
Lack of Xbox 720 updates is Sony’s advantage

It’s fair to say that Sony’s PS4 is receiving plenty of attention while many gamers are still unsure about the upcoming Xbox 720. Some suggest both systems will share similarities, but the always-online rumours revolving around Microsoft’s new console have had a negative reaction and the lack of any further news means many gamers are being turned off by the lack of positives in relation to 720 details.

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whoyouwit044048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Seriously, whats the deal that everyone keep putting out all these anti 720 articles, It's like they think if they release enough of them it will force Microsoft to talk, however, Microsoft isn't going to talk until they're good and ready #DEAL WITH IT.

Its funny, the first sentence in this article is: "It’s fair to say that Sony’s PS4 is receiving plenty of attention while many gamers are still unsure about the upcoming Xbox 720", but lately all the attention as been on 720.

Godmars2904048d ago

And at the same time if anyone expects them to pull off some major coop when they do finally say something, their past two E3s which were largely Kinect events would suggest problems in satisfying game related concerns.

To repeat: they're likely going to focus on selling the new system to the general market.

whoyouwit044048d ago

Are you really comparing a launch event of a brand new console... to a E3 event that is for showing new features and games of a existing console? What the hell.

we already know they are bringing core titles to the table. Hell Black Tusk is making four core titles alone, and they're all brand new ips. They also just renewed the Killer Instinct trade mark. So what makes you think they wont focus on games?



4048d ago
Skips4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )


Well, considering even Microsoft said THEMSELVES, "Xbox is NOT A GAMES CONSOLE, Xbox is a family entertainment center." etc. etc.


What Godmars290 is saying isn't so far fetched. Expect them to focus on what THEY'VE BEEN FOCUSING ON for the past E3's. Why in the world would they change their strategy now when they've found something they do better at? Casual games, Kinect, Apps and whatnot.

When you even have devs saying Microsoft isn't going to be heading in the same direction as Sony in terms of strategy next gen...


Blacklight Dev: "I think Sony is really in to win this one," "I'm good friends with a lot of guys at Microsoft, I'm under their NDA flag, and Microsoft definitely has a different outlook than Sony does." etc. etc.

And Sony's outlook being: "PS4 is a gaming console at heart" "We're all about the gamers" etc. etc.


It's just some serious in denial at this point. lol

Godmars2904048d ago

They treated - everyone including them said so anyway - Kinect as a launch or a relaunch of the console. So yes, its fair to assume that XBox3 will receive treatment which addresses the general consumer more than gamers.

NukaCola4048d ago

At the end of the day who cares how many negative Xbox articles there are. N4G is a place for us core nerd s to cone together and joke, discuss, troll, bitch and argue about games because we are the core gamers. MS gives a rat's ass about this site and our opinions. Some fat 56yo marketing executive surveyed 2000 moms a year ago and upon their opinions did MS base the future if their company on. MS only cares about numbers not gamers.

MaxXAttaxX4048d ago

It's getting a little annoying.

ichimaru4047d ago

Glad you can see they future! Wait...you're not god. huh, I'll take that bubble off your hands

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4047d ago
4048d ago
xPhearR3dx4048d ago

Actually it's not. The 720 is generator a lot of attention. While 99% of it is bad for consumers, it could be exactly what MS needs. If they come out and disprove all of these rumors, they're going to be a HUGE hit and Sony will need to step their game up to go beyond what MS shows off. However, this is their only chance. It's a hit or miss. If they confirm all these rumors are true, the 720 is going to crumble and they'll get what the deserve. Which is not my money.

They've proven everyone right the past two E3's by focusing on Kinect. Third time is a charm so to say. They need to go strong and go hard, or go home.

Jaqen_Hghar4048d ago

A man doesn't believe denying rumors will create hype. They need to put themselves above PS4 since it revealed first. Sony already said they won't do these things. MS can't just come out and say "We're not blocking used games and you can play offline!" and expect some sort of applause. Mention these throughout the conference, but don't expect some great lovefest if you say the rumors aren't true. Big games and unique features (don't show too much Kinect please and don't try to act like Skype will be a big thing because I can do that on every other device already). It'll be difficult to not look like a "me too" kind of event if they don't do those things though. Tough spot.

Cocozero4048d ago

More fear based articles from the Sony camp, The same thing happend to the Wii and we all know what happened there...

StrongMan4048d ago ShowReplies(1)
Intentions4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Sigh, the gaming media never ceases to amazes me.

Software_Lover4048d ago

OH look!!!! A blog/article about something that hasn't been opinionated/blogged about the past two months.


strotee4048d ago

Now you can appreciate how Sony fans felt with PS3 getting negative article after negative article after.... sucks doesn't it?

Software_Lover4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

................ Why do you guys keep saying that? I'm a PS fan, I have every playstation, but being childish is being childish.

By that logic, Blacks should enslave white Americans because, you know, they did it to them. Am I right? Or they could just take the moral high ground and live their lives.

