
Bioshock: Infinite Makes us Look at Both Religion and Ourselves

In this piece Martine looks at Bioshock: Infinite and it's relationship with religion. What that relationship means to the city of Columbia, to the character of Booker Dewitt, and to ourselves.

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chukamachine4073d ago

Does it really.

Relgion is for control, nothing more nothing less, no proof of anything that is claimed.

If you feel the need to worship something.

Worship the SUN.


Heisenburger4073d ago

Hope is the point, at least in my humble opinion. I think it is disrespectful to disregard peoples' desire to believe in something greater than themselves.

I don't get offended by different viewpoints. What irritates me is mockery and people being insensitive.

I harbor no ill will towards you. But you should consider being more considerate of others.

SAE4073d ago (Edited 4073d ago )

True. Different views actually makes us better if we were united because that way we will find what's the right religion or no religion agreement if it's the right one . It's overreacting from ignorants that destroy us.

A story happened last week(Reality)
I'm a shia muslim

We have been studying in school (sunni muslim) religion instead of ours for 15 years and we never complained that our kids will get effected. Suddenly some shia people went to egypt with public announcement and ignorants went into a protest and demand them to leave because they are afraid of spreading shia and no other reason then that. It reached saudia shaikhs to complain too.

Since they believe that their religion is strong then why they are afraid. Are we forcing them?. Are we killing them?. You see how hate makes people ?.

People need to have ethics and reason in their personality . Acknowledge what's right and wrong. You give them prove of your talk they don't talk with you again or even make you a lier for even prove. Religion is not what make people fight each other. It's people them selfs.

An advice to you. Don't judge 1.6 billion muslims because of few ignorants that claim they are muslims. If we are racists you would seen a world war to take over the world. Lol .

However, Israel-Palestinian/Iran war is not about religion. Israel came to that land to steal it by killing, make Palestinian go out from their own country, lie, go against anyone who's not with them. It's benefit in a cover of religion. If they really think their religion is right people them selfs would attend it easily. they are the cancer that came from no where.

glennco4073d ago

Religious people are ignorant to reality. You cannot deny science, it is not an option, it is proven. There simply is no proof for religion. Religion holds society back, and whatever purpose it once served (and it did serve a purpose) is now obsolete.

RioKing4071d ago (Edited 4071d ago )


Look buddy, I didn't judge 1.6 billion Muslims. In fact, I specifically included the word EXTREMIST to make that obvious to anyone getting butthurt over the fact the word Muslim was brought into it. I don't understand why it's become so Taboo to criticize anything having to do with the word muslim in it...

We (the rest of the world) don't strap bombs to the suicide bombers we hear about daily, the bombers do. THEY give the rest of the Muslims the poor image...sorry if that offends you, but it's the truth.

Your argument about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict not being about religion is BS, google it. Each side wants Jerusalem. Tell me why? Because they each believe its a holy city, and that it's THEIR holy city. (Religion)

Edit: "If we are racists you would seen a world war to take over the world. Lol ."

Really? With what, nukes? I'm pretty sure that if you could, you most likely would.

Lets be frank: This may not be what you want to hear but...Fuck with the US (and I mean really FUCK with us), and you're wiped off the map. What did Iran vow to do to Israel once it gets nukes? Oh yeah, wipe them and the rest of the "infidel pigs" off the map. Just like North Korea has been doin lately, using nukes as threats, even though they know they'll be toast if they use them. Sorry but it seems like the Muslim world, in general, hate the US waayyy more than the we hate you. We don't burn Middle Eastern flags here...with the exception of a few redneck loonies. I rest my case -_-

RioKing4073d ago (Edited 4073d ago )

@chukamachine - Ok George Carlin ;)

@^Heisenburger - I wouldn't have a problem with different religions, if only they could keep to themselves. Every year I go to my local Fair, and get hounded by Mormons (or latter-day saints or whatever they are), telling me I'm going to hell because of this or that. Every day my dad tells me Jesus loves me and just wants me to repent and start going to church, and so forth. Every day you hear of Muslim extremist killing others that don't believe in their religion, or practice it "properly". Ever hear of Sharia Law? Or the Israel-Palestinian/Iran conflict? Or maybe 2/3 of all wars ever started? What is the MAIN CAUSE of all those things (and I'm surely missing a few)??? RELIGION. It cannot keep to itself, instead it imposes its veiws/beliefs/practices on others..to the point where it can be deadly. In my humble opinion, it's a cancer to society :)

Listen to John Lennons "Imagine" and take in the lyrics, even though it'll never happen...he had some great ideas.

