's just speculation but in this case not saying anything isn't helping.

4048d ago
refocusedman4048d ago

Although it was a stupid/ignorant comment, at the end of the day he was just sticking up for MS and showing pride for the company that he works for. Do I agree with him, no but I also dont believe that he deserves to be fired. I dont know when this happened, but gamers have developed a scary sense of entitlement and very thin skin. From the threats written on n4g in response to his comments, to people voting EA the worse company in the US ( when you have companies like bank of america who caused thousands of hard working people to lose their homes). I just dont understand it. At the end of the day games are games and life is life.

superterabyte4048d ago

@shivvy24 really? telling your potential customers to 'deal with it'.

really annoyed me and to add salt to the wounds his analogy's just showed how much of an idiot he really was. comparing electricity outages to network ones is possibly the most idiotic thing I have ever heard form an employee in the technology business except maybe giant crabs being part of ancient Asian culture =D

No low level employee of any major company would get away with what he has done so don't feel sorry for him.

GenericNameHere4048d ago

Haha I knew it! I don't get enjoyment out of people losing their jobs and not being able feed themselves, but he should have known the consequences. Carefully watching what you write and post online is THE MOST BASIC of online business, yet this guy went on to say "Deal With It". That phrase may not mean much to him even if he's joking, but it's ALWAYS about the consumer. You tell the consumer to just take it and "deal with it"? Well, you don't have to be a freaking economics guru to figure out what happens next.

andrewsqual4048d ago

Or since the 2010 Kinect "Reveal" I still don't want to live on this planet anymore when anything related to Microsoft E3 Press Conferences is involved. I will wait until it is over and get the remnants of the news from Eurogamer lol.

chrismichaels044048d ago

"the publicity could do them a lot of good in the long run"? A guy just lost his job. The man has a family to support and all you ignorant fanboys care about is publicity for Microsoft? Yea because hearing a guy lost his job is always positive media coverage. Unbelievable.

Cryptcuzz4048d ago

He lost his job not because of a bad economy that forced his company to make cuts or anything else similar that would warrant empathy from the same people who he was being a smart ass too.

He lost his job because he is someone in the know that is under strict NDA disclosures that talked or. mplied about a product that is yet to be revealed or announced.

With your logic, we should empathize with criminals that will go to jail because they have committed a crime?

Maybe the guy is making 200k + a year and is never there for the family. Would you then feel the same way?

Maybe the criminal going to jail (that we should fee bad about based on your logic) is the one hurting the family and thus the reason why the criminal is going to jail?

Thing is you don't know all that. Neither do I, so let's leave it at that.

What you do need to know is those who dislike the guy, reason why all the jokes and memes about him going rampant are simply because of how he made smart ass comments on a subject that he should have never made comments about, and respect the NDA disclosure that I'm sure he has signed. Peace.

chrismichaels044047d ago

@cryptcuzz...i have to disagree with you buddy. You're argument makes no sense. How on earth can you compare someone getting fired with someone going to jail? Criminals go to jail for serious offenses. This guy got fired for making an idiotic statement. Where in your logic are the two comparable? I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be disciplined, but a public apology and a suspension would have been enough.

What difference does it make how much money he earns? Doesn't change the fact that he is supporting himself and his family with an honest days pay. So we're only allowed to show sympathy for people...as long as they don't make past a certain amount of money? If he works long hours and never gets to see his family because of it, it just means he's making sacrifices for them.

Just because I don't like someone doesn't mean I'm going to take pleasure in their personal loss. Most people on here are quick to dismiss the possibility that Xbox is including an always online feature and are the first ones saying wait until MS announces something. If that's the mentality we're using, then we can't argue he deserves being fired for breaking confidentiality agreements either.

All we know right now is that he lost his job over a stupid comment. And certain people are celebrating his losing his job as "good publicity" for Microsoft. That's the part I disagree with.

4048d ago
marinelife94048d ago

People get fired all the time for making large stupid mistakes. I don't feel sorry for the guy.

TheXonySbox4047d ago

" every single gamer will tune in to Microsoft's reveal to hear truth from rumor."

Someone is out of touch with reality; newsflash majority of gamers arnt on N4G and they are busy with life. lol #fail

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4047d ago
aviator1894048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

I honestly don't know why ms hired him in the first place.
When he was a designer at Sony, he practically dissed Halo in an interview. Maybe he had some worthwhile abilities, but I wouldn't want to hire someone who can't respect the key franchise related to any certain company.

nukeitall4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

That is a good point, but MS might not have known about it. He does seem like an asshole similar to that other dude that made Twisted Metal, David Jaffe.

Yet, I can't help, but feel bad for the guy. His comments very pretty innocent, and that sort of thing I would have said as a joke.

Feel bad he no longer has a job regardless of being forced to resign/fired or resigning out of free will.

I still don't understand why people are so upset with Orth?

NYC_Gamer4048d ago

It's because his rant made the whole company[MS] look real bad

KwietStorm_BLM4048d ago

You may not like David Jaffe's personality, but I don't recall him ever taking jabs at anyone or joking about where people live. He's actually a very respectful guy, if you've ever spoken to him.

DeeZee4048d ago

Actually, Jaffe seems like a nice guy. I heard a lot of bad things about him, but after following him on Twitter for a while he seems like one of the nicest people in gaming. He talks about his kids and none of his tweets come across as arrogant.

Akin04048d ago

If you work for any corporation such as Microsoft there are policies in place for communication of company information / trade secrets. All employees are trained on these policies. Orth most likely violated those policies with his tweets even tho they were in jest. Given the secretness and sensitivity of the subject matter Microsoft deemed termination appropriate, and I would agree.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4048d ago
konnerbllb4048d ago

Looks like he's off to Nintendo now. Third times a charm.

