
GotGame: Review | Inazuma Eleven Strikers: Soccer with an Anime Twist

GotGame: Fun, is the word that really sums up both Strikers as a game and Inazuma Eleven as a franchise. Can it be silly? Yes, but when you are honestly enjoying the game and having fun with it, the silliness of the special moves barely even registers or serves to make the game even more fun. Inazuma Eleven Strikers while missing the heart of the story, still manages to capture the fun of the playing the game and in the end, that maybe all that is what it is all about.


Level-5 Announces A New Wii Game, Inazuma Eleven Go Strikers 2013

Amidst the torrent of Wii U news we have a new game announced for the regular Wii. Level-5 will release Inazuma Eleven Go Strikers 2013 on December 20.

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