
Games of the Past Review: Alphadia | oprainfall

"I have to say before diving into this review: I had never seriously considered playing a mobile game like Alphadia before. Why? Honestly, I didn’t know they existed. A fully fleshed out JRPG for my phone? My experience with mobile games went about as far as Angry Birds and Temple Run, just because I had never thought to really look for a more in-depth gaming experience. But when I heard about Kemco and their JRPG lineup, Alphadia caught my eye and I became curious. How would this game match up compared to console RPGs I’d played in the past?"

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Alphadia Review - 3DS eShop | Nintendo Life

Nintendo Life: From old-school platformers like Shovel Knight to the pixel-art renaissance, what's old is new again these days, and retro revivals have made for some wonderfully received games in recent years. The best of these projects leverage clever design, modern sensibilities and plenty of polish to craft experiences that feel like games as we remember them, rather than how they might have actually been. Unfortunately, that's not exactly the case with Kemco's latest eShop adventure, Alphadia, which picks up after Wii U title Alphadia Genesis in unabashedly harkening back to the 16- and 32-bit era of JRPGs. While Alphadia offers a decent serving of comfort-gaming for players missing those glory days, it suffers from a lack of personality and fails to hold up as well as its actual retro inspirations, or really to make much of an impression among the rest of the 3DS' stellar library of JRPGs.

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Wiiwarewave Reviews: Alphadia (3DS eShop)

A review of the WiiU Eshop title Alphadia; a JRPG from developers Natsume.

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Saturday Android Sales for December 14th, 2013

Triverse writes, "We all survived Friday the 13th so why not celebrate with some great games at great prices? Some titles are returning sales champions while many others are first timers on our list of sales. No matter what, there is probably at least one good game worth your money on this list just waiting to be bought."

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