JoGam4048d ago

I think this will really screw his chances with another company in gaming.

Condemnedman4048d ago

Ah there you go an ex sony employee. That explains the arrogance and bitterness lol

abzdine4048d ago ShowReplies(1)
coolbeans4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

A believe a toast is in order...

To the 'always-on...the hunt for a new job' Adam Orth. Cheers.


DragonKnight4048d ago

Adam Orth disagreed with you.

coolbeans4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

To be expected. He isn't always-on his best behavior here. :P

DragonKnight4048d ago

He even disagreed with me about him disagree with you.

grayfoxx8814048d ago

This was most definitely a forced resignation, which is not the least bit surprising.

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Microsoft once tried to nab LittleBigPlanet from Sony after a few drinks

It turns out that many moons ago, Microsoft once had its eye on the Sony published LittleBigPlanet series.

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XiNatsuDragnel1d 17h ago

Microsoft had a good idea but fumbled it again.

Cacabunga11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Project Spark idea was decent but they quickly gave up ..
LBP was wonderful

ApocalypseShadow1d 6h ago

Microsoft in a nutshell. Always tried to poach Sony employees, games, 3rd party games and devices like the depth camera that was turned into Kinect but was running on PS2 before Xbox 360. Wouldn't be surprised they wanted LBP. Just like they worked behind the scenes pushing the MLB to bring Sony's baseball game to Xbox instead of making their own.

They didn't spend years trying to develop their own baseball game. They wanted Sony's game.

They're scum.

Zachmo18210h ago

Microsoft didn't force MLB on Xbox. MLB gave Sony 2 options either go multiplat or risk losing the license.

Rynxie44m ago

And why do you think MLB said that? I believe Ms approached MLB.

OtterX13h ago

"However, Healey said Media Molecule wouldn't have felt right doing that, adding it would have been "morally corrupt"."

Major kudos to Media Molecule for being an upright studio with principles.

Tody_za13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Great, more stories like this please. Show the last of the zombies holding the line what we've been saying for years: Microsoft is anti competition, anti industry and has no interest in making games at all.

But hey, at least there's an Xbox Games Showcase to look forward to, right?

Inverno12h ago

Well considering SONY just killed the series, LBP would've been dead by now either way. Though MM probably wouldn't exist by now either, so I'm glad they stayed with SONY, hopefully they don't get shut down any time soon or ever honestly.

Inverno10h ago

They shut down the servers, that's millions of user created levels gone. That and dead are pretty much the same, it's also been years since 3 and they cancelled HUB soooo.

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Game Studio Closures, Entertainment News, Disney, And More Skewedcast

The full Skewedcast crew back for this episode and Gareth, Justin, Michael, and JoeyZ at Skewed and Reviewed break down the latest entertainment news qith a focus at 40:00 on the Microsoft Studio Closures and how it impacts the game community and what can be done to help offset this negative trend.


What is the point of Xbox?

Xbox has repeated the same terrible mistakes for over a decade. The reason is simple: its priorities are back-to-front.

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purple1011d 14h ago

ohhh man, the press really did not like those last closures, their having a field day bashing xbox,

anyway, ive got to nip off to the shops now, i've run out of microwave popcorn.

Jingsing22h ago

Apparently the last 10 years wasn't enough to get the gaming press to notice but as soon as they touch Bethesda it is full on nuclear war. A lot of people in the gaming press seem to have this irrational hard on for Fallout and Skyrim despite the fact they are low quality poor buggy games.
I've grown tiresome of the unbalanced fandom in the gaming press for fantasy games and their ability to just forgive crap so long as it's a fantasy game RPG game all quality concerns are not an issue for them,

anast21h ago

Popcorn has been good lately.

PapaBop19h ago

Clearly this is just a big conspiracy orchestrated by the popcorn industry, Microsoft are just their puppets, every time they open their mouths, I'm forced to stock up on popcorn.

TheEroica13h ago

Yep, Microsoft and Sony are a mess. Neither have a compelling business strategy and they're not making bangers anymore.

anast10h ago

Which Sony games are you talking about?

PhillyDonJawn10h ago

You enjoying all the bs Sony and MS been doing? Shame on you

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 10h ago
XiNatsuDragnel1d 13h ago

Xbox is getting rightfully roasted here

Einhander19721d 12h ago

The only point to xbox is and always has been to take market share and money from PlayStation and Nintendo, but mostly PlayStation. It's been the goal since sweaty Steve Balmer said it himself.

1d 11h ago
ApocalypseShadow1d 6h ago

Yup. To put Sony out of business because they thought they were a threat to their Windows business.

solideagle17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Genuinely curious: how is Sony (hardware company) threat to Windows (operating system/software company) business?

isarai1d 10h ago

I mean the motto "xbox, the most optional console ever made" was peaked years ago, people are just now taking a step back from deepthroating Phil to see what we've all been seeing for a long time now.

Ra303010h ago

The current Microsoft Xbox motto is .....We're Microsoft Xbox, and we don't care and it shows!

P_Bomb1d 9h ago

I’ve still got friends that main on XB. For their sake, I hope it sticks around. They’ve put everything into that ecosystem. It’s all or nothing.

I wonder if we’ll ever get back the level of competition seen during the 360/PS3 era?

NotoriousWhiz23h ago

Seems like Daddy Microsoft is trying to shut it down. Or at least bring costs under control. On the bright side, it seems likely that acquisitions are going to stop.

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