
PCGMedia Plays: Ace Combat Assault Horizon Coop PC [2 players]

Michael and Justis from PCGMedia check out the release from Namco Bandai for PC. Battlestar Galactica references ahoy!

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Ace Combat Assault Horizon: Enhanced Edition Review - OverlordGaming

Read this in-depth review of Ace Combat Assault Horizon: Enhanced Edition Review. This review showcases everything right and wrong with the game and anyone even remotely interested should check it out!

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Missed Approach: Ace Combat

For the longest time, the Ace Combat series was the undisputed king of combat flight simulators on consoles, mixing arcade-like gameplay with enough realism to call it a simulator. Ever since the release of Air Combat in 1995, no other series has been able to overthrow its firm rule on consoles. Recently however, development for the main consoles seems to have slowed down, and its undisputed reign has provided an opening for competitors who seek to supplant its market dominance. The potential downfall of the series on consoles may continue to an ignoble end, or it may just be reversed. Why has the series been so successful, why has it been failing, and how can the death of yet another series be averted?

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3962d ago
Maddens Raiders3962d ago (Edited 3962d ago )

Bring back the subtle goodies of great anime cutscenes with memorable, round characters, with an ultra powerful, unseen yet sure to meet foe.

Bring back tons of megalithic, crazy defense systems to conquer along the way, non-stop relevant chatter, more cutscenes and a catchy set of game tunes.

Bring this back NB and you will be well on your way to what AC was in her glory years and on to a promising re-birth if these guidelines are followed!

Electrosphere, Shattered Skies, The Unsung War, and the Belkan War were masterpieces asfaic. The games and there stories are rare mixes of awesome fictional writing that "could" be a headline from today mixed with accurate fighter detail and really cool upgrades and paints. One of the best things was to watch your entire replay the way you wanted to see it. Ah these titles brought me hours, months, years of fun. Seeing these actually makes me want to go and fire up some old consoles!


gedden73962d ago

Umm ok... Its really time to have Close Quarters Combat ONLY Mode in MP with out DLC....

chikane3962d ago

wound(Wrote)(flight simulators on console) Really its like saying Forza is the king of racing simulators on console?

ace is a arcade game not sim just like forza -_-

GABRIEL10303962d ago

Namco betrayed the series, the last game "Assault Horizon" is a very bad game, the story is a cliche trying to catch COD players, the gameplay over the rails is boring like hell, the principal characters that are very nasty, the graphics are gray with a lot of popping and the helicopter gameplay is a joke with impossible manouvers.

I'm very disapointed with Namco the last years, they abandoned games like Ridge Racer, Soul Calibur, Tekken and Ace Combat, the company made bad adaptations like Soul Calibur V amd TTT 2 and the worst example Ridge Racer for Vita.

I hope that someday Namco, could make a nice game like AC 4 was.

Maddens Raiders3962d ago

Spot on. It's amazing to think what happens to a company that makes them go from totally awesome to near complete irrelevance. They had such a good formula with this and the other games you listed yet they seem determined to shit can their glorious past. Oh well at least we've got those awesome memories.


The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight 15/05

How does the midweek come around so quickly?

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