
PopCap confirms Plants vs. Zombies 2 is coming "early summer"

PopCap confirmed today that Plants vs. Zombies 2, the sequel to the original megahit game, is slated to launch in early summer. PopCap did not disclose what platforms or pinpoint exactly what release date just yet but we hope they'll include releases for PSN when they do.

MooseWI4087d ago

This is actually good news. The first one was a lot of fun, if they add new places to play, more plants, and new enemies, they have another hit coming.

Army_of_Darkness4087d ago

for a simple looking game, I found it very brilliantly done:-) so I can't wait for part 2!
And this is coming from a guy who loves dead space, god of war, killzone and uncharted series;-)

MaxXAttaxX4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )


It's a "social" adaptation of the original game for Facebook. Not really a sequel, unfortunately :/

BitbyDeath4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )


On the link you provided -
"Also Coming Soon: Plants vs. Zombies 2"

This article isn't talking about the social one you mentioned but Plants Vs Zombies 2.

Two different games.

Gamer-Z4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

Plants vs Zombies > angry birds

dirthurts4087d ago

I really can't imagine PVZ being any better.
Better visuals and audio?

SandWitch4087d ago

More plants and more zombies!

Blastoise4087d ago

Still waiting for a sale on the vita version

SandWitch4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

It's currently free for US PS+ numbers for no reason. It was never announced as PS+ freebie so it's probably a mistake or some "hidden" freebie.

It may not be listed on "PS Plus" section tho, you need to find the game via search.

profgerbik4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

It was announced several times. It was even advertised in the PS+ page instant games collection that is usually on the main Playstation site when you first go to it and the Playstation Blog.

It is also listed as free, in the PS+ section in the store, it doesn't need much searching, other than clicking on the instant games banner.

profgerbik4087d ago (Edited 4086d ago )


See was advertised a long time ago, when it was put in PS+.

Sorry site wouldn't let me post the link in the other message, kept thinking it was spam.

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Orpheo842d ago (Edited 842d ago )

Sad to read that "We Happy Few" is a disappointment. I own it but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I am a BIG fan of their previous game, "Contrast."

I LOVE "Anthem," but I didn't get into the game until late 2020. I put in over 900 hours into the game. It isn't perfect, but it is a masterpiece. I look forward to the eventual sequel, which I predict 3 / 4 to around the end of the PlayStation 6's lifecycle.


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Bismarn2083d ago

Hahah....oh wait you're serious? Let me laugh harder.


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jojo3192272d ago

LOVED the first one. Haven't touched this since they monetized the sh*t out of it.

bored2272d ago

what did you expect, its EA. >>