WeAreLegion4073d ago

The only problem is that people will find something to fight about. They always do. John Lennon was a great man, but his ways of dealing with war were illogical.

Dungus4073d ago

Bioshock Infinite has got loads of people talking and discussing everything about it. What other recent games have done that?

WeAreLegion4073d ago

Off the top of my head...

Possibly Borderlands 2?

There are very few that make the entire industry stop and take notice. I'm glad Infinite has done that. I imagine The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, and Watch Dogs will do the same. ;) I hope inFamous: Second Son does, as well. inFamous 2 was criminally underrated and sold less than the first game.

mrmancs4073d ago (Edited 4073d ago )

with or without religion all is lost , only faith within yourself saves.

RioKing4073d ago

I think I read that in a fortune cookie once, lol


Top 10 Rarest Xbox 360 Games That Are Worth a Fortune

Twinfinite: “War may never change, but the prices of rare games do!”

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Christopher310d ago

"And lastly, famous Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling helped to create the action-RPG’s setting. What’s really fascinating, though, is that the game was partially financed by taxpayers from Rhode Island (which allegedly lost the state millions of dollars). Yikes!"

1. Now infamous Schilling
2. No allegedly, it did. And they couldn't pay it back.
3. What really lost the money wasn't the SP release but the MMO they were working on. This was supposed to be an introduction into the MMO world.

Soy310d ago

I hate counting limited editions for these lists. I mean, they're made to be rare and expensive. It's far more interesting to hear about the NCAAs (even if most people know that one already) and the El Chavos than some massive hit that came with a $200 statue at retail.

gamerz310d ago

Me too. Here's the best I can do:

El Chavo Kart $90.14
NCAA Football 14 $87.72
Spiderman: Edge of Time $75.94
Spiderman Web of Shadows $75.09
Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions $67.76

Christopher309d ago

Wow, El Chavo Kart is not at all what I expected by the name. 100% looks like a Sackboy Kart game.

Soy309d ago

It's so odd that so many Spider-Man games are seemingly given lower print runs, even if they're not the best games.

jznrpg310d ago (Edited 310d ago )

Most Xbox games don’t hold as much value compared to other systems. Kameo, Blue Dragon, Last Remnant , and a handful or 2 of other games that I kept.

sadraiden309d ago

Fallout 3 and Bioshock Infinite are the rarest games of all time.


8 Best Games Set In A Multiverse

One of the biggest TV and movie tropes in the last decade has been the multiverse, the idea of exploring multiple dimensions to uncover alternate versions of existing ideas. From both a business and creative perspective, it makes sense why established franchises are shaking things up in this way.

However, there aren't many video games latching on to this trend, as rendering multiple worlds in real-time is a difficult feat and the medium is relatively young in comparison to its contemporaries, making crossover opportunities more difficult. Still, there are a few great titles that manage enough to overcome these challenges, and here are some of the best examples.

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Christopher329d ago

While I love someone mentioning Planescape, not really multiverse. Planes and dimensions, yes. But, they are typically their own locations and are very rarely tied to another 'verse' let alone another plane. The only things that are directly tied are the ethereal and material planes. Otherwise, they are dimensions created of their own design and goals by the creator/owner and not comprised of 'their own version of another dimension'.


Bioshock Infinite vs Clockwork Revolution Comparison

See what a side-by-side comparison of Clockwork Revolution vs Bioshock Infinite looks like.