
The War Z Taken Offline – Forum AND Game Database Hacked

If there was ever any part of you which still felt for some reason that The War Z might be worth a look here’s another reason why that’s not a good idea.

Visitors to the game and its official forums were greeted today with a rather ominous message detailing yet another hacker problem for the game. While The War Z has become infamous for its on-going issues with hackers and questionable methods of dealing with them, this one appeared to be far more serious than usual. The message in question, which can be found here, began with the following:

“We are sorry to report that we have discovered that hackers gained access to our forum and game databases and the player data in those databases. We have launched a thorough investigation covering our entire system to determine the scope of the intrusion. This investigation is ongoing and is our top priority. As part of the remediation and security enhancement process we will be taking the game and forums down temporarily.“

Snookies124067d ago

Good lord, this has to be the most unfortunate circumstance for a game ever lol. This thing has been ripped apart on so many different levels that I "almost" feel bad for them.

badjournalism4067d ago

I feel bad for neither Hammerpoint nor the people who kept playing and giving them money after everything that's happened. Too bad, so sad.

T24067d ago

How is day z ? Is it also buggy or not bad ?

Reverent4067d ago

Day Z is still pretty buggy. By no means is it anywhere near the trash that was War Z though. Day Z has it's fair share of issues, but all in all, it's a really great experience, and it will only get better when the Standalone comes out.

Scenarist4066d ago

the only ones i feel bad for is the laymen gamer , you know the ones that dont really come on sites like these.. dont check gamer news.....

probably the same gamer that buys games based on box art.... and now that i just said that its like.. .do i really feel bad for people who dont know how to pick and choose games ? .. .idk maybe soccer moms...

Blackdeath_6634067d ago

i guess thats what happens when you upset the internet LOL. they had it coming.the devs,the hackers and the people who still defend this game (if any) are all as bad as each other they can keep at it for all i care

ApolloTheBoss4067d ago

Mmm smell that Karma bakin' in the oven?

KwietStorm_BLM4067d ago

I knew I smelled some. Good thing there's enough to go around.

BX814067d ago

What's the deal with the hate for this game? Did they screw over the gamers? Thanks.

KwietStorm_BLM4067d ago

Sure. They screwed everyone by stealing someone else's idea, work, and content, and having the balls to actually charge people for it. If that's not enough, when they released it, it was a bag o crap. Full of bugs and missing menus. That's what happens when you steal something still in alpha and try to make a quick buck on it.

LocutusEstBorg4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

The biggesst joke is it was released on Steam.

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