
Why publishers refuse games such as Remember Me because of their female protagonists

Eurogamer: "The developer of upcoming sci-fi adventure Remember Me has revealed that a number of publishers passed on the game due to its female protagonist."

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MadLad4080d ago

Because many who buy stock in game publishers really know nothing about the industry or the fans of it.

Godmars2904080d ago (Edited 4080d ago )

No, shareholders have - almost - nothing to do with it.

Its management. Who are old, White/Asian and traditionally chauvinist, whether they're aware of it or not.

Know it sounds reverse racist, but its that, as well as PR firms/analyst.

BabyTownFrolics4080d ago (Edited 4080d ago )

don't blame the white/asian man. They are the truly oppressed, no one knows their pain. This happened because women are a lesser quality human being than men. They deserve any negativity they might experience in gaming and in life.

c'mon n4g amirite? don't be afraid to say what your really feel, don't let the vaginas change you or gaming.

I'll let you decide if I'm serious or not.

Oh yeah.... PS rulz and M$ sucks

if this doesn't get me my bubbles back then nothing will.

PraxxtorCruel4080d ago (Edited 4080d ago )

I dunno, maybe I'm old fashioned, but I really have zero interest in playing female leads. Though I'm fine with there being successful female lead games but I just won't play them.

This is probably because I'd find it weird if me (my character) was flirting or maybe more with some male character.

Kyosuke_Sanada4080d ago (Edited 4080d ago )

I remember when Bayonetta came out, I haven't seen half as many articles about issues with female protagonists. Deeper still Fear Effect or PN03......

JohnApocalypse4080d ago

That game sold 2 million copies

Kyosuke_Sanada4080d ago

Exactly, I do like the protagonist look of the game but I think the creator is making it sound that her design is such a pioneer in creation.

Godmars2904080d ago

Pretty sure PN03 was forgotten about. At least as far as sales were concerned. It as a novelty at best.

Same for Fear Effect 2 for that matter.

s45gr324080d ago

Was it not fear effect 2 the game that showed a lesbian relationship :-)

Kalowest4080d ago

I remember that game(P.N.03), and I heard about Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix; both games are suppose to be great.

Godmars2904080d ago

Great, or at least well regarded among a following like most things, but undersold.

Mind you, if they had sold well and there had been sequels given the current market they'd be lower quality.

Mouktouk4080d ago (Edited 4080d ago )

In my opinion, that kind of mentality is pretty sad, not only for girl gamers, that perfectly have the right to be fairly represented in the gaming community, but also for gaming in general.

Just look at games like Tomb Raider, Silent Hill 3, Primal, Heavenly Sword, Beyond Good & Evil, Portal,... If you give to gamers quality, they wont care if they control a man or a woman.

I just hope one day the industry will get rid of that "woman = sex, sex = sales" concept. Every time I see a main or secondary female character that is used solely for sexual purposes (big boobs, femme fatale, etc...), I feel sad for being considered as a d!ck with a wallet.

Not only women equal men, but they sometimes are a better choice as main characters, because women tend to better express their feelings and emotions. And those emotions are, in my opinion, the key to the maturity of video games.

s45gr324080d ago

I agree with your statement and I do hope that this game sells well.

JohnApocalypse4080d ago

Strange since Lara Croft is one of the top 5 most iconic videogame characters ever

smashcrashbash4080d ago (Edited 4080d ago )

That is why people can't move on and make it more frequent.Because you think Lara is enough and you keep hiding behind her. If we are going to add female protagonist it has to be more then just a few.It has to be as many as guys get for it to matter. Just bringing back Lara doesn't make it okay like the people who think a black president means racism is over.After that we have to keep it up and make it more then just a few games.

aLucidMind4080d ago

I think he is calling the reasoning ("games with male protagonists sell better") behind why they're turning down the idea of a female protagonist strange due to how iconic and popular Lara Croft is. Meaning they basically have no real reason beyond being blind to what their customers actually like.

s45gr324080d ago

!!!!!!!!! Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!

True and that's the reason I like portal here is Chell (woman) who happens to survive a deadly maze run by a crazy A. I. that takes over the lab facility. Who happens to be the mind and memories of cave Johnson the CEO of Aperture science.

OmniSlashPT4080d ago

It was not really about the gender but about the sex/intimate scenes which somehow seem like a tabu in video games when they are only ploygons lmao

Publishers just smell money and I bet they know nothing about games, so its not surprising at all. But this article was just to flame the misoginy talk all over again, but it seems people are smarter than that ^^

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Remember Me - A Forgotten Gem

A Capcom classic, Remember Me, has ironically been forgotten in the 10 years since its release on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

SimpleSlave347d ago

Sadly, Remember Me is not a forgotten Gem but a case of wasted potential. The best idea the game had was the Mind Remix Segments and the New Paris World setting, neither of which where really exploited or used well. Instead everything comes down to this just being pretty Beat'em Up and nothing more.

It does deserves a re-imagining though. Make it in first person and use something like the current Sherlock Holmes like gamedesign. Use some of that Deus Ex/Hitman mechanics and go all the way with the Memory Remix as the center piece.

Each case takes place in the mind of a victim, either dead, dying, or alive, and each level should be design like a Hitman level. Contained but chock-full of details. Investigating in the real world give you hints and clues as to how you can help or mess up a person's memory. Make this a player's choice. You can add combat but make it tasteful and short IF combat is required. Make the combat fit the narrative and the setting. Like a Boss fight taking place in the Mind of a CEO that's hiding a dark secret. Or a victim injected with some nasty Nano Machines trying to erase her memories so she can't be scanned by the Memory Remix Agent. Stuff like that. Again, make these short, sweet and to the point.

The potential for a classic is there but the original wasn't even close to being it.

blackblades347d ago

I liked the game, couldve been better but you can say that for every game or movie.


Looking Back at the Best Beat'em Ups on the PS3

Carve your burning fist through this list featuring the best beat'em ups you can experience on the PlayStation 3.

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jznrpg428d ago

I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal428d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.


Bring it Back | Remember Me

Some may not remember Capcom and Dontnod Entertainment's Remember Me, but GotGame does, making it a part of another Bring it Back retrospective.

IamTylerDurden11141d ago (Edited 1141d ago )

I agree. Personally, Remember Me, imo, was quite underrated. The game was linear and beautiful Neo Paris wasn't available to be explored as much as I would've liked, but as a whole, it was enjoyable.

Graphics were excellent, the art style was terrific and Nillin was a tremendous character that was voiced beautifully. It even had a solid story. Combat was attacked, but going back recently, I rather enjoyed it. The pressen system was genius and the basic flow to action worked. Platforming was terrible, but the overall package was one that i loved and I'd rather DontNod make more titles like this then become complacent making knockoff Tell Tale games. They are going down the same road as TT, using old tech and pumping out inferior products consistently. I know they had interest in a sequel and had already written the script. Capcom just doesn't want it, but I do.

Magog1141d ago

Yeah their walking simulators do nothing for me. Funny that Quantic Dream seem to be going in the other direction. I wouldn't be surprised to see some actual gameplay in their next game.

Relientk771141d ago

I will always see Remember Me as one of the most underrated games of the PS3/Xbox 360 generation. I had a blast with the game. I would love a sequel.

PersonX1141d ago

No point, nothing but a mediocre game.