And these articles do not bother me emotionally, like most of you, they bother me mentally, because everytime I see one, I start to think and wonder................ are humans really this stupid and naive? Then I start to think again about the National Enquirer and I get depressed. I get depressed because yes, yes we are stupid.

strotee4048d ago

I love your slave comparison, classy. No, I was just alluding to the fact that the media loves to have one or two topics and keep beating it like a dead horse.

In their defense, there's not much to talk about regarding the next gen MS console since MS is as quiet as a mouse in church. Do you think the media will just stay quiet and not say anything? Come on, you know better. Just don't come off as surprised when they have a 'negative' article about MS.

ichimaru4047d ago

" sucks doesn't it?"

lol what are you 12. You celebrate a deteriorating Gaming site, because its "payback" for hurt feelings when sony got trolled. That's serisously concernin. It doesn't matter what gaming camp is taking heat MS, Sony or Nintendo recycling the same trash and belittling other's for their console of choice is beyond retarded.
N4g needs to get back on track

StrongMan4048d ago

The /s tag use to be cool, but now it's just lame and shows how butthurt you are.

Software_Lover4048d ago

That is the best you have? I expected more. But you can use your alt to come back better next time.

Sarobi4048d ago

If you think things are bad now, just wait until the systems are out.

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Game Studio Closures, Entertainment News, Disney, And More Skewedcast

The full Skewedcast crew back for this episode and Gareth, Justin, Michael, and JoeyZ at Skewed and Reviewed break down the latest entertainment news qith a focus at 40:00 on the Microsoft Studio Closures and how it impacts the game community and what can be done to help offset this negative trend.


What is the point of Xbox?

Xbox has repeated the same terrible mistakes for over a decade. The reason is simple: its priorities are back-to-front.

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purple10122h ago

ohhh man, the press really did not like those last closures, their having a field day bashing xbox,

anyway, ive got to nip off to the shops now, i've run out of microwave popcorn.

Jingsing7h ago

Apparently the last 10 years wasn't enough to get the gaming press to notice but as soon as they touch Bethesda it is full on nuclear war. A lot of people in the gaming press seem to have this irrational hard on for Fallout and Skyrim despite the fact they are low quality poor buggy games.
I've grown tiresome of the unbalanced fandom in the gaming press for fantasy games and their ability to just forgive crap so long as it's a fantasy game RPG game all quality concerns are not an issue for them,

anast6h ago

Popcorn has been good lately.

PapaBop4h ago

Clearly this is just a big conspiracy orchestrated by the popcorn industry, Microsoft are just their puppets, every time they open their mouths, I'm forced to stock up on popcorn.

XiNatsuDragnel22h ago

Xbox is getting rightfully roasted here

Einhander197221h ago

The only point to xbox is and always has been to take market share and money from PlayStation and Nintendo, but mostly PlayStation. It's been the goal since sweaty Steve Balmer said it himself.

20h ago
ApocalypseShadow14h ago

Yup. To put Sony out of business because they thought they were a threat to their Windows business.

solideagle2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Genuinely curious: how is Sony (hardware company) threat to Windows (operating system/software company) business?

isarai19h ago

I mean the motto "xbox, the most optional console ever made" was peaked years ago, people are just now taking a step back from deepthroating Phil to see what we've all been seeing for a long time now.

P_Bomb18h ago

I’ve still got friends that main on XB. For their sake, I hope it sticks around. They’ve put everything into that ecosystem. It’s all or nothing.

I wonder if we’ll ever get back the level of competition seen during the 360/PS3 era?

NotoriousWhiz7h ago

Seems like Daddy Microsoft is trying to shut it down. Or at least bring costs under control. On the bright side, it seems likely that acquisitions are going to stop.

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Xbox, do you even have a plan anymore?

TSA asks what is the future for Xbox.

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Chocoburger23h ago

They clearly never did, hence why they spent so many BILLIONS on other publishers as a last resort.

anast22h ago

They have a plan. It's to move everything toward streaming and mobile. This is just the next step.

Cacabunga21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

With half of the money they spent, they could have been on the very top and the gaming industry would be way bigger than it is.. encourage developers, indies, make them grow trust them and they will deliver.

Tody_za21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

What are you talking about Cacabunga? The Xbox faithful insisted that Microsoft has infinite money, and after Activision they should buy Square Enix and Capcom before Sony does. There was no chance ever that Microsoft would do this. They would use their infinite millions and Bitcoins to invest in 50 new IP and beat everyone.

Tody_za18h ago

Did I really need to add a /s to my comment...

SonyStyled16h ago

The Parent company of Xbox spent billions on publishers, not Xbox

andy8522h ago

To ruin great studios it's looking like

Skuletor21h ago

Sure, a plan to be a more hated game company than EA. Ubisoft were recently giving them a run for their money but I think Xbox have really knocked it out the park with their latest stunt.

neutralgamer199221h ago

Absolutely not, their whole plan is at odd with what MS wants

Phil wants GP to become big
MS wants to sell games and make billions

GP can’t be sustained with AAA games which take 3-5 years and 7 figure budgets. Only go put those games on GP day one. Why do you think games are coming out on other platforms?

People want a change and want Phil gone without realizing if someone new comes along they may want to change everything again so we just keep going in circles. Phil has to realize that and give clear message on the direction of Xbox

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