
Review: Sacred Guns: The Angel and the Mermaid (DarkZero)

"In Sacred Guns, you play as archangel Mark Leung, a recurring protagonist from other Uglysoft games such as Mark Leung: Revenge of the Bitch, a parody RPG from 2011. In this new instalment, he has been tasked by God to use his divine powers to protect Noah’s Ark from any creatures deemed unworthy to be saved. From that I assumed dinosaurs, unicorns, dragons and many other mythical or lost creatures, but I was terribly mistaken. You’ll be taking on Hello Kittys and Angry Birds with rage faces, blobs with SpongeBob SquarePants faces, giant ugly Pikachus, Teletubbies with front butts and many, many more. Even as a parody, it’s impressive that this game survived Apple’s strict reviewing process." (DarkZero